Also the thought to create complimentary color psi balls and concentrate on an associated planetary symbol while transforming the colors and note effects.
Tmw … While presenting my offering to King Purson, and reading the goetia description, and I look up in the clouds to see a bear shaped cloud, by someone with a wild beard in a joined cloud, and as clouds come together, I see the break between outlining his sigil. Hail Purson!
And as I’m contemplating an uncontrolled daydream of things going my own way, I find myself validating why I took this path to them in an argument.
So then I again experience this all day … A tug on my ear followed by my mind feeling electric shock, when turning my head in a certain direction or angle. Usually between thought.
And the end of Ghost busters, “okay, I get it. Empty your minds, clear your minds everybody”
Today has had a bit of harshness this morning. Hopefully now in the past.
I now wonder why Im here. What happened in the past I was so frustrated about so I became indifferent. now all feelings are passing away. I really would have liked a goetic demon to point out why certain things occurred, so I could have made better informed decisions. Oh well, thats yesterday now.
Speaking of yesterday, early today it was beautiful out. Then cold dark clouds started coming in and I decided I wanted the older weather back, so I reversed the earth counterclockwise/against its direction backwards, and imagined the dark clouds receding, they didnt so I ‘surgically cut’ a huge grey cloud out and popped it in the center of the dark mass. It cleared up and was beautiful again.
Monday Apr. 16, 2018
Dreams: At least one, my roommate had just bought some new cologne.
Physical Notes: Teeth hurt. Muscles ache a bit. Tired.
Mental Notes: tmw you realize you havent done shit all day, yet you complain about the material on here. I guess visualization exercises occurred early in the day, but little else got done. At least I still have four hours to get some things done.
Mundane work done, now to get to meditation, evocation, and invocations to ancestors. Need to clean myself up and get a job this week, these leads might be results with King Purson and I.
Synchronicities: None yet.
Readings: None yet, but about to formulate a basic ritual for a Celtic god/dess, with a Celtic Middle Pillar for energy raising, guardians for the watchtowers, an evocation and pact.
Psychic Exercises: Some done as visualization. Working to get all senses worked on. Mondays correspondence, exercises per SIGD/OAA guides. NOT DONE.
Tarot readings. NOT DONE.
Object Sensing exercises. NOT DONE.
Evocations - None yet, but planning on Celtic lines and ancestors, elementals. NOT DONE.
Astral Temple - NOT DONE
Core Shamanism - NOT DONE
Breathing - DONE -Seven day observe mental chatter challenge - Day 3, 4-16-2018
Location: Living room couch.
Environment noisy.
Posture: sitting on couch lotus position, Mudra Sign of the Inner Lion, arms loosely at sides. Eyes closed, chin down.
Time: 3:35 minutes.
TV volume, video game volume, microwave door slamming sounds, handed plate of chicken just as I woke out of the meditation.
Breathing in silent out silent.
Visualizations - NOT DONE - The roots and energy flow in grounding.
Rituals: None yet.
Wards- After breathing meditation with visualization. NOT DONE.
Shields - Researching. NOT DONE.
Practical Psychic Self-Defense
Groundings - DONE - Read breathing meditation with visualization. NOT DONE.
Day 5 Offering to King Purson…
And the incense has gone out, had some money making ideas. Been thinking about relationships recently. Hail Purson. 20 min.
Grounding – Visualized with proper in out breathing, that from my current position(Sitting on sofa in living room with feet flat on floor and hands at my chest in mudra Sign of the Inner Lion). roots grew out of my feet down into the earth and soil, passing water, earth and air pockets, and the tree and rock became my outer shell, and good energy was up from left and inhale, bad out and down to right, in a circular fan motion. 5 min. DONE.
Wards - Imagined air in and out was white light, and on each breath it grew like a bubble, until I was in a white light bubble like a cross between 2001 Space Odessey and Clockwork Orange, I could vividly see the white and extended that around me. 5 min. DONE.
Core Shamanism – Got into thought and visualization pattern while listening tio a drumming clip, and fell down the hole, landing on beat and dancing around the tree roots. The stream and bedrock were there, it was more a teal, a green-blue color glowing. I saw a crocodile head but nothing more. 10 min.
So some of this done in the day.
Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018
Dreams: None recalled.
Physical Notes: Teeth hurt. Muscles ache a bit. Tired.
Mental Notes: Get to 30 min meditations, get to evocation, and invocations to ancestors. Need to get a haircut, a shave and a job. Offering to Purson will be day 6.
Synchronicities: None yet.
Readings: None yet, but about to formulate a basic ritual for a Celtic god/dess, with a Celtic Middle Pillar for energy raising, guardians for the watchtowers, an evocation and pact.
Psychic Exercises: Some done as visualization. Working to get all senses worked on. Tuesdays correspondence, exercises per SIGD/OAA guides. NOT DONE.
Tarot readings. NOT DONE.
Object Sensing exercises. NOT DONE.
Evocations - None yet, but planning on Celtic lines and ancestors, elementals. NOT DONE.
Astral Temple - NOT DONE
Core Shamanism - NOT DONE
Breathing - NOTDONE -Seven day observe mental chatter challenge - Day 4, 4-17-2018
Time: minutes.
Breathing: in silent out silent.
Visualizations - NOT DONE
Rituals: None yet.
Wards- After breathing meditation with visualization. NOT DONE.
Shields - Researching. NOT DONE.
Practical Psychic Self-Defense
Groundings - NOT DONE
Hand mudra’s were getting interesting results with breathing, so will experiment more today with that.
Literally zero accomplished today. No fire.
Good thing there’s always tomorrow it’s okay.
Well, I suppose in a little under two hours I can accomplish something, first is the offering to King Purson, and then in that time can also work on grounding and observe mental chatter.
Ive always liked King Purson. Ive never worked with him but for some reason I smile at his name.
What do you find your mental chatters about most?
Social approval from myself and others, the things that arent working well in life, what I need to do or what I should do, etc. Sometimes things completely unrelated. The past couple days I had pretty much zero chatter in a time of 3-5 minutes.
That was a very honest answer I like that