Pact with Paimon

[quote author=Arcane link=topic=6282.msg70653#msg70653 date=1441753507]
September 8th,Day Seven,

As the cherry on top,I will add that I finally,went ahead and introduced myself to the girl that I had had my eye on.Mind you,she wasn’t alone,she had a friend with her.Nevertheless,I know that few would’ve done it the way I did it.Paimon told me that he’d open the door at some point,and that I’d simply have to walk him,and that he’d inform me when such a door would be opened,while it was being opened.


Does the girl like you?

[quote author=Paulden link=topic=6282.msg70661#msg70661 date=1441759170]

[quote=“Arcane, post:19, topic:5992”]September 8th,Day Seven,

As the cherry on top,I will add that I finally,went ahead and introduced myself to the girl that I had had my eye on.Mind you,she wasn’t alone,she had a friend with her.Nevertheless,I know that few would’ve done it the way I did it.Paimon told me that he’d open the door at some point,and that I’d simply have to walk him,and that he’d inform me when such a door would be opened,while it was being opened.


Does the girl like you?[/quote]

She probably LIKES me in the same way that she would any acquaintance/lesser friend.But it would be frivolous to assume that she’d be in love with a person she only barely just met.

Not only frivolous,it would probably be offensive to view any human as a one-dimensional ‘‘love you,love you not’’ entity.


September 9th,Day Eight,

Evoked King Paimon to full materialization,in darkness.Paimon came to me,and brought me a flower.He laughed at first at how much I went overboard with the ritual,and said it wasn’t necessary.

Paimon was friendly,as usual,as was I.He received a big thanks from me,and when I drank a glass of water,which was my ceremonial beverage he said:‘‘It would’ve been nice to leave that as an offering.’’

I responded:‘‘OH…why didn’t you say so?You know that I’m not accustomed to giving frequent offerings,but when I go upstairs tonight I’ll go do that.’’

And then we strayed on the topic of ceremonial beverages.The girl that I liked,I had made an introduction to both her and her friend.I am not an insensitive idiot who’s simply gonna try to hang out with the friend just because of the crush,because I consider that rather rude,and I have been in that position many times before.

Plus,I could never like a friend because of a crush,but I can always like a crush because of a friend.So,I was simply looking to spend more time with them(yes,more specifically her),and for the doors to be opened before me.Paimon told me the first thing I aught to do is bind another obstacle,which has yet to rise from the deep,and that I had anticipated through common sense and confirmed through divination.

I did this,with a binding spell,the same one I had performed the previous time,and it went splendidly,so after that binding spell has been performed(and that obstacle has been given something else to deal with,something that is to improve their life),I’ve moved on to seeing how to make myself more attractive,or at least,radiate a more powerful allure.

What follows,is a ceremonial beverage that is used to enforce one’s aura,increasing it in power,enhancing one’s charisma,and all that Jazz.While my specific situation is targetting a specific person,because I’m already veeery charismatic where I am,its potency is in the generalized situation,when you need some sort of boost,in your own power.

Before you criticize,let me emphasize that at the time of writing this I only have access to teabags,so I used teabags,and nothing more,I apologize for not using herbs and stuff,but they are not currently available to me,besides the bay leaf of course.

Boil the water,with a bay leaf inside,writing the wish upon it as was done before.When it has boiled,the water is to be poured into the chalice or cauldron,containing cranberry teabag,and thyme teabag.The two are to be mixed,yes,and the bay leaf water.Finally,three drops of sugar are to be placed within.The result is painfully sweet.

Waving one’s hand over it,scry into it and say:

‘‘I have created you,creature of water and earth,marriage of sugar of the Earth,herbs of the land,and waters of magic.I consecrate you,to consecrate me.I bless you to bless me.Make me strong,and powerful,my will is done.’’

After that is done,place your hand over the liquid and push light through you to actually do the blessing.Drink as much of it as you can.People with sugar deficiencies or people who just don’t like the taste need only drink three sips,before sending the rest away,and returning it to the land and water(watering plants and into the toilet,for example).

