Opinion on performing certain rituals as a beginner

Hi, so I was wondering, and I wanted to ask you, a more advanced members… What is your opinion on what a begginer in this field should consider not doing? I mean like Love spell, baneful stuff, lust stuff. What is that element that helps prevent from backfire? And what is that element that dictates success?

Please share your hones opinions so new begginers can read and learn.


Baneful and lust magicks can be tricky. For example, an open love spell invites in the magician’s life any (also possibly new) person; while a targeted working has to fight the will of at least one individual (2 if there is the goal to break a couple) and there is the risk of causing an obsession with unwanted consequences.
One of the causes of backfiring is the deterioration of a ritual and its effects; performing it correctly (following astrological rules: day, moon phase, magical hours of day and night… planetary and elemental correspondences, if there is a need for the Circle use it etc.) makes the working more stable.
For many spirits there are sigils available and, even though they aren’t absolutely needed, it’s better to contact entities through them instead of doing without. Other requisites for success may be 1) starting by reaching the magical trance, 2) evoke all the feelings related to the purpose: relief, joy or hatred… so it’s easier to 3) let go, somewhat forget about it.

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To boil it down, I would say two things: maintaining good “spiritual hygiene”, and being crystal clear about what you want and why, this helps avoid regret.

That last is an evolving art as you come to “know thyself” and magick practice not only helps but sometimes requires it.

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