Pact with Lord Lucifer

Be wary of falling prey to fascination. Your life is your own, not any spirit’s.

I never understood why some people feel the need to blemish the King of Death with their life force, but I will mind my own business.

You may start creating your letter, and you may change it over the course of the working, but begin the ritual this Saturday and continue for 13 days.

Begin on the 6th, and finish on the 18th.


I will do the ritual of course ; Thank you for all that… :money_with_wings:

You will help me not to be a victim of magic and spirits. I will follow your instructions literally.
Don’t be afraid, because I know very well how to deal with things. I went through situations and events that gave me modest experience.

What is the best language to write letter to Lucifer? I mean my original language is Arabic and also I speak and write English and French …

Any language is good, your native language would be the best after all a pact is like a legal document, you don’t want any spelling errors or the like in it.


Just be careful don’t run before you can crawl. Many times parasites like to come through claiming to be the one you asked for.


I am glad others said what I just didn’t feel like saying at that time explicitly. I’m also relieved you are listening to their advice. Take care of yourself, man. And stop bleeding for the spirits until you have much more experience! I’m just saying.


Yes i understand you very well

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Tell me how to destroy them? I want to delete them at all


How do I take care of myself? What frame are you talking about? The physical, spiritual, or mental aspect

Many of us do the banishing rituals and cleansing to get rid of parasites. That’s your best way to rid of them. There’s several topics on here about banishing.

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I know some really easy speaks you can try for these first. Since you can see or hear spirits yet, I suggest not jumping into a pact. You could end up with something that decides to possess you forever. Unlike the movies a lot of spirits and demons can be impossible to exorcise.

As someone above said movie “magic” and real Magick are two totally different things. Real Magick can day hours, days, months, weeks even years to manifest in the way we want. There is no quick fix or one stop spell or way with real Magick.


I understand very well thank you for sharing knowledge

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Yes, I am already have many methods

Can you scan me pleas

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I think it will take a long time to work on the senses

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Yea I don’t think you go into anything bad yet. You’ve been lucky.

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It does. But it is worth it.

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what do you mean? Would I be attacked?

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