He also presented me with the ambiguous term,‘‘How do you see your empire growing?’’

I explained to him my wants and stuff and he told me:‘‘Be slightly more ambitious.’’

I gave him even more ambitious goals.His eyes flared up in his smile and he said:‘‘We shall see.’’

Before he dematerialized I asked him if I’d be learning anything else on magic recently.He told me to do the violet flame meditation again tomorrow and that then Master Kalaras will teach me to fortify my evocation,whereas King Paimon will take me to the House of Akashic Records.


I asked him about my eating troubles,he emphasizes that they’ve always been with me,and that I’ve always been aware of them(sad but true) and that we’d be tackling that issue sooner or later.My sexual urges have also severely decreased,an odd thing for a teenager,especially in this time.

I’ve also been humming the theme song of Gilligan’s Island,if that has any worth in the world of the occult.


September 10th,Day 9

Today is the ninth day of my pact.Nine has always been a powerful and eventful number,so it comes as no surprise that today was a sort of spiritual baptism,of my descent into darkness,with King Paimon as my guide.

Today,I have concluded my meditation period,and tonight,I am to learn from Master Kalaras a mudra for more effective evocation of demons.King Paimon,is going to take me to the Akashic Records tomorrow,and just now,he has released something to haunt me.

While I was walking back home,someone called out to me,and when I turned around,it was a ghost from my past.I will not disclose who in particular this person was,but she was part of a group of people who made sure to keep me happy,back when I was in my darker days.

I coldly severed ties,when dark days ended,and the whole organization we belonged to began experiencing massive changes.I simply left,and it was so uncomfortable for me.It felt mean,it felt wrong,and I was sickened by myself,but as I grew,and ascended(and yes,at this point I embraced magick fully),I needed to leave the things that pleased me at the time,as well as the things that didn’t.

It was complicated,but the spirits told me that I wouldn’t be able to spend time with those people,and wouldn’t be able to do those things,so they told me I should say ‘‘goodbye’’.I refused to believe it,I did not,and so it all grew more and more bitter to me,before I simply couldn’t take the changes anymore,and left.

This person was happy to see me,she expressed worry,and wanted to know that I was OK.Her mother,a woman who cared for me very much,was especially worried about me,but I had very little to say,it felt odd,it felt…disappointing,and it left me feeling dread.

I evoked Paimon,as I was walking home,to receive his lesson,and he told me that that was him showing me some of my limits,and telling me not to worry,he wouldn’t be testing me like that much again.But that that emotional pain was to remind me that there’s reasons that door wasn’t closed,and some day,in the future,I am to rekindle old ties.

He then told me to receive the first step of his blessing.The ritual will be posted later tonight,after I’ve performed it.The charisma spell was spectacular,as I combined it with the quartz crystal,and the entirety of the situation is moving,and rising,towards a good place.Events took place today,quite a couple of them,that easily made my day,or even my week.

I am thankful for what I have,and my happiness won’t stop growing.Neither will my empire,and myself.


I love reading this! Awesome work, Arcane! And, of course, the mighty King Paimon!


Thank you so much!!!I love hearing words of praise!!!ANd I’m glad you were inspired.Now…

The First Baptism

The First Baptism is the first initiatory level that King Paimon has presented before me.I have no idea what it represents,what milestone and such,but according to him,there are nine such steps to be taken,before one may reach his throne.

After having experienced success these past nine days,and confronted that one ghost from the past,he claimed I was spiritually mature for it.I do not know what standards would be required for my further progress,but according to King Paimon,emotional strains wouldn’t be put into motion a lot.

His reasoning,is that I can undo most negative situations he puts at me,and that things like fights with friends,romantic drama,etc. are all circumstances that someone who’s adept in mind control magic can undo.One such as me also knows how to detach from the outcome.Finally,there is the fact that if Paimon were to make such a circumstance that I couldn’t undo,then it would end up harming me more than making me tougher,so he says that he won’t be using it.

