No. You Are Not Important

Could you explain your theory?

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No one is forcing you to have a conversation.

I have already, clearly, stated my POV on this subject. I just wanted to know what other people think as well. You keep posing hypothetical questions/situations to me directly as if you are attempting to change my mind.

I will not be moved on this. You are more then entitled to you opinion but it obviously differs from mine. So I’ll say again…

Bye bye👋

Its cool man, whatever floats your boat. I’m a go spend a couple grand on eBay redecorating my house with Egyptian home decor and I think I’ll buy a new car today too. Take it easy bud, no hard feelings.

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I do find logic.

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You too. Enjoy the new decor! :blush:

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It consistently and constantly contradicts itself. But there are some good points in there. I use the psalms all the time.

Labels are used to communicate so that people are on the same page. Somehow people go too far with it. It’s also used for us to organize information and recall. People suppose to experience the now interaction of all their senses but they fall trap into labels determining their experience. Why else a person treat another base on labels rather than the actual interaction. They label a person close gf/bf so they let them be touchy lovey. They wouldn’t allow that if they didn’t label them as such before hand. These days too many decided the status of the person in front of them first before allowing passage of intimacy levels. Until someone is committed as bf/gf status they are not allowed to be intimate. And you all know a person can be intimate with anyone if they choose before having the bf/gf category status.

Like the orginal poster said, It’s about the interaction energy presence. Just like the question of which came first? the chicken or the egg? We can ask… which came first? the label or the social interaction?

To some, we are not important, it’s the label that is more important. TO many, having a friend status is more important than the real person being there. And you betcha everyone have their own definition of friend. If a disagreement occurs of their definition they turn you to enemy and bye bye you go cuz their friend label no longer fit you. They said bye due to label not cuz they discuss the common label or use interaction to decide.

U are only important to self cuz your the center of your universe. =o)

And by labels do you mean defining something based upon the perception of it? If so then yes. Defining and labeling helps us to learn, grow, communicate, recall, etc.

I don’t quite understand what you mean by this…

Well there is no self. The ego believes it is the center of it’s universe, and technically it is.

What can you know or not know without it? I find a question a better way to respond. Consciousness itself is not explainable,

So you define reality as observed phenomena?

That is an infinitesimal part of reality. Observer, observed phenomena, unobserved/unnoticed and the infinite unknown. Yet all of this remains consciousness. The whole “play” including denying that consciousness is reality and all the science is an experience in consciousness.

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Interesting. How would you know if something exists if it cannot be observed?

I would wonder why you are even able to think of something that doesn’t exist.
I’d say the only thing that doesn’t exist is a fundamental NULL.
Still, you can explore this at leisure because I am the God of Sloth who is too lazy to explain in detail. You are, nonetheless, damn near spot on with your original post.

Well retorted. But what if the very thing I am thinking of is an accident as a result of subconsciously absorbing information similar to the thought?

Nothingness exists as a pre-condition for all materia.

I just wanted to prod you a little to see what else you would come out with. Suffice to say, you didn’t disappoint.

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Glad to not disappoint.

Yes exactly. It is basically wave/particle theory. M theory, string theory, strodingers box.

The double slit experiment showed that ALL possibilities exists as one wave of pure consciousness until observed by an observer.

Example would be a boss. They love the title manager yet they don’t qualify nor do they have the skills to do the job. Yet everyone sees them as authority figure cuz of title position. Many fall for the label treating them base on title/label and don’t see that they are incompetent as a person who is in front of them. How many customer sometimes ask for manager yet the employee in front of them is more competent than the manager. Yet the customer only see label/title. Hence to them the label is more important than the person in front of them even though they are qualified more than the manager.
This applies to all areas of life. More often relationships/friendships social interaction are influence by labels. Majority haven’t learn to treat base on person but fall for the labels.

Another example. Label of friend. how many people know what real friend is? They love the label when someone calls them a friend yet they can’t fulfill it cuz they bite the hands that feed them from a real friend. They love all the good labels as it inflate their worth. Yet they can’t fullfil that label having a one way friendship. You are great to be their friend as they put that label on you yet they don’t apply to self. They are happy your ‘the friend’ yet they don’t follow through. The love status of having you as the friend.

U see another example in bf/gf relationships. They show off the partner yet they don’t act like the partner and the relationship feels more like strangers as they don’t know each other. One use the other one for their money. The label itself don’t determine the relationship. The relating to each other does.

When you do activity like energy training or magick spells. You just be in the moment doing the activity. You don’t go around labeling everything you do. That beats the purpose of being in the present now 'to experience". that is being tooo heady if you focus on labeling everything. Sometimes one just have to experience the senses for what it is and not talk about it and just be the senses.

Good and evil do exist… but not universally. Nature, and earth are indifferent to it. This is what I and some LHPer’s call “the objective universe”.

If a massive flood or earthquake takes out millions, the earth is simply “cleansing” itself, doing its own thing.

But death is the ultimate fear of human being, and nothing is more dramatic, more shocking than the death of a human life.

So from a human’s subjective viewpoint, the world is evil. How could God do this to his children?

Good and evil is entirely subjective. It exists in our subjective universes, our own little worlds, separate from the Earth.

What we may consider is “good” may be “evil” to somebody else.

Consider the Christian stance on homosexuality. It’s evil, and it’s an abomination… yet a loving gay couple who care for each other, support each other and simply enrich each other’s lives by being together… would you call that evil? What do you go by, to define it? An old scripture, your government’s law?

It’s “bad” to take acid, mushies, any hallucinogen… and yet, it’s okay to put people on anti-psychotic meds? It’s okay to feed people these pills that hold a double edged sword, i.e, bandaid one problem and then create another in future?

Good and evil can be defined by the human’s views and needs. What’s good for him/her might be bad for another, and vice versa.

The mistake we make is placing these concepts in the objective and expecting everybody to acknowledge it.

This is the danger of the popular religions today.

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So true.

Exactly my point.

And this is most definitely the issue. For most major things, we as a society agree upon a basic set of laws. Don’t kill, don’t rape, don’t steal etc. But other then that people always keep with the fragil sensibilities as if others have kowtow to their POV’s.

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We dont’ see beyond . we only see what we experience or hear of . That is very little compared to what the higher beings such as demons angels spirits or whomever . So our little life experience don’t give up much to work with.

If you lock up a child in a mansion since birth , he don’t know what out there exist. He can only live life base on what he experience in that little mansion compared to the world. We can betcha he won’t go far in soul growth without journeying outside his little mansion. Basically he have no reference to work with. Such is with many people.

Example. A lady only gets disrespected and mistreated and never receive kind and love from others. So they get use to being treated bad or used. Then someone comes and treat them well. They suddenly have no reference or make of it. They treat the nice person as enemy as it’s new to her. Fight or flight response. It will take some time to get her to use this new reference as not dangerous. She never knew such niceness existed. Before she couldn’t comprehend it. Thought couldn’t come up with it as it’s existent to her. Same with us. There are many things we couldn’t think of as it never existed in our mind. Knowledge is freedom, power, and control… That’s why there is limit of knowledge with the virus and such.