To be blunt, you are a long way from accomplishing this. You need to be able to overcome a lot of natural defenses, free will, and also make him want you back after him basically moving on. I personally think this could be a worthy catalyst for you building your own power. Thing is, by the time you get powerful enough, you will probably just not care about the guy at all.
A few reads to get you started:
Use the search button, and just type “beginner”. Also, check out Bardon’s Initiation Into Hermetics, as it is a rare book that has a complete system of initiation into magic.
You may be tempted to go looking for demons to evoke or contact to get the job done. Please resist the temptation. You will be better off if they can respect you for putting in the work to develop as a magician, rather than just approaching them as a complete beginner expecting them to pull off miracles for you.