Instead,whatever tests he has before me will suit my fancy far more.He’ll put forth a goal,and I am going to achieve it.Conquering stress,doing projects,etc. my schoolwork would go hand in hand with King Paimon’s teachings.

That said,I have been told to receive my first baptism tonight.This first step is King Paimon’s way of welcoming me into the priesthoods of his house of wizards,in his empire.And there is no flamboyant rituals or anything like that.

First,I opened with a light meditation,and called out to king Paimon.Before long,he appeared before me,very tall,and hugged me.I am not kidding King Paimon hugged me,and as he did some sort of blessing,a very powerful,and very feminine energy(think Shakti) flowed into me,with his each breath.

I entered the rapture quickly,and then did the same meditation that I have been doing all week,visualizing fire around me,and pulling it into me.Then absorbing its energy,and releasing the fire.

This time,the fire burned,and I could feel a purging of the self.And then,I felt like I was underwater.The feeling was short,as the liquid appeared purple in my inner vision as well.I did the same thing as I did with the fire,pulling it into me,absorbing the purpleness,and then releasing the water.

When that was done,I was buried under pink sand.I did the same.

And then,I was thrown up into indigo air.Once again,I did that.

And when this was completed,I was filled with a mass of lights from various colors,and said,‘‘I accept the First Baptism.’’

Before being poured over by light,seen by my spiritual senses,yet not my physical ones.The light washed over me several times,washing away the elemental energy and leaving me energized.

Now,I’m tackling an academic issue I am having,and I will see if it helps me think in any way.


Thank you so much!!!I love hearing words of praise!!!ANd I’m glad you were inspired.Now…

The First Baptism

The First Baptism is the first initiatory level that King Paimon has presented before me.I have no idea what it represents,what milestone and such,but according to him,there are nine such steps to be taken,before one may reach his throne.

After having experienced success these past nine days,and confronted that one ghost from the past,he claimed I was spiritually mature for it.I do not know what standards would be required for my further progress,but according to King Paimon,emotional strains wouldn’t be put into motion a lot.

His reasoning,is that I can undo most negative situations he puts at me,and that things like fights with friends,romantic drama,etc. are all circumstances that someone who’s adept in mind control magic can undo.One such as me also knows how to detach from the outcome.Finally,there is the fact that if Paimon were to make such a circumstance that I couldn’t undo,then it would end up harming me more than making me tougher,so he says that he won’t be using it.

Instead,whatever tests he has before me will suit my fancy far more.He’ll put forth a goal,and I am going to achieve it.Conquering stress,doing projects,etc. my schoolwork would go hand in hand with King Paimon’s teachings.

That said,I have been told to receive my first baptism tonight.This first step is King Paimon’s way of welcoming me into the priesthoods of his house of wizards,in his empire.And there is no flamboyant rituals or anything like that.

First,I opened with a light meditation,and called out to king Paimon.Before long,he appeared before me,very tall,and hugged me.I am not kidding King Paimon hugged me,and as he did some sort of blessing,a very powerful,and very feminine energy(think Shakti) flowed into me,with his each breath.

I entered the rapture quickly,and then did the same meditation that I have been doing all week,visualizing fire around me,and pulling it into me.Then absorbing its energy,and releasing the fire.

This time,the fire burned,and I could feel a purging of the self.And then,I felt like I was underwater.The feeling was short,as the liquid appeared purple in my inner vision as well.I did the same thing as I did with the fire,pulling it into me,absorbing the purpleness,and then releasing the water.

When that was done,I was buried under pink sand.I did the same.

And then,I was thrown up into indigo air.Once again,I did that.

And when this was completed,I was filled with a mass of lights from various colors,and said,‘‘I accept the First Baptism.’’

