Nightside's Journal

Invocation into the open air under the full name, invoking thrice Danu, Isis, Hecate, Morrigan.

Considerations and reflections on the three candles I light tonight, Black, Orange, Violet. A fourth, red will be lit for a separate purpose, possibly black paired with red.

Sat 3-31-2018
Dreams - None recalled.
Physical notes - generally okay. Sense of smell heightened, a good thing.
Mental notes - No more useless interaction, meaning the only interaction I seek is necessary to the work at hand. Work … Work foolishly, work blindly, it doesn’t matter in the end. Work in itself has absolute virtues.
Not as concerned today about would be harassers or assassins. If that’s fate, the only counteractive work is to let them fall on their own sword. Then ask them before their last breath if it was worthwhile.
So … 10:00 am onward no interaction except to report work done, to journal or to research. Any questions directed to me will have to wait.

Meditations to do today…
Day 2 Meditation
Chakra balancing meditation
Core Shamanism meditation
Tarot meditation.

Rituals to do today
Banishing working space
Invoking energy
Calling for protection and self defense
Evoking one King
Evoking Celtic gods/goddesses
Rite of protection
Rite of revenge

Smelled something dead when walking out to the porch.


Since I know the correspondences for a few Celtic deities, they will be the first evoked, and will communicate with others who correspondences are not known the best I can infer.
CS Med for soul travel.
T Med for all seeing.
Evos for evocation.
Binding and cursing those seeking spiritual or physical harm to myself or family and friends.
And the other work necessary.


So shift in plans … My housemates wife and I are going to the emergency room, so the evocations will have to wait until later.

Just a minor word of caution in that sometimes we are the most destructive force to ourselves. You may want to carefully word this binding/curse to exclude any aspects of the self.


Bad day. So shit talkers and attention whores are in Richmond as well.
Lovely. Too much too soon.

When I had the money and wanted the attention they weren’t there.
Wonderful timing universe.

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I sent you something for that! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Talked with housemates about stresses, and spiritual matters. Common ground found and stress nullified.

Meditation, Mental Chatter, And A 7-Day Challenge - Who’s In? ☼
New Magician Help
Let me first amplify the kinds of notions that cross many people’s minds when the idea of meditating daily is mentioned: "See, I’d like to meditate but I alone have a uniquely busy internal voice, my mind always has all these thoughts coming up, so I just can’t do it, because the fascinating complexity of my brain is too much to handle! Also, I lack the bare minimum requirements of a mountain-top retreat in Peru, Tibet, or Atlantis, surrounded by calmly drifting clouds, and when I try to sit c…
If you fancy making today the day to commit for the next week to meditating daily, and logging it (for better and worse) here, jump on in! :+1:

Day one.
Location - Living room.
Three minutes set on phone stopwatch timer.

Noisy environment. Closed eyes. Lotus position on couch. Hands/arms loosely on lap, fingers interlaced, only thumbtips touching each other.
In breath meditation word SAT, out breath meditation word NAM.

Immediate mental distractions …
Trying to constantly think of a different mediation symbol - first a dot, then area intersecting eyes and nose bridge, then cross of horizontal line above eyes and vertical nose bridge (cross), then tip of nose above nostrils, finally rose in center between eyes.
Next distraction was scrunching face to try to clearly see a white light dot and tune out noise.
Next distraction was trying to ignore noise, though ridiculous to expect silence in noisy area.
Next distraction was itch on one foot. Did not scratch.
Next distraction was a skip on one breath.

Whenever a distraction cropped up it was noted but ignored once settled on the rose.

Even in out breath pattern with consistent SAT NAM.

Before I knew it, my mind was silent for two breath counts, and timer went off.

Opened eyes and shutoff timer.

Recorded results here.

Day two
Location - Living room.
Four minutes set on phone stopwatch timer on first attempt. Three on second.

Low noise environment. Closed eyes.

