Offering healing and "scanning"


Yes please can you do on me to, ill be very great full, thank you.

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Private or public?

Yo Telgega!

If you are still doing this scanning stuff, I would be very grateful if you could scan me too.

I’m mainly curious if there is anything blocking my ascension efforts - such as something that could stop me from projecting or seeing/hearing spirits, and if possible the general state of affairs.

Basically, a general scan, lol.

If you do decide to do this, thank you in advance!

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private of public?

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May I have one too please? Privately?

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Private please.

Really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Public im not fussy :slight_smile:

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Jaw. right rib. Left thigh.

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Private please would help tons

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If you’re still doing this, I’d like a general scan and healing where you think it’s needed please. Also if you could PM me the results \m/

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I am interested in a scan too. You can PM me with the results.

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did i miss anyone?


Moi… but i’m not mad about it.

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Right here.

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Actually wait no you got me my bad.


could you heal me?

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I just wanted to give a great big THANK YOU to @telgega. He healed my friend when she had an allergy attack and the doctors couldn’t figure out from what.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Woah! […] Shit. -Oh bloody butts!
~I actually got forgotten to thank him. :fearful:

:::Thanks a bunch :3


Glad to help. I think it’s official I’m gonna make a healing blog