Before being poured over by light,seen by my spiritual senses,yet not my physical ones.The light washed over me several times,washing away the elemental energy and leaving me energized.

Now,I’m tackling an academic issue I am having,and I will see if it helps me think in any way.[/quote]

I like that he hugged you. He seems proud of you.

September 11th,Day 10,

Today was an odd day.ANd it showed me a lot of internal power.I slowed time down with my mind,and learned how to channel anger,into magical energy,and magical energy,and that magical energy into physical energy.

Alright,so let me explain that.Today I was running to school,because I was late,because of various circumstances.The severity for tardiness in high school is massive compared to the one in grade school.

I had 15 minutes,to travel a path that would usually take me 45 minutes.I got there,10 minutes late.How?

Well,as I was worrying about being late,I closed my eyes and swapped the thought,for the idea that I’ll make it.I charged it in the same way I would when casting a candle spell,and this pushed out into the world.

So,time was very slow.Either that,or I was very fast.But,that is a successful LoA instance.

Prior to that,I visited the House of Akashic Records,with King Paimon.I came before the blueish and purple temple that I had visited with Master Quarz,and that Ascendant Master saw me,and at first seemed to be denying me entrance,but when he saw Paimon,he nodded and let me in.Silent,all the way.

And within,Paimon told me that it was mine,all knowledge,was mine.I would just have to peruse whatever I needed,so I went to a particular academic field I was struggling with at the time.

I was VERY specific in what I wanted to learn,so the thoughts took some time to distill,but it was much quicker than was expected.For example,when EA entered the part about his past lives,it took him two weeks to learn it all.Every fantasy,meditation and daydreaming was devoted to that.

But this time,because of the specific and small nature of the thing,it only took a few hours of constant daydreaming.But I did it,I have the key to the House,and will,as I study,I’ll pull more and more from it.

I went ahead and talked to that girl,again.Like a menuet of words,our interactions were brief interactions.Today’s encounter was humiliating.I got tongue-tied,made super stupid jokes,and to top it all of,was interrupted by a group of my colleagues.

I do not hold them responsible for any of it,but they most surely weren’t being ‘‘wingmen’’,but rather,began taunting,or praising depending on how you interpret the behavior of teenage boys(because apparently I have guy friends?That’s odd and new-ish to me)

Their puerile,and callow moment aside,I felt somewhat awful,and entered a seriousness that I didn’t enjoy much.However,I noticed that physical activities became much simpler to me,during PE,when I focused on the thoughts of that.

In fact,I could stretch more.The process went like this.

I would close my eyes,and enter a light TGS,as I began to pull a visualization of the situation,and fuel it with the emotions of dread,humiliation and anger.As I did this(which I admit is REALLY GOING OVERBOARD),I felt the emotions.Eventually,I saw the picture in my head,burning in orange and evaporating,until I could feel as though an explosion of negative energy would exit my Manipura chakra.As I saw the chakra rising,I commanded the energy to ‘‘fuel the vessel of flesh,not invade the astral’’ and to my surprise that happened.When that was exhausted,I thought,‘‘more power.Need more power.’’ And oddly enough more power came.Pulled from the air around me,and from Manipura,and the effects were very odd for someone such as me,who is not sporty in any way.Will continue later.



My laptop’s battery was too low,so I couldn’t proceed and had to switch to this computer.Now that I’m back,I’m ready to talk again.

I had learned to channel a very powerful amount of emotions that were in my Manipura,and using a method similar to the one EA taught us here: [url=][/url]

I improved one circumstance by pulling the power of pain from another.When I was running out of emotions relating to my instance,I pulled emotions from my encounter the other day.The entire process left me tired.

I’ve also charged my quartz crystal many times,and I believe I aught to bind my spirit animal,the owl,into it,as a talisman.I will do that over this weekend,hopefully.

The situation,with the girl,was solved very swiftly,as I encountered both her,and her friend while I was walking home,and apologized for any discomfort caused(yes,because I’m that nice),and they said that it was all OK.

So…I hope growth does not stagnate.

Oh and someone here asked me about the theme song to Gilligan’s Island so I just need to emphasize,that Gilligan’s Island is an American show from the 60s,about seven castaways.

The song in question is this:

[url=]Gilligan's Island Theme Song - YouTube

Also,I’m very sorry.I agree that Mary Anne is prettier,and more down-to-earth and crap,but I’m on team ginger.:stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you soo much Brother Arcane for helping me with this form of divination by channeling the great King Paimon and whom I am priveledge to call as my spiritual father ! I read the responses King Paimon was communicating thru you and was enlighten with the depth of the lesson being articulated to me. I can now rest assure that the dialogue I had with him and the Goddess Hecate has been confirmed to “Wait” as many factors “WILL” be arrange towards my favor towards the woman I desire. Is a good thing I didnt tear into her by bringing up her dirty past. During work at the sausage factory ,I repeatedly vibrated his enn until I can hear his voice in my mind telling me to not slam her,but to be her best friend by being compassionate and supportive of her. So,doing my part to be obedient to his words he will see to it that this will morph from a caterpillar,cocoon then a beautiful butterfly. Ive learned thru this channeling by Brother Arcane that King Paimon is teaching me to be very patient. As I am typing this,I am feeling his goosebumps presense soo strong from the top of my head to the tips of my toes (shiver!!!) Letting me know that he is please with my efforts to ascend to my godhood. Brother Arcane I cant thank you enough for truly caring about my welfare ,even though we have never met bro! Allow me to share with “all” of you a quote King Paimon was whispering in my mind," Son,like a rose,if you try to force it to blossom,it will only fall apart. Thus,shattering your dreams and efforts. But if you allow me thru time,I will open the petals and be revealed the beauty it beholds ! Stand fast my son,and watch my greatness unveil the universe to you ! I can hear a fading cheerful laughter from him as he dissipated. So much to learn,I now await for him to speak to me in my dreams…


You’re welcome.Blessings and giggles on your ascent and dreams.

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September 14th,Day 11,

I haven’t even evoked King Paimon yet,but I still have to write here.Over the weekend,I’ve done magick,but none of it was related to this pact,because our agreement said that I’d do this all on weekdays,that aren’t holidays.

First things first,the day before yesterday,I had spent all day with family.Little unique stuff happened.Yesterday,though,lots of intriguing things happened.I awoke,at around noon,which was still very hard,and found that my dad and uncle were moving wooden planks and boards around and wanted me to help.

I did this.The wood,is for a new bookshelf I had,where I’m trying to do some major decorative changes to my room.There are a lot of details,but at the end of the day,you guys are interested in the magick,so I’ll tell you that the bookshelf will be consecrated,at the end,with Thoth’s energy,so that his blessing may stay with me.

As you might imagine,we’re making the bookshelf.I who have seldom used tools in my life,and it was an interesting learning experience.While it was fun being Bob the Builder,for like a few hours,several measurement problems have assured us that we couldn’t finish it all yesterday and have to get back to it today.

But that’s off-topic.My points are,that I who rarely use tools,and clearly lack physical strength could suddenly lift insanely heavy furniture,and have no qualms with using it.What had led me there,was workings that I had done with my Spirit Animal,the Owl,as well as personal mastery of energetic manipulations,which I had really gotten into recently.

The weird part has yet to happen.At the end of the day my uncle gave us a proposition.He offered to give me his apartment.Basically,my aunt and uncle have two apartments,and they’ve just built a house in the countryside,so they rented the apartment to two college girls who decided to move out once they finish college;which will be at around the time I’m done with high school.

So,by the time I’m 18 or 19,I will have my own apartment,rent-free.Yes,completely rent free.Crazy,right?Obviously,I don’t own the apartment and I’m not allowed to rent it,or sell it,or stuff,but this is still,kind of wonderful.

