Offering healing and "scanning"

Well the thing is, they were really really bad, I’ve been unable to walk with proper shoes now for a month :stuck_out_tongue:

I would be interested in a private scan as well :slight_smile:

Could you may heal some chakras? ~:dizzy_face:~
*Especially the heart chakra and those at the head.

Are you still doing the scanning, healing? If you have the time I would appreciate one myself. Thanks for your time.

I just did a 2 day water fast i had to cut it short due to kidney pain on my right hand side, please do a healing on me my reiki is not making the pain go away

Thank u in advance

Hey I don’t know about the water quality in your area but if like most of Europe and America then I would recommend INVESTING in a water filter. Make sure it filters fluoride as well, some great ones on amazon.

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I’ll do another

Got it

I’ll look

private or pm?


after this I’m gona need to take a break for a bit


Thank u sooo much!

Pm is fine thank you for taking the time

Not sure if you just did one but I’m feeling a crazy itch (in a good way) on my heels atm, thanks a lot and I’m impressed with your skill!

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I did alittle, also use Epsom salt if you can

Gonna need to take a “vacation” y’all be back in a short break

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Thank you so much. I thought something may have been wrong with me as for my throat i have a thyroid issue that is being medicated. I appreciate your healing. Blessed Be.

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Take kelp and iodine


Okay I will need to go out and get it but I will and thank you again

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The pills not the medicaded type of iondine


So lately I’ve been studying Robert Bruce’s new energy ways book and I’ve been working on the feet, which are said to have energy exchange ports all over it. In the original scams you did, you said there was a blockage in both feet. I was wondering, if it’s gone in my left? My right feels heavier and I’ve been working the most on my left. Moreover my right hurts and my left doesn’t really hurt.


Well i dunno if you healed me yet or not but i dont have a pain in my kidney any more! Thank you > ps I wanna learn your modality


modality? Dunno what that is.

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Healing modality, a form of healing