Normal position on couch, feet flat on four. Hands/arms loosely on stomach, fingers interlaced, only thumbtips touching each other.

In breath meditation word SAT, out breath meditation word NAM.

Immediate mental distractions …
Round one -
Four minutes set.
Trying to center on just the rose between the eyebrows.
The cat that meows (Maya, not my Pandora), jumps up in my lap and wants pets. I finally sedate her to sit comfortably on my lap without further need of petting.

Round two -
Three minutes set.
All worries dropped from mind on both rounds but more relaxed this round.
No thought or distraction this time, just concentration on in(SAT), out(NAM) breathing.

Both oven and stopwatch timer went off.

Opened eyes and shutoff timers.

Recorded results here.


Wards and shielding?

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I swear to myself, if every god is fake except for two Hebrew brother gods, I’m just going to become an atheist.

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One theory which fits into the idea of divine brother (castor and Pollux, Arjuna and Krishna etc), is this …
A god and goddess spawn twins.
Both parents for after their birth.
Both twin bothers are hermaphrodites.
All gods and goddesses are masks of theirs.
They have different agendas and create servitors and egregores.

So … Choices are…
Worship one, both or masks. Use invocations and evocations.

Worship yourself and design all invocations and evocations about yourself.

Be an atheist.

Until this is proven wrong, I choose option 2.

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Alright. It’s basically the same as that random guy.

ancestral veneration.
banishing and protection
godform work
divination before spell casting
6)go read his post.

Add to this list from @Raven_Maleficus his teachings on wards and shields,
Also the corr shamanism and astral temple work per @Lady_Eva.

Integrate that from Raven, and what Lady_Eva has sent me into daily practice.

Rewrite RHP rituals as self initiations using pantheon of my choice, or aspects of myself.

Any aspect past present or future of my self as god/dess is as that I’ve done to my recollection.
Schooling - communication, writing and magic aspect
Martial Arts - war aspect
Gardening/cooking - agriculture aspect

Mental note … Consider within the next couple months to setup a blog site for the journal, learn what I can, pass on the blogsite to a select few and take a year break from BALG.

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Dreams - None

Physical notes - Was feeling rundown until I realized I hadn’t showered in four days minimum. Went in, showered and changed into fresh underwear, socks, and my running suit.
Felt much better until I realized that I am severely overweight, well, realized that last night while masturbating and looking down over my stomach.

Time to do exercise cards .
Wands - Burpees
Cups - Side to side crunches
Swords - One leg dead drops
Pentacles - Sit-ups
Princesses - Canoe planks
Princes - Pushups
Queens - Knee-Chest tucks
Kings - Roman Shoulders
56 cards, 120 minutes goal
Whatever card is drawn that count of exercises done.
Set timer on phone and flip cards.
Record actual counts done by alarm chime.
No break in between cards.
Overall span - daily in mornings over eight weeks, record weight and take before-after photos since not sure how to record or measure fat/BMI.
Drink one gallon spring water daily.
Do not adjust diet.

Mental notes -
Work through Ravens list. Daily
Work Lady Evas list. Daily
Work OAA exercises. Daily
Work GD exercises adjusted to Celtic names. Daily
Daily tarot card meditation/path working.
Daily evocation of at least one god or goddess. Start with Bel and Merlin or Danu and Morrigan.

Meditations -
Stop mental chatter day three today.
Core shamanism.
Tarot pathworking.
OAA meditations.

Rituals -
Banishing using specific Celtic symbol
Sacred space casting
Circle casting, grounding, warding
Will strengthening
Invoking Celtic version middle pillar
Main working
License to depart

Synchronicities noticed -

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And still procrastinating. I may alter the evocation today or over three days …
Day one - Celtic deity that smashes procrastination, and helps build/instills will, diligence, and self discipline.
Day two - Celtic deity that smashes fear and builds/instills courage and will.
Day three - Celtic deity that instills balance of love and hate, with passion.