[Onion's journal]

That sounds a lot like the kind of stuff I experienced.

This def rings true.

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Thank you :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

@Ignited please don’t look at my journal before going to sleep :joy:


how was your experience with the qliphoth?

I had a lot of fucked up nightmares and various occasions of spiritual harassment.

I basically had to fight some of the things that would visit me, and once I’d fought off a few those type of occurrences stopped.

Others were just very chaotic energies that made me uncomfortable.

There were a few times where I woke up in utter stomach churning horror of what I’d just seen, a couple of times watching the scene I’d experienced dissolve before my eyes.

Currently I’ve been doing the rite for Satariel about three weeks (I think) almost but it hasn’t been too bad. And…I’m tired. Lol

It makes for restless sleep.


Which book do you do the rites from? Or are they channelled?

This. I don’t like this :joy:

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Although I’ve made my own additions and whatnot to this recent run.

(Clarification: recent run being Satariel. Probably need to do a committed run back up the spheres starting with Nahemoth)



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I’ve been waking up several times throughout the night. I record my dreams, and some sort of theme continues. I feel like some of us are getting pulled into something. Maybe the spirits are talking about some of us again.


From our occasional interactions, I wanted to share that I have bled into/percieved some of your Qlippoth experiences. (Dream based) At least twice. Idk if it matters, but it seemed worth sharing publicly. Something is going on.


That is absolutely amazing @SilentSeeker I’m shocked and surprised but at this stage nothing should surprise me with these beings anymore.


Remember how King Paimon used to play with us? Do you think it’s something similar like that, just more serious than humorous?

my dreams followed a theme yesterday. It was quite interesting.


21 February, 2022

Gamaliel, Day?

I did not have many visions before going to sleep last night, but I had vivid dreams. In the first, a friend of 5 years was telling me that we’ve grown a lot, and suggested parting ways because of how different we have become. In the second, was a girl I dearly loved in high school. I truly loved her, and I felt it when I saw her in the dream.

I had confessed my feelings to her, but she had said that she wasn’t ready for a relationship, so we stayed friends. She doesn’t talk much these days, and she’s stuck in a hellhole of her own home. And I tried doing something to help but I couldn’t.

In the dream we were at a huge hotel which looked like an apartment complex. I followed her as she went through elevators and staircases. To her house, there was a rope ladder leading to the main door. She went up first, and when I was at the final step grabbed my hand and pulled me up. The ladder was being held by a stick, and others while climbing too.( There was also my high school class teacher/home room teacher there, who gave me this card thing to swipe so I could use the elevators.)

I help the stick for the others, but the ladder came off and fell.

Inside her house were also a lot of people, she was wearing white. Everything felt so real. The soft fabric of the carpets and furniture, her curly hair and big eyes.

I don’t remember what we talked. I remember holding her close, kissing her and her bidding farewell. Then I left after saying goodbye to both her and the teacher.

I don’t have romantic feelings for her anymore, but there are still remnants of what things were like back then. I don’t have feelings for the current her, we have grown apart quite drastically. But she has been an extremely major part of my life.

In the third dream I was giving a test, but the invigilator was my hostel warden. I kept zoning out and forgetting to write when answering the test. Knowing half of it, but I wasn’t able to comprehend what I was writing.

It was an open classroom under trees.

After breakfast today, I did the initiation rite for Gamaliel. It didn’t require much except a cup or bottle or anything for any choice of liquid. I chose to use my yellow mug and water. The rite also required to call a patron demon. I called on Belial for it.

At first I felt extremely heavy. Like I was a rock. After drinking the water, I felt extremely nauseous. I almost gagged. Then I felt light headed for a short time. In my mind’s eye I saw Lilith appear before me. Then I felt like I was falling down, like being plunged into water. Then I felt hot, like fire. You know the heat that radiates from a fire? That.

I touched my skin but it felt normal. I was not sweating either. But it was so fucking hot.

I earlier thought that it wasn’t powerful or strong enough, partly because I was also interrupted in the middle of the ritual and couldn’t vibrate the names. But while doing my laundry I thought to myself that, hey, you don’t get hot and feel what you did on a regular basis. This is different. This worked.

I then saw Belial, sitting on a stone inside a big cave. There was puddles and pools of water here and there, and also the sound of water droplets. This is Gamaliel. He was waiting for me to get free so he could “show me around”. It wasn’t until after lunch that I was free and we went around. There were so many rocks and it looked very humid. Idk what this sphere is supposed to look like, but that is what it is like for me.

I’m to stay in a sphere till I have learned all that I need to know. It can be as short as a day to as long as a month. And it might be different for each sphere.

This is the route:

I had a class today which I didn’t feel like attending so I didn’t. I had my viva today and completely blanked out at a question. I was asked to think of an experiment and tell them what the different variables would be. My head was completely blank. I couldn’t think of anything at all, and I was feeling tired and a little nauseous already. The prof encouraged me to think, I somehow managed to answer.

Aside from that little hiccup, I think I did well :grimacing:

My biggest struggle is with my own sense of power. I fear if I think of myself highly I will become arrogant and ignorant. I do not think of myself lowly either. I think, average. Average is good. But this too, has unconsciously made me think that average=not good enough.

Studies? Average.
Art? Average.
Magick? Average.

I do not think that I have a chance of being even a tiny bit above average at anything, and also because I fear I’ll become an arrogant hypocrite if I do think of myself that way. I’m still learning to find that balance of having confidence in my own abilities and still being humble.

There was something King Paimon had told me through another friend when I was going through an extremely difficult time in my life. I understand what he meant much better today. What he said still rings true for me today.

When I woke up today I felt like I had grown taller, and that my shoulders were more square? Something felt different for sure. As my energy changes, so does my body. I have to take enough rest for it to happen.

My mother is worried about my health because I got my period this soon. Today is the 3rd day, but I only told her about it today. They’re happening a bit too soon than they usually do, but I am not experiencing anything out of the ordinary like body pain or something.

But that initiation did make me nauseous ngl. I still get waves of nausea now.

Next month are my semester exams, and also will mark my time of practicing for a whole year now :confetti_ball: Two when I count the time I spent only reading and being very love amd light. That is my cringe phase I will be taking with me to the grave like my username in 4th grade.

I haven’t meditated today and honestly, I cannot do it. I took a nap in the afternoon while listening to this:

That’s all for this entry. I will be sleeping soon. I hope everyone has a good day!

edit: I’m trying to sleep but my 3rd eye is pulsing like crazy. I will cover my head tomorrow.


Read the one by Karlssen. @Mike_Bee recommended it. I’m a little ways through it and I love it.

Haha I don’t know what to make of it as well @anon4083462


I’ll give it a read.

:joy: my roommate was basically getting a lapdance from roommate no. 2 and some were twerking (we were playing truth and dare :joy:)


Why did you put 1 to yesod and not malkuth ?


because that’s where I’m starting from, the numbers are in order of my route


Haha ohh man, reminds me of my college days. I got into several top schools, but I picked a school which was on the US Top 10 party schools for Devil knows how long. This was early to mid 2000’s. I can’t even speak openly of those times haha. Man those were the days.


I feel like there might be a synchronicity here with Lilith.

Just want to throw that out there.


How so? If you’re comfortable sharing


Gamaliel, Lilith’s sphere is the sphere of the moon.

Women’s cycles are generally linked to the moon.
