Oflameo's Doom Bunker

Why aren’t Satanic groups burning old copies of the DSM rather than bibles? Wouldn’t it make more sense to burn the DSM in a social context? (as in the LHP being the opposition of the current culture)

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That is a really good point. We may need to form a group and start burning copies of the DSM. I think David Wood created other innovative ways to make effigies of documents other than burning them.

I don’t know what the companion guide is for the DSM, if it exists. I know Judism has the Talmud and Islam has the Hadith.

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Not quite the same but scientology is kinda anti DSM or psychiatry in general. Probably not helpful, just thought I would mention it :joy:

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I am not sure I share a single other belief with Scientology.

I did find a video on status that I think is interesting.

Marketing may be science.

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I’ll have to take a look! I’m not crazy on Scientologists beliefs either :joy: just thought hmm already a religion who’s against it thoroughly :sweat_smile:

And ofc marketing is science… why do you think people take psychology degrees and end up in marketing jobs! :joy:

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I have no idea. Maybe psychiatry is a soft pseudoscientific cyst on the hard science of marketing.

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You can make a profit on anyone’s need

Wouldn’t be very human behaviour not to exploit a need for personal gain

I think it has its uses personally - the field of psychiatry

But it’s definitely also something that can sell and make some companies good money!

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Narcissism is probably a good thing. This video is Sam Vaknin bashing young people for adapting to the world we were dropped in. The reason I came to this conclusion is that he asserts that either everything we ( the psychiatry academy ) know about psychiatry is wrong or that young people are a new subspecies ( instantly debunked by biology ). The alternative Vaknin Offers is called nothingness where, the ideology where we give up on everything and just get in line and wait for false promises to bounce like one of Frank Abagnale’s forged checks. he bashes people who haven’t read a dead tree book even though we can read the kindle, and pdf books and get literally the same information, he bashes video games without any basis even though they are more educational than school. He finally asserts that young people don’t think or use emotions and are just action oriented robots.

As an action oriented robot, I say it is about time to shut down the parasitic institutions. If it makes me a villain, excellent. The world needs better villains to move the narrative forward because right now we are stagnating. Reach out to reality? It is a simulacrum. Most parts of reality are modifiable with religion.

On a brighter note, this Film Theory on Grub Hub demonstrates how you can link a narrative back in without much plot at all. Just a little bit of lore in the right places is enough. It is possible to avoid the rent seeking gate keepers, but should we?

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I am warming up to the term Egoism. It has fewer syllables than Existentialism, but gets to the point. It also functions as a bridge between P-compass and MBTI.

Absurdism, Hedonism, and Egoism has the same number of syllables and Absurdism and Hedonism has more characters. Ultimately I would prefer the term that polls better and by polls better, I mean the most people understand what I mean when I say it. Assuming they all poll the same, I would go with the shortest one to save space and time.

Bill Gaede says we can’t have more than 3 orthogonal number lines we call dimensions because we can’t imagine them? That is religion, not science. In religion we imagine and believe; in science we assume and explain.

Bill also didn’t understand what a tesseract was. He thought it was made out of 2 cubes and the inside cube grew to the size of the outsize cube. It is really made out of 8 cubes of the same size, connected to each other by the their edges.

Language is a religion, and you need religion to do science, or you won’t have the terms to explain the phenomenon and no explanation will work. Bill won’t be able to understand what a tesseract is until he willing to count past 3 number lines.

I am extremely frustrated from my lack of control in general.

A Flat Earther responded to another one of Bill Gaede’s videos and I responded to them.

I like the rational science framework because it allows me to debate conspiracy theorists directly on their level, at the level of rationalization. It is far more entertaining for me than citing NASA, ringing a bell :bellhop_bell: and screaming Idiot.

I realized something through synchronicity. Narcissism is a derogatory term for positive thinking.

I listened to the Jordan Harbinger show 495 with guest Jon Acuff | The Surprising Solution to Overthinking. Jon said that there was no word in English that was the opposite of trauma, but I did think of one. That word was narcissism, but I am not the only one who thought of that, because the recommended show was episode 465: Thomas Erikson | How to Protect Yourself from Psychopaths

The joiner was the style of thinking was the same between both Jon and the psychopath in Thomas’s example.

Qantas Whistleblower was Wolfie6020

This is a closed loop, confirmed, documented and disclosed conspiracy done to present how Flat Earthers are easily deceived. The deceivers were Wolfie6020, Bob the Science Guy, Wheres Wally, and SciManDan and the decivee was Taboo Conspiracy. It was all documented the SciManDan video called Flat Earther Gets Seriously Catfished! It is overwhelming evidence that conspiracies do happen and how they happen.

I think I may be also be a philosophical idealist.

This video is really good on the history of Infinity.

I am starting to think the antithesis to rational science known as mathemagics may be both more interesting and useful in general because it helps us find the practical applications.

I wanted to find some of the best books on mathematics because I want to be a mathemagican now. Lucky for me someone else made a thread on reddit exactly on this.

I went an picked up copies of Godel. Escher. Bach. by Douglas R. Hofstadter, An Infinitely Large Napkin by Evan Chen, What is Mathematics? by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins, A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy, Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus Thompson, Flat Land by Edwin A. Abbott and The Elements of Euclid, edited by Robert Simons, M.D.

I found The Manual of Mathematical Magic by Peter McOwan and Matt Parker.

Two really good episodes of the Jordan Harbinger show came out this week. One on training and one on influence.

2 Goddesses Named Eris


Hesiod in Works and Days mentioned that there were 2 different goddesses named Eris and through personality analysis I figured out who they were.

So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature. For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due.

The ENTP Eris is daughter of Nyx the personification of night and Erebus the the personification of darkness, and her Roman equivalent is Discordia. She is the classic Eris that got snubbed.

The ESFP Eris is the daughter of goddess of war Aphrodite and god of war Aries and her Roman equivalent is Bellona. She is formally known as Harmonia before she got addicted to the thrills lust and war. She was a love child.

When both of them appear together such as in Smite, identifying them by their Roman names avoids confusion.
