One Week Fitness Challenge (Mind, Body & Spirit) ~ Who's In?



I split them well apart, 3 x 80s, I swear the ONLY thing making me keep going after about 55, 60s each time was the fucking threat to my avatar, so that was surprisingly motivational, though i’ll be amazed if I make it to Monday without some snazzy new headwear!

I kind of devoted this during the first section of each but the rest was mainly cussing and swearing…

I did, however, have a religious revelation during my attempts to mimic the presviously unexplored world of a plank of fucking wood - we underestimated the difficulty level very badly.

What else may we have been getting wrong, all this time? :thinking:

… With apologies to the faithful, meant in friendly jest of course, I think this is sending me a bit funny in the head tbqh :confused:

Speaking of which, heads are really heavy, something I don’t think I’d ever really noticed before. :flushed:


°~:rolling_eyes:~° “May the eternal planks guide you too, OM.” :pray:


I won’t do much exercise today… i was allready cycling, and i feel that i shouldn’t put any additional pressure on my thighs.
Because: tomorrow will i need them.

~I’ll do 100-200 situps, and a dozen pullups…
The just messaged me, that i should come for work tomorrow.


YAYYYY! :smiley:

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Not “yeah”, its just the half of minimum wage, and they give me work, only if they need some help, or want to get things done a few days, weeks or hours faster.

But hey… I GET MONEY :pray:

Sorry, i guess you thought that the Deutsche Bahn people called, but they didn’t. :frowning:

Two options: i’m doing something wrong, or situps are just plain easy.

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Well it’s a start, if you do it as well as you can you may get further advances.

Also if you read books on positive thinking, you will know to take what you have right now, even if not amazing, and make the most of it, and better things will come your way.

So, yayy, even if it’s not what you want it could be the start of something better. I truly believe this because it has worked for me many times over. :slight_smile:

I know how annoying it sounds to say be positive and positive things happen, work hard and you get better jobs made available, but it’s true.


Dude celebrate that shit like you won the lotto.
More gratitude for the little things the more big things line up for you.


Hm… If i save up 200-250€ i may could buy a new computer,
so i could start to animate little cartoons -you know:
the idea that i had for a internet buisness.

But regardless of how much i will get out this week(?),
its allmost arrousing to see how much you care :sweat_smile::zipper_mouth:

:pray: hail the super wonderwoman AMEN ! :sparkles:


Day 3
7:00 pm
40 push ups
40 sit ups
Hot as Hell


First off last Eva if heads heavy your dehydrated so drink more water (I found this out during my martial arts class lol)


Me: beautiful day I’m so glad doms are gone and I can lift.
Body:lol nice try faggit here’s more pain and I’m gonna make you walk funny this whole day.

Yeah stretches and self massages :massage_woman: it is then.

Epiphany for the day. The world is not made from molecules. It’s made from hills and flights of stairs.


hehe do you feel like you’ve been put in Jesus’s place when doing planks? Pain game.

I already feel sore as heck. Used to do exercises twice a day… one in the morning and one after lunch. Due to my schedule I have to do the last one very late.

So first two days of Calisthenics, which can easily be done anywhere…no gym or equipment needed I did it on a hardwood floor… But the thing I like about this is it helps me from procrastination. Usually I would wake up in the morning and then just spend an hour staring at the wall just daydreaming.


Day 2

I set up my altar with red cloth and decorated my room with the color red. I had one red candle which I consecrated to Mars and on which I drew his symbol.

I had two pictures on my altar, one was of a ram and the other of a bull. Both animals known for their energy and their vigor.

Once again I invoked Mars and I could feel his energy rise up from within me, it was very fiery and I just had the urge to get up and get going.

Hyper really isn’t the word to put it, I was suddenly filled with this energy and inspiration so I thanked Mars for coming and I proceeded to do

25 sit ups and 20 push ups. I did 30 squats and did the wall sit for one minute.

All the while I felt pumped and ready to go, once again thriving on that pain till the point where it felt like I was in a haze. It was similar to the bloodlust I felt when working with Anat but this was more focused and less wild.

And yes I was grunting and panting and heaving and I had to do some gentle yoga afterwards to cool off, took some Greek yogurt and strawberries :slight_smile:


Seriously guys the soreness afterwards is hell I kid you not but it’s so worth it. I can feel myself getting stronger


Oh haha and walking up the stairs, don’t let me even get started on that :laughing:


Day three
30 mins of Kundalini yoga. Loves me some breath of fire.


I realized, that pullups are pretty easy too, i just need every 6th to take a break of a few minutes.

I challenge myself today, to do >60 pullups.


Lady Evas 7 Day Fitness Challenge (7DFC)
Day 5
Start time 9:18 A.M.

Opened Chakras

Completed 40 pushups

Completed 35 situps

Stood in circle I left up from Yesterday morning and felt the power and grounded.

About to open chakras again

End time: 9:29 A.M.

Notes: My body feels tired/fatigued but magically I feel more powerful than ever. Two days left guys! Lets go! I also find both women and men noticing me alot more when i go almost anywhere. That could also be attributed from working with Asmodeus, but either way, the results are coming in and will keep on coming. I also feel a improvement in confidence.


^ This is SO cool, it’s like all these things just feed into each other, Mind > Body > Magick > Mind > Body > Magick again and again… :smiley: :heart_decoration:


Day 3:

Did my hamstring stretches and a light core tightening. Got in another 5 miles of walking, this time in town, but with a lot of hills. I am now adding dietary changes; no cheese, red meat or fast foods. Upping the vegetable intake.