Hey everybody, I am a new user obviously. Have been browsing this site for a few weeks now though. I reside and grew up in England although I am half Afrikaans (South Africa). I am just a begginner in the craft and looking to learn as much as I can before I delve deeper. If anybody can point me in the right directions it would be much appreciated. Thanks and much love to all.
Welcome to the forum.
Before we can point you anywhere we need to know what you want to learn, so what areas of magick are you interested in?
Thanks and healing mainly but also I would like to know more about evoking spirits/demons
Hey there…
Welcome to the forum…
Jy gaan Baie hierso kan Leer…
Hi and welcome! Utilizing the magnifying glass (search functionality) in the top right, you can actually find a lot of info throughout this forum. I’ve already read a lot on evocation, and I’m positive information on healing exists too!
Healing magick is in all simplicity giving blessing of better health
1 Like
Simplest healing method ever:
Short and simple: I have some nerve problems in my back, and have found some success in chanting the syllables of Raphael’s name - RA - PHA - EL and envisioning them wrapping the affacted area in a triangle, like the way words are written round the outside of a poker chip.
I used the inverted triangle (like V) to bring energy “in” to heal a couple of times, and then I mainly used a point-up triangle (like ^ ) to regulate that energy and to heal it.
Weird things happened like seeing the triangl…
Not into angels? No problem:
I wanted a healing mantra wrap that was free of any “angelic” J/C kinds of currents and associations, and was given this:
The syllables IN-SO-FAR (as a mantra, not the word “insofar”) are a transcendent/non-clockwork version, I’ve used it many times now with success, including on animals for whom the placebo effect can’t be in operation.
IN/NI is Sun in Scorpio, SO appears to mean “destroy” in Sanskrit and “whose” in Enochian, FAR (and it is FAR, not FA or FAH) I have nothing yet.
There may e…
This guide is intended to be both simple and easy to translate.
Read it through at least twice to understand all the stages.
If you are using a book, follow the instructions in the book about any prayers or magick words of power, this guide is very basic, and you can add things to it from the book or method you are using.
If you are not sure whether magick is safe, or whether you should take the risk, do not perform an evocation, or you might just become more worried and unhappy.
You will ne…
And I’ll just spam you with one more of my own topics, how to visualise effectively - walk-through I did a few years ago: What's normal? (Creating Wards Walk-Through Tutorial)
Other members also write awesome stuff, some compiled here:
Member Tutorials:
Members on this forum have posted some STUNNING tutorials over many years, and this topic intended to contain a list of these. Please feel free to add links to any tutorial posts you created, and ones you have bookmarked, as well.
Editing to add in an amazing post probably all new members should read:
And another from Sept 2020:
And next, a very excellent post by forum member @C.Kendall :
Edit to add, important considerations for those seeking an incubus, succubu…
Also see: