No. You Are Not Important

Did you ever ask yourself why someone gets pleasure from that?

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when it comes to good, its the same thing, it makes you feel good to do good

but thats my point, what if there was no why, if it just is?

examples socio or psychopaths with no things that can hint to their forming as so

There definitely is a why.
I don’t know the exact answer for every single case out there, but there is always a reason.

Just because we don’t know the reason, doesn’t mean there is none.

I know there are these documentaries on childern who like to torture frogs and birds, but not all of them evolve into serial killers.

When you do evil simply because you enjoy it, your upbringing wasn’t fine, and it has nothing to do with being rich.

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You mentioning Hitler in the same thread where I mentioned nuclear bomb, surely triggered the FBI’s internal observation patterns. Well done … :frowning: Now we may be under terrorist-observ…oops, another trigger. DAMN!

That’s such an old discussion… of good and evil.

Speaking of old.

Genesis says, that man was created only good (speak: in knowledge of what is good only). And then man, tasted from the knowledge of evil (which was the apple).

How do you explain this? If the creation of man involved what is good and what is not evil? Are those then not solely in our perception, but definetely something of good or evil?

Sometimes, the same actions may represent either good or evil. But, does this not make it only more clear, that it may be not our actions, but our intentions, which are clearly good or evil?

(and now going back to the read the rest… sorry if someone already mentioned that, but you guys write too fast hehe)

im just trying to cover all the basic survival needs, to say that the person had no other motive other than just doing it.

i mean, how do you know, some could be as such just because, with no relevance to other factors, sure environment plays a part most times, but true evil comes simply for the act itself, with no other motive or formation imo

thats wrong, they knew neither good nor evil before biting the apple, they just were

They didn’t knew the difference, but they were created to be only good as everything that was created by God, it says, was to be good. This was the reason, why they were not allowed to taste from the knowledge of good and evil, because as soon they did, they would know it.

Have you heard of Maslow? Basic needs are one thing, but especially when people develop deviant behaviour like enjoying torturing other living beings “just because” it is most likely because one of their own needs isnt’t (or wasn’t) properly fulfilled.

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oh yea i think you are right, my apologies

i have heard of maslow yes,

sure i agree
im just saying in my view, true evil is what i said it is, no formation, no other needs other than simply pleasure, and it makes sense if you think about it, at least to me it does, anyway lets talk about being good now :smiley:

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Well if you’re reaching to justify armed robbery good luck with that. Its also exceedingly unrealistic to suggest that the vast majority of armed robbers see their actions as justified in any regard whatsoever due to individual perception so also have fun with that. If you want to keep it realistic then keep your points realistic. I’m a head out now.

You will find no logic from within the bible.


You seem angry. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Bye bye :wave:

Is it peculiar that I pictured you wearing a lab coat and black rimmed glasses, while pointing at a board with a metal stick upon reading this?


Not. At. All.


Let the record show that it was you who made it sexy. Mine was just an innocent visualisation. :innocent:


I’m not angry I’m jut not willing to entertain hypothetical in an intellectual circle jerk that makes no rational sense or even has a point to it. I just have better things to do with my time.

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You are pretty much spot on. I would just add that consciousness is reality.

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