I’ve been pondering about this for a couple weeks now and never come to a satisfying conclusion.
I am thinking if the Nephilim did exist, some of us might be descended from them, but then again the bible takes place in the middle east and I suppose only people from the middle east would descent from them.
I have done yes or no tarot reading and gotten the 5 of pentacles, which is a no, so I am out of the equation. Either way I have strong doubts that this is actually real and feel like this just being marketed to the average “tik tok witch” to feel special, like that whole starseed thing. So I have a feeling that this is a ruse, or at least exaggerated to make people spend money.
I’m wondering what you guys think? Are you perhaps Nephilim or what are your thoughts on them and the possibility of being descended by them?
And btw I know that some people can be starseeds, I am not denying that, but that whole subject has been blown out of proportion by these new agers.
I am looking for the article I read a few years backing saying that - blood types could be who you are talking about.
What I am linking is not it but I think you would find it interesting.
I personally am rh - and have green eyes and reddish brown hair naturally (so lots of rates so to speak) I am also American and my bloodlines for the most part are Irish (most dominant) Welsh, English and German.
So the descendants would literally be all over the world.
Given that they are the offspring of incarnated angels with humans… I know already a few angels that have sacrificed their immortality and power to descend to human level to incarnate in human forms taking on ego minds and the like but carrying a decent bit of their power. Some more so than others. This would make them fairly common and since these genetics are more a spiritual code any reincarnations would count if that latent potential is awakened.
Would be hard to tell between a strong psychic and one such higher level soul though without training and most likely would just suppress such and continue to devolve back into base human stock.
It could also likely refer to angels that forsake their role to take human incarnations and not just the offspring resulting from their playing around and indiscretions after taking human form. I would say it refers to both possibilities.
From there, a lot of “giant” stories involve a flood.
My gnosis is that what’s remembered as “giants” and the “nephilim” actually ties back to Atlantis, and the flooding that destroyed it and it’s people (and scattered the survivors)
Remember, the bible is pretty new on the scene and parts of it’s content are lifted from previous sources. Babylonian, Egyptian…
I think Damien echols is close on his take:
On the anthropological end of things, the “nephilim” could also be an ancient form of humans that interbred with everyone else…interesting to contemplate.
There’s a current of thought that not only are human hybrids with ET DNA, but that many species and races contributed more or less in different waves. The kinds of ETs that were the watchers had DNA that wasn’t 100 compatible and the documentation speaks of the pregnancies killing the women with babies tat were too big or had to be born by cesarian. The historian Freddy Silva has studied the available documents and talks about this in several books with some interesting references to back up his analyses.
Another line of thinking has it that the nephilim were the children of the survivors from Atlantis, were not giants, but as basically dumbed down selfish people with siddhis they caused gigantic problems. LHP thinkers are, or so I hear, generally rejected from mystery schools, (think Crowley getting thrown out of the Golden Dawn) not because you have to accept being a conduit of ‘god’ to gain adept skills, but because the teachers don’t want masters that will cause destruction at will, aka ‘sin’, by not acting in alignment with god (which I read as, “don’t be a dick and we’ll teach you”).
So that brings in a lot of judgement, regulation and a level of control by the ascended with the intent of skewing outcomes to the positive.
In ether case, the DNA is in all homo sapiens to a greater or lesser extent.
This could say something else as well… It’s a card about poverty, and the effect of being impoverished on the mind. We tend to withdraw menially and focus on ourselves and immediate survival when times are hard, which can cause us to miss seeing opportunities. The implication is that there’s information you’ve already come across, but it didn’t register as important. You might find something cool if you look back over your notes.
Mostly just through personal experience. They aren’t common but I’d say a few exist at any given time though of lower rank and unknown name. You aren’t going to find a big one incarnating as a human for many reasons.
Interesting interpretation. I have a strong connection to Azazel for some reason. I remember saying his name once and literally saw a white light move across my room. Lol that sounds so crazy, but its true. Idk why Azazel is like that, but I tend to stick to Lilith and spirits that are around her.
I thought I might have been a Nephilim, but I really don’t want to fool myself into believing something just because it’s cool to be different than others, so I’d rather take the “no” answer than a “yes”. I just can’t 100% prove it, so a No is better I think.
I wouldn’t worry about being part Nephilim if I were you. A lot of times tarot cards aren’t very reliable & also the spirits often Lie. Are you abnormally tall? Like over 7-8 feet? Because back in the 1800’s before the Smithsonian started hiding them all from the public lots of giant skeletons were unearthed about 7 feet or taller,& then some of the first ones ever were thought to be even up to 20-30+ feet high & of course very strong & superior intelligence & therefore it would be very easy for them to build places like the pyramids, Stonehenge, etc…with stones weighing several tons. wich no humans can duplicate today & they align perfectly to the stars. There’s this interesting book on the subject- “ Genesis 6, Giants… master builders of prehistoric & ancient civilizations “ by Steve Quayle, with diagrams of the different heights of giants. & even though the Bible takes place in the Middle East you better believe that the Nephilim were All over the world & every culture has there stories about them. Even native Americans talking about them being in the America’s before them & they had to fight them off because they were cannibals & many are reported having red hair. And there are several large mounds throughout the U.S. that are thought by some to be the work of the Nephilim, like “ the serpents mound” in Ohio. A famous one. Wich they would have tourist thinking the native Americans built but they said these mounds were here before they were & supposedly used for burial purposes. Have you heard about the giant of Kandahar, Afghanistan? That supposedly killed some U.S. troops in a secluded mountain area where it emerged from a cave? And it took an enormous amount of firepower to finally kill the beast & they supposedly flew it away in a helicopter to Who knows where , but also there are supposedly more of these giants in the area that the natives know about. Some even think that the Bigfoot are a race of Nephilim/ giants that can go in & out of different dimensions & portals
Another blood type they seem to want in persons for their hybrid program is type O negative & therefore many family members with this blood type & D.n.A. Are abducted since early childhood & have traumatic, painful procedures done on them & sometimes implanted with devices that some think are to track them. & often times will impregnate women while abducted & then 3 months later the fetus is mysteriously Gone because the “ aliens “ took the fetus & then they go to Dr. & there is not any clue of the pregnancy! I realize this is Cra Cra sounding, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.& once taken after couple months they grow the hybrids in their own tanks of blood & different tissue that they get from the Cattle mutilations. Because bovine blood & dna is very similar to human & can be used interchangeably. That’s why there is never any drop of blood near or on the carcasses. They cut out what body parts they need & then using an instrument of incredibly high heat to cauterize & seal off any bleeding
The thing about angels is that they’re incorporeal beings who would need to possess a human to make a baby in the physical realm. Because of that, you won’t be able to detect through blood tests.
I’m pretty sure whoever made up the whole “specific blood type = otherworldly ancestor” bullshit just wanted to make something relatively unimportant into something special. Like Indigo Children.
There are plenty of people related to angels that don’t have this specific blood type.
It is true. Some have Nephilim DNA. But if I may suggest one thing; these subjects are important to the psycho-elite so if posts like this gain attention, troubles could happen. For me I don’t care because this life has no meaning for me. But Nephilims and Elohims do exist. I know people close to me that does have strong incarnation and do have DNA from old ancient cultures such has nephilims.
They tried this on me, decades ago. I woke up right in the middle of a procedure. red colored beings were outraged i was able to wake up and destroy a part of their fucking network. Goes with the terrain, those idiots didn’t know I was a strong incarnation here but,…most of us will not be at our full version because they polluted the soil, the air and our food. Of course no god or demon or any other spirit came to the rescue or at least the warn us. So…this fake reality for me is no longer.