Not everything requires a pact

Lol, That’s literally not paying it forward then.
Daimons enjoy high vibrations, because despite xtian dogma, they are higher beings. Takes one to know one. Try being a leeetle bit generous (not the the daemons, they don’t need it: to other humans to influence their vibrations), and see if it gets retuned, if not, ok, you’re right. No it doesn’t help you, I agree with that, it works out as a gift to the universe. But you are the universe, so, if you have surplus, gift yourself, if you don’t, don’t.
Imo, you’re not doing very well as a mage if you’re not in surplus, but that’s me.

I mostly agree plus Verdo’s analysis.

Me, it’s personal. I don’t recommend newbie give blood or enter pacts, I see these as tools to be used under the right circumstances, not willy nilly, and certainly NOT because ‘someone else told you so’.

100%. Me, I like blood, I LOVE blood, especially my own, as from experience I fid other people’s… insipid (energy no, blood yes).

I will always ask, as some entities actively dislike blood, and they may not want a pact either (I’ve had a previously-discussed pact refused by Azazel before).
By and large, if an entity is at least vaguely interested in my blood, they’re probably going to get it. I just like bleeding. I find it delicious and sublime. I might be a bit twisted on this, but that’s me.

The one active pact I have open had nothing to do with blood letting. One doesn’t require the other.

While it might be fashionable with the social media influencers, it’s a nice income source for professional mages, who use media to advertise such options. Whether that makes them more or less beneficial if for the buyer to decide, but these usually don’t require the buyer to give blood.

I disagree, depending in the entity, it’s directly benefits them.
Especially if the entity is a ghost.
At the least, the combination of genuine sacrifice (of your own vein blood; nothing else really counts) and energy offering is intense. Very intense. It’s nice for people who are not that sensitive to energy, because it can be felt when no other device can.

No they don’t. They must be directed with intention to have power, otherwise they’re just idle thoughts.
Otherwise, there’s an awful lot of people that would be inundated with PB&J sarnies and pizza right now.

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I am doing very well as a mage. Thank you very much about your concern but I am good :slightly_smiling_face::+1:
Generosity is not always returned by humans. I have tested that too.
I am glad that you live your life in the surplus. That is a nice state to be in. Not giving unnecessarily does not means that is definitely lack. It can mean better management of resources.

I wasn’t actually asking, that’s your business not mine.

But, that wasn’t the point. I agree actually, and I have the same experience - no, you don’t get back, not to this individual ego, and it’s important to protect your energy.
However, I don’t give to get back. I give to make the world a better place than I left it. If you haven’t got that to give, you haven’t succeeded as a mage imo. Doesn’t have to be material, it’s more important that’s it spiritual. Human ascension is failing, with less than 20 years left it’s gone to the dogs. You’d be forgiven for giving it up as a bad deal. I have to try, in my way, it’s my thing.

And since I AM the world, that benefits me anyway.

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Your goals aren’t my goals. If my goals were your goals then maybe I would had failed them.
According to my criteria I am absolutely successful as a mage and i am doing pretty good :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Your post is defensive and content-free, and I don’t care, tell me again how great you are? :woman_shrugging:

I am absolutely great thank you :blush: I hope you are well too

Yes, I agree that lower energetic spirits, parasitic beings and spirits of the dead can benefit from the blood but my view when offering blood to the Demonic is that it is an appropriate offering because it is something you sacrifice of yourself and the fact that you were willing to sacrifice a part of yourself to give to the demonic speaks highly of your dedication.

I disagree, All thoughts and words are energy. Thoughts and words are energy that create either more energy or less. Think about it. Your thoughts are your creation. They are either energizing you, or causing you fatigue. And most people are tired by the end of the day. We always assume that this is the result of the day’s work, but more often than not it is the result of the day’s constant repetitive thoughts creating fatigue. People who always watch the television news of suffering, drama and trauma are drained of energy via their emotional and nervous system.

We are fields of energy. In every moment we are either feeding ourselves with more energy, or we are draining energy from ourselves. Life does not drain us, nor do world events. Not even the negative ones. We have to do that by reacting negatively. And we do not have to react negatively. Negative reaction is not a choice, it is the abdication of choice. The very word re-action means that we are re-enacting an old pattern of resist-ance. It comes from our past. A reaction from the past to deal with an issue that is based in the moment is not a good way to live your life.

First you must realise that we are conscious beings living in fields of consciousness. This is our continuing reality, unaffected by birth or death.

Consciousness is listening to your every thought, your every word, even to your intent and attitude. All this is part of the conscious language you use to speak to consciousness. Sadly, people have become so focused into the world of illusion that this language has become subconscious. People are not even aware that they are speaking to consciousness. This means, in effect, we are speaking to our creative reality in a language we do not know that we are speaking! Nor do we realise that we never stop this communication.

