It is a rule of this forum for all new members to make an introduction thread in the Introductions category. Please tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick.
Hello Newcomer,
Introduce yourself in this thread so that older members can welcome you. For example, share…
• Your name
• Photos if you’re comfortable
• Kinds of magick you like
• Current goals
• Current struggles
I’ll start. I’m the co-creator of Become A Living God, my name is Timothy.
I’ve devoted my life to black magick, and my passion is to perfect the art of scrying. I’m currently writing a philosophical treatise on the ideology of the left hand path, which I’ll either i…
Where do you hail from?
Do you have any experience at all in magick?
If so, what have you practiced and how long have you practiced it?
If not, what areas of magick are you most interested in learning?
This is important information to include in a proper introduction.
To get you started, check out the basics here:
Ever since this forum was launched the idea of adding rules was deemed unnecessary. Because after all, we would most likely deal with mature Black Magicians seriously working on their Path to become a Living God.
Almost two years later we, sadly enough, had to change our minds on this. We regret to announce that, as from now, rules will be added to this forum. We have had too many scammers, con-artists, trolling, flaming, threats, false profiles, intimidations, dead horses, etc…
We can no long…
Member Tutorials:
Members on this forum have posted some STUNNING tutorials over many years, and this topic intended to contain a list of these. Please feel free to add links to any tutorial posts you created, and ones you have bookmarked, as well.
Editing to add in an amazing post probably all new members should read:
And another from Sept 2020:
And next, a very excellent post by forum member @C.Kendall :
Edit to add, important considerations for those seeking an incubus, succubu…