Of course,various entities on the Other Side,as well as on the inside(my Godself) have told me that the Star of Destiny is to lead me abroad.Nevertheless,I am going to need a home while I’m here,in Sarajevo.

So how did my uncle make the decision to give me his old apartment?First,the girls in question had decided to move out when they finish.They talked it out and agreed on it.Then he was unsure of what to do with it,and the idea crossed his mind,to give it to me.He proposed it to his wife and she was highly skeptical because of some administrative stuff.They went ahead and asked a professional,and apparently,all circumstances had been perfectly laid out.It’s like someone in the bank was arranging this to happen.And then he came there,and told me and my parents.

This all had happened in the past two or three weeks,in the time that I’ve been under this pact.One success story arranged for me by King Paimon.

Last night,I bound Owl,my spirit animal into the quartz crystal,and he has been aiding me in my studies.While I’m still behind on some presentations,I just discovered that the due date for one is next week,which means that the one that I have that’s finished,and needs a polish is ready to be used…on Wednesday(but I’m not procrastinating,I’m doing it NOW)

Today was such a happy day for me.I feel lovely for little to no reason,but let me tell you that I’ve had some good food,and it’s incredibly sunny outside.I came here,and had a lot of success in school,in English.Then,a friend fell asleep in class and was immediately awoken by the teacher in order to go write something on the board.My back hurt from laughing at how funny that was,for someone writing successful as ‘‘sukesfull’’ to name an example(and don’t worry he isn’t dyslexic or anything,he’s just sleepy)

The next few classes featured a lot of fun,and it all went marvelously.

Then,we discovered our maths class was cancelled,and we had a special class with another class from our generation;the one where my crush is.We exchanged glances and grins,albeit I do not think it meant as much to her.But there was a special degree of serenity tapped.This is getting a bit personal for me,but because of my promise to document my experiences here,instead of in my grimoire,I am going to be exposing myself a lot more.

I will request,beseech,and demand,that no one make fun of me.At all.Remember,that I am still hear as an adept dark artist!

What I was saying is that without her in the room,or in my presence,I had this odd feeling,not of emptiness per say,but of sinking,and minor sadness,as well as weird vibrations on certain parts of the body(the heart,the stomach and you can guess where else),that soothe themselves from the ground up.

Oftentimes,my head rocks back and forth,and falls down completely.I sometimes use this state,to enter an instant rapture,and soul travel to her,or make myself pay more attention in class,contact Thoth or some other entity to help me learn.

So having her there,really soothed me to a degree.I also did magick,to fortify my Anahata chakra,and use the spare energy there.Once that class was done,I was very happy,and satiated,so when I went upstairs for a class that I loved,I was met with incredible happiness.

Everything that happened during that class was to my favor.The entire thing,went swell.During break,I didn’t meet with her,but I know that the door was opened for me.This may be one of the few things that saddens me about today.

I met with the teacher about the presentation I have for two days,and told her about some stuff,she said I could take my time,there was no rush.So,my ecstatic state only increased at the end of the day,and I parted ways with my comrades and walked to my old grade school,because I love the people there.

There are teachers,who I haven’t seen in months,and it felt like one of the happiest reunions in so long.Those people are people I’ve missed sooo much.But that’s not even where it ends,apparently MY ENTIRE SOCIAL CIRCLE of friends from grade school had ‘‘coincidentally’’ decided to drop off our old school,at the same time,on the same day.

All the things about the world felt right,and I had assured my English teacher that we would win a very special contest,as when we started she was very excited,but with an overwhelming amount of contestants,she was beginning to have doubts.

Apparently,my skills in rhetorics had gotten so good,that I had successfully talked her out of the negative thinking so that the LoA could work.But really,that contest,is part of my deal with Thoth so I trust that I’m going to win it.

Mind you,I have yet to even evoke King Paimon for today.