Let’s for eg. all day you are saying to yourself in your thought or even words Not bad now this Not bad is heard by your consciousness as a repititve statement. In consciousness every statement has a focus. In Not bad the focus is Bad. Bad is the key word. In No worries the focus is Worries. Worries is the key word. With No problem, the focus is Problem And so it continues - And you are manifesting worries and problems occur more frequently.

I suggest that phrases like Really good, *Rest easy, and “Easily fixed” would create a far more comfortable and progressive lifestyle without the drama.

It is interesting because, while “Not bad,” “No worries,” and “Not a problem,” are all statements of a basically positive attitude, all unwittingly invite trauma and drama into a situation or to a person who is ready to free themselves from this position. In other words, they have the right attitude, but the energy of their words opposes them. Therefore, every word, thought, intent and attitude have power.


that’s cuz those negative phrases elicit the image of those things. It affirms those negative thoughts before canceling it. so the program of negativity gets in one’s thoughts before erasing it.

that’s how the mind process things. hence why it’s better to phrase and work toward one’s goal rather then what one don’t want.

it’s explained in the field of hypnosis and psychology. It also creates a void of negativity hole in person for a moment so they can be sold products through suggestions. repeat negativity ideas and person lose themselves. It’s the void from repeat negativity that drains people. happens all the time through media. you rarely see good news in the media. mostly bad news. it’s done on purpose to control people from being higher beings. control their thoughts and they can’t evolve as fast.

Actually, the demons I work with have told me they enjoy the life force present within my blood. Lilith actually licked her lips with great anticipation just for a drop of my blood. Belial expects to get my blood, he loves the stuff. So it’s certainly for their enjoyment at the very least. JS Garrett gives blood as a burned offering, so there is benefit in it for the demon - when something is burned as an offering to them, it releases energy to them. Azazel demands my blood for larger workings - because it’s potent energy he can use.

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Yep I’ve seen this personally too. Your correct I agree.

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Blood sacrifice is something you make sacred to yourself. You are symbolically showing how serious and dedicated you are to the manifestation you’re seeking.

There are no blood drinking, soul collecting demons in the world. The demonic wants to see how serious you are. How dedicated you are to yourself and your great work.

They are not motivated by human desires. They don’t have our flaws. Otherwise they wouldn’t be worth our attention or high regard.

A lot of people have Dante’s inferno, paradise lost view of Demonic. I enjoy bible fan fiction as much as you, but that’s all it is. Fiction. Now I know some believe that Demonic do draw on that life force, I’m just not one of them. I believe their own natural current of energy is enough to sustain them. The bloodletting tradition that I follow is highly symbolic.

Of course what people believe strongly influenced their great work. If it has helped you become successful or better, more emotionally intelligent person, then that’s great and I have no reason to criticise your viewpoint.

Sadly, a lot of people are just playing “image Satanist” and that type of Christian belief system doesn’t help them grow as people.
Just an observation, but I could be wrong. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I sing to several Goddesses in the morning. That wasn’t meant to be a way to pay it forward, but as a way to honor my working with them. Lately, as I’ve been cursing or petitioning (for a curse), this has been used in lieu of payment. Not saying it works for them all (I do not pay forward with most), but something to consider for a long standing relationship.

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I’ve been told recently (again, actually), that the energy in a practicing magician’s blood is definitely preferred. I got flashes of impressions of why, but it’s really secondary to knowing that it’s more valuable than mundane blood offerings.


I refuse to sign pacts just like I refuse to sign NDAs. Normal 2 party contracts are fine. Shrink wrap EULAs are digital toilet paper. Useful for reading what the other party is ingesting.

I suppose it depends on the pact at hand. Some pacts are just minor business deals, others are far more long term and require more dedication. I have a few pacts that require different dedications, some one off and some long-term, but at the same time they are specifically for incredible gifts. But of course not everything I do is a pact, I enjoy and prefer doing magic on my own or asking for spiritual aid, and personally consider a pact a very serious and important deal.

With blood, it’s definitely not the only way to show how serious you are with a pact or even spellwork, and not everyone is able to give let alone be able to safely prick themselves. Different practices practice differently. Not all spirits want or need blood, let alone that safely giving blood may not be an option for some people, and some spirits love to receive blood (or other means of life and fluid). I’ve given blood a couple times but I have to be careful because I’m anemic. Other than excessive bleeding it can cause painful bruises on me and I’m more susceptible to infections and illness. Otherwise, I prefer doing work, taking time to dedicate something to the entity, making gifts, giving food, and more. So, of course blood isn’t the end all be all ingredient for spellcasting or pact making. Sometimes it’s dedicated work, sometimes it’s a one off sacrifice, it really depends on the individual, the work, and the entity. I wholeheartedly agree that offerings can be anything, especially time. Time and dedication I think should be utilized more often. Especially as for some people who are extremely poor, not everyone has the ability to sacrifice or offer things above and beyond. Sometimes a burger or a sandwich is all they have, or dedicating their time and efforts into performing work in the name of their entity or spirit.

