Nightside's Journal

Later yesterday invoked/evoked King Belial after lighting a red candle and frankincense, for one BALG member, and later did my first binding for another BALG member.


Today is Mercury Day! Getting lots of travel and personal stuff done!

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Thursday - Financial needs close to completion for being underway.
Applying light blue paint to a dresser, after compiling angels for healing and completing projects with success.

Experience in Grounding

I’m smoking my cigarette after envisioning being in an astral war and my blood pressure and anxiety are rising.

I’m told to ground myself.

I walk down the deck onto grass and soil and close my eyes.

An indigo circle of protection surrounds me that cannot be broken.

Roots shoot down from my feet mingling with a huge oak tree.

I start to become an oak tree, and as roots hit bedrock, all of a sudden I am layered inside and out of armored bedrock and living oak tree.
I open my eyes and am calmer.

Whenever anxiety overtakes you, immediately ground yourself and transform the anxiety into energy power.

Also, first thing in the morning … You need to breathe and drink a glass of water.


You’re getting better. Slowly but surely.


I am keeping a traditional journal (pen and paper) but it’s personal. At least so far. I wrote more stuff today in it than ever before. Keep going brother! :+1:


Rev.Brian Sharp writes in his book The way of Ahriman:

"The subconscious mind is the most powerful
thing on this planet. This is your magical self and
it is your broadcasting antenna into the collective
consciousness and to Ahriman and/or Melek Taus.
The subconscious mind also controls all of
conscious mind’s doings, and regulates all the
necessary functions that keep you alive. I also
believe that any and all paranormal activity starts
from there! "

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Dreams - None

Physical notes – cold.

Mental notes - had a blowout with a roomies that got resolved. At least on my end, I now know what irritates her and won’t do it again. Doing goal and soul searching. Want to do something rewarding and creative. Want to be a better drummer.

Still working on a protection and healing mandalas and angelic seals and invocations.


Evoking the Angel of Lost Things

Memories of myself as a child, and a message to not let that get lost, as I was always the adventurer…
How to have success, and find and bring the Lost to safety and be Found?


It may appear as a wall, but look again, and you might find the tunnel. Even in plain sight. Sometimes you must go over, sometimes you must go under, sometimes they may even come to you.

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Beautiful! :cherry_blossom: :sparkling_heart: :cherry_blossom:


Thank you :slight_smile:


Journal entry for today, 3-19-2018
Dreams – Several, no details recalled.
Physical notes – Some minor knee and back pain, will have to instill some self discipline moving forward for myself:
a. Regular sleep schedule, reduce sugar and caffeine intake, LRP earth banishing and midnight solar adoration before going to sleep.
b. Up at a regular early hour to greet the sun, morning solar adoration, salutation to lord of the universe, feet on soil circle casting and grounding, active spirit invoking LRP, yoga asanas with proper pranayama, and fifteen minute visulaization and fifteen minute active meditation as conclusion to morning exercises. Shower, eat (small portion, cereal and piece of fruit at least) and dress. Minimal coffee intake, water until lunchtime if thirsty.
c. Invoking LRP of element of day, example, tomorrow is Tuesday (Mars), so Fire invoking. Afternoon solar adoration, rituals until evening.
d. Evening solar adoration and evening salutation, eat and back to rituals until bedtime, also indoor visualization exercises and grounding/warding.
Rear house gutter finished, so now any house improvement tasks are indoors for the week.

Mental notes – Really visualized kids returning home or the thejameshouse.

LRP earth banishing, and air/active spirit invoking (Monday, Luna)
Bornless ritual
Invocation to Angel of Lost Things with first child name, invocation to Earth Mother for animals to be our eyes and ears in the working.
Invocation that @Lady_Eva suggested
Invocation to select angels, Sayotel, Michael and Raphael primarily.
Litany of Lost Children invocation that @ashtkerr wrote
Visual meditation.
Close ritual with license to depart.

Bedtime – Midnight solar adoration, invoking active spirit pentagram (normally would be banishing earth, but need increased power and intuition for today and tomorrow).


@thatrandomguy … closer to what you were referring to in the reading earlier today?

Mental note, work this in with @Raven_Maleficus and @kiss-lamia-lilith instruction…