September 15th,Day 12,

Today was positively the worst day that I’ve had so far.Last night,I went to bed earlier,which meant that I spent hours on end wiggling.I ended up in a weird contorted position,where my hands were under my stomach,my back was hunched and my feet raised.

I awoke at around 3:30 AM,with a raging headache,a fever,thirstier than I’ve ever been in my life,my back hunched,dark circles under my eyes,my diaphragm in pain,and needing to crawl on the floor to get upstairs,so that I could drink six cups of water,before crawling my way back to sleep.

As I went back to sleep,I called to Paimon,asking him if this was a test,or something,or if I was being attacked by a foreign force.He said that it was not.He was protecting me,and not testing me,so that any circumstances of bad sleep and such were mundane and nothing else.

The remaining six hours of sleep were very unsatisfactory,I woke up,with still a fever,and a headache,and my mood swings escalated to the degree that I felt like burning the planet because someone made a comment.I slept through breaks,and barely kept my eyes open.

Me,a scholar and academic,who loves school,was BORED to no end,on this school day.The girl that I liked,and her best friend probably don’t like me much,and they have no reason to,since we have yet to have a conversation longer than 2 minutes,and our current interactions weren’t so special on my part.In fact,I may be coming off stalkery,to a degree.

Too harsh on myself?Well,I’m about to pour more salt on the wound,I fell asleep when I got home and had one of the worst naps of my life,as I woke up even more tired,and the rest of the day was plainly awful,drowning in the sea of homework.

Now,I evoke King Paimon,and he tells me some things.First of all,that I am to blame for everything that happened.That by not having enough rest,I was sleepy and cranky,my mood swings were off the chart when combined with my attention seeking compulsions turned me into a drama queen who took everything too seriously.

But this taught me two lessons,two very big lessons in the world of black magick.The first one,is that seemingly random and unrelated circumstances will always be aligned in order to fulfill magickal requests,ergo attention to even the tiniest details in life may prove fruitful,and the second one,to always plan.

That as black magicians,we should never have to endure pain.That whenever we are bothered by anything,we should either use spiritual or physical resources to fulfill it.There is no lazy way to power and happiness.

That we should always be putting into action plots to achieve anything we want and eliminate whatever we want.All of this is better said than done.


Close your eyes,and slip into the TGS,and visualize a triangle,shifting between purple and red.Look at each of the three points,and soul travel to each one of them,splitting your spiritual body,into three pieces,and being present in all three points at once.

When this is done,imagine each part travelling towards the heart of it all,and the triangle contracts until it all comes down to a singular point,the triangle disappearing.

Repeat this,several times,in order to fortify the temple of the mind,body and spirit.

I evoked the archangel Raphael,and behind him an entire angelic legion,known as the House of Kel,burning a candle in their name.By now,I am feeling much better,my fever has been eliminated,and his sigil is under my pillow,waiting for me when I go to bed.

By the time I wake up in the morning,I am going to be completely healthy and well-rested,and I am going to be ready for this.

An interesting thing about these entities,is that they won’t just heal the flesh,or the mind,or even just the spirit,because they may also mend connections between you and other people,and mend all bonds,and circumstances.

That’s exactly where I pointed these spirits,but I understand it may take a while.But,I know that these angels won’t fail me,even if more time is needed.


Damn, man. This thread is awesome! Keep up the work!


Thank you! IMO my most recent entry proves that we, magicians,are like ordinary people and that we have ordinary struggles. So our approach to things are different, yes,but at a base,we’re human and very messed.up.Abd as we try to become more than.human,we become less messed-up.

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[quote=“Arcane, post:34, topic:5992”]But this taught me two lessons,two very big lessons in the world of black magick.The first one,is that seemingly random and unrelated circumstances will always be aligned in order to fulfill magickal requests,ergo attention to even the tiniest details in life may prove fruitful,and the second one,to always plan.

That as black magicians,we should never have to endure pain.That whenever we are bothered by anything,we should either use spiritual or physical resources to fulfill it.There is no lazy way to power and happiness.