Personally, I don’t like the implication that food, especially simple food is not a viable offering here. It’s not unimportant or lesser, and it’s unfair to those who are either poor or don’t have other options and therefore genuinely sacrificing something of themselves, or it’s just discounting the work and dedication it takes to cook and prepare, or outright throwing away or ignoring traditions of many cultures that utilize simplicity. To my local spirits we’re supposed to offer simple things. A bag of lentils, a pack of cigarettes, a bowl of rice, a cup of hot chocolate, a bottle of tequila, etc. Simple offerings have been used in many cultures for generations. They shouldn’t be excluded just because they don’t have the same edgy fanfare.

Time and attention is definitely something to utilize more, but also not all spirits give a shit about the individual’s ascension or betterment, either. Some demons and entities just want renown and reward, even if the things they want don’t make sense to human standards. I’ve drawn portraits of demons for them in exchange for their aid before, among other instances of renown and putting their name out. I also think people should learn they can negotiate, too. What a demons asks of you doesn’t have to be the Absolute Only Thing you give, you can offer or negotiate alternatives.

Overall, some spirits want blood, some want food, some want just shiny treasures. It really depends on who you work with and what your capable of giving, plus you can always negotiate.

Also to touch on Eliphas’ response: Paradise Lost and Dante’s Inferno aren’t necessarily “fanfiction.” Milton invokes the spirit of Uranus in order to help him tell the story, as she is the spirit of the Heavens and is meant to have all knowledge of the Heavens and its creation, much of both of these works are historically and religiously important especially because they wrote down a lot of common knowledge (as well as personal interpretation of course) that is not necessarily “canon” but simply widely known and believed by the populace, such as in Books I and II of Paradise Lost, Milton lists several demons being worshiped as gods, comments on King Solomon’s dealings with demons, as well as establishes what some of these demons’ offerings or oversights. Discounting Paradise Lost as just fanfiction is basically the same as discounting all non-Torah rabbinic or non-Jewish (biblical) texts and magic grimoires as fanfiction due to their reliance on either common folk knowledge or spirits that were called upon to aid the writer. Lilith isn’t in the Bible, and her story is in the technically non-canonical Alphabet of Ben Sira, that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t exist as a demon. Not believing in these works is one thing, or taking them metaphorically or with a grain of salt, but to insist they’re fiction because they’re not Official Canon is narrow.

Sorry for the length, I just love history and cultural difference.

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Whilst I’m okay with the rest of what you said, because, you know, we’re all entitled to our opinions. But, firstly you’ve assumed that I’m into Bible fan fiction. I’m not. Secondly, you’ve disrespected me with this particular part of your response.

I’ve got several years of working with the spirits under my belt, and I perform ritual daily. I learned a lot from these spirits, and when they show me and tell me they love blood, and why, I’ll take that over anything anyone else says - since it came from the horse’s mouth. :wink:

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No, it wasn’t intended to be disrespectful because the way you said that Lilith licked her lips in anticipation of your blood just kinda felt off to me but I’m not judging your experiences or anything they’re valid. And we all have our opinions and ways.

Blessings. :sparkles:

Like in my first response I spoke of being pacted with Prince Orobas. Until very recently we’ve never had a blood offering. Orobas is a laid back chill kind of spirit but when I brought out that blood for the first time he drew near FAST. He was practically salivating. He asked me " are you sure" I said yes it’s time.

He was on that so fast I couldn’t believe it. So I see what @silverfirefly was saying. Her account of Lilith’s reaction was very plausible to me.

Good thread @Eliphas👍


I talk to them all the time. Thats not a form of payment. That is bonding. When I mean appreciation gift I mean sex fluids etc.


I file this pact thing under the same heading as “things new or nervous practitioners do just because they think it’s a Rule”. there are no rules and one can do demonolatry with or without a pact, with or without an offering, with or without a sigil and so on. we all have different strengths and some can summon demons in their minds whilst others like a ton of props.

Of course, if you are new or nervous then following all the rules until you get a stronger sense of your limitations, is totally fine and nothing to be ashamed of. So is being an older, world weary demonolater who likes using pacts.

I feel you, though, it does somehow tire me out to only read stories about witches, occcultists and so on who are literally all using the same techniques. I crave diversity and experimentation. I want to read stories of risk and groundbreaking new approaches. If anyone can recommend a forum where that is the norm, I’m open to trying it out!

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