They are Evil bastards! Not here to better the earth or bring cures for cancer, as they claim, but here for their own evil Agenda. Not our friendly space brothers or extraterrestrial but Interdimentional beings. “ goes with the terrain?” You mean being into magic & being abducted? Yes your right. Many people involved in the Occult also have “ alien” experiences because these entities are 1 in the same. Good you were able to mess with some of their procedures because they like to be in control & cause us to do many things we don’t want, like sleep paralysis, erasing the memories of procedures they’ve done on abductees, and more with their mind
Right on. Exactly.
Don’t worry bro, no ones gonna care about the life of a random dude from Germany. Especially not the 1%.
Schätze mal du bist auch aus Deutschland. Grüß dich
My brother senior dooche bag is RH- I am RH+ both Greeks
I think the Nephilim are purely symbolic. People read way to far into stuff just because its old.
My kid is rh +. I never looked too much into it or anything. Just when i eat for my blood type then I pay attention.
Same. The story of the Nephalim is a bastardization of older lore.
In Mesopotamian cultures, it was thought that all were descended from the gods. Head priestesses were symbolic wives of the deities. Kings were representatives of the deities as well. There were rituals to symbolize the union of the two, between gods and humans.
Jewish folklore took this concept, removed any notion of female deities, and made male fallen angels at fault for producing monstrous offspring with (what they seemed were lesser, spiritually) women.
This monstrous offspring of the Nephalim is merely code for the offspring another ethnic group.