That we should always be putting into action plots to achieve anything we want and eliminate whatever we want.All of this is better said than done.[/quote]

Very good reminder.

Letting things slide is less of an option when you hope to have the levels of control many of us here do…

Thanks for sharing that one, it’s going in my diary this month! :slight_smile:


Its great how you have the motivation to write us everyday !


Very true. It’s our human flaws that are responsible for most of our problems in both the mundane world and the magickal world. We as humans don’t usually care to admit our mistakes, they make us feel stupid, unworthy, embarrassed, shameful, or downright angry if one is a perfectionist but the truth is we are full of mistakes and we make lots of them daily. Even something like repeatedly dropping the pencil we are trying to pick up, that’s a mistake, our brain signals misfired and caused us to have problems gripping the pencil.

But even those who are such perfectionists that think their shit doesn’t stink, that think they can never do wrong, the trolls so to speak, are flawed whether they care to admit it or hide behind their cloak of fake I-can-do-no-wrong perfection. This is where I believe meditation to clear the mind, combining it with exercises you have learned from psychology books to retrain your mind, and perhaps a little magickal mojo, can do wonders. One can never learn to overcome these obstables until they are first open to admitting that they have the obstacles.

Which is why believe the trolls spend hours bitching about others flaws to make themselves feel better because deep down they are only a troll because they realize they cannot overcome these obstacles, too much of a perfectionist Pete to admit they have any problems that need to be overcome because god forbid a troll admit they have problems. So they never do anything to change for the better and spend hours making rude, snarky, and sarcastic remarks towards the people who have actually suceeded…jealousy, which is another one of their problems they don’t care to admit.


September 16th,Day 13,

My day at school was fun.And I do not think that there was anything interesting from a magical perspective.My throat is kinda sore,and my cough is weirder than normal.

Every other ailment I’ve had,including my poor sleeping,has instantly vanished.I’ll keep the sigil under my pillow tonight in order to seal it and tell you about my current magical operations.

I have left the angels of Yod to work on the girl I was talking about,and mend anything broken.I hadn’t interacted with her at all today,however,I took EA’s video,as a kind of sign.

That it was something greater,pointing me that I should start doing something about it,on a magical level.The Devil’s Stone ritual was meant to bring to interact,and such a result was delivered.

I went into the candle magic ritual with the intent,to get her to simply think about me more often,and to make sure that the people around her,talked about me more,and eventually a situation may be brought forth,where we’d interact,on a more friendly level…

I stepped into my dark room,thinking of a maybe ten minute ritual.I came out,an hour later.I performed the ritual,as EA instructed,and drained the fullness of my emotions.Sadly,the ritual was performed so long ago,the details of how it all went down,are a blur.

WHat I do remember,is not blinking for the first five minutes or so,something I’ve NEVER done before.The second thing I remember,is that at some point I lost control of my neck,my head rocked back in my seat,I breathed out some sort of weird pink fluid,and then my eyes were transfixed by the fire.

The intensity of the visualizations,and the amount of emotions makes me think that that ritual was effective.Now,my intent is to completely forget about it.

When I was done with it,and the candle was blown out,I took a seat,North,and called on King Paimon.He said he applauded my boldness,and hoped it would work out,simply reiterating what I said about needing to forget about the ritual.

I asked him,about the Mind.Specifically,what it was.He answered the following:

‘‘The mind is a kaleidoscopic and complex web of thoughts,carrying impressions and expressions in and out of the microcosm of the human perception,and the world around it.’’

This made me curious,because of course,it implied that there was a world,in our minds,that we were bringing outside,and that was being influecned on the inside by the outside,which made perfect sense but at the same time didn’t.

He grinned and said:‘‘You’ll develop a better definition once you start learning to control them.Before studying another mind,study and master your own.Manage your time better,I’ll be back to remind you of your work.’’

and so I promised King Paimon I’d type this out and get to my homework.