I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to post requests like these but I’m needing an entity scan for these reasons,
I’ve been experiencing negative synchronicities for about two years.
Here are the details:
“Ringing in my ears(non-tinnitus ones),
stomach growling all over my body,
noises(like the door that’s been banging frequently even when closed) that occurs everytime I think,
minor misfortunes every month,
negative mandela effect experiences,
everyone around me and in TV and videos talking in a way that triggers me(they’re not doing it on purpose though),
life getting shitty”
Hello, I have read some of your posts and some of the answers you’ve given to some other posts.
In your introduction post you said "I practiced dark shamanism for about 2 years. Used to practice basic shamanism until I had bad experiences with the light-side path " Could you please explain “dark shamanism”, practices, rituals? . Because I think you could be being deceived by negative entities and they are just feeding of you and making your life a mess.
You could start by trying this Unofficial Tutorials: Spiritual Hygiene & Defense Collection
The problem with black magicians is that some demon is stronger than them. This problem is easy to solve. The second one is worse.
In my opinion you are getting mental illness, many black magicians cannot see very small differences when they are possessed or controlled by demons or slowly get mental illness.
They simply cannot recognize these disturbed mental states. If it seems to you that the characters on TV are talking about you, then this is an example of mental illness.
There is another issue. Most people I know suffer from these so-called misfortunes,
I only find out about them when they tell me about them at work.
The difference between a strong and a weak man is that a strong man recognizes them, and solves them.
This is the difference between a weak and a strong man.
Even demons have a hard time defeating a tough guy. A man has to be tough.
The problem with black magicians is that they think some demon is stronger than them. This problem is easy to solve. The second one is worse.
How does an entity scan work?
They weren’t talking about me.
I am not clairvoyant. I do not see your life or your choices, so I cannot relate based on a few phrases. Same with others, we have to guess.
I am simply stating a fact, if you claim that voices on TV or other people are talking about you, then you have a problem with self-confidence and chemical balance in your brain.
Maybe it is the work of demons, or maybe it is just time to start practicing sports and self-confidence, I simply try to approach life rationally with every advice. People fall under the weight of their own mistakes and blame God or Lucifer for it. It should not always be like this.
Occultists are hypersensitive to these so-called curses.
Even when they catch a cold, or everyone else starts getting sick, they wonder if they have not fallen victim to black magic (laughter)
The problem begins when a person cleanses their aura and space, but still not much changes in their life.
Often the problems are in the person themselves, manifesting as weaknesses and gaps in knowledge and character. This forum is full of spells and rituals and guides on how to remove curses, even generational ones. It’s a great source of knowledge. You may find something for yourself, but no one can guarantee that everything will suddenly change for the better. Maybe it’s not a curse, or maybe it is. You have to look at the whole picture. I think you can benefit from what I’ve said.
Yes indeed. If you hear walking up the stairs when no one is home or banging on the door, it could be some form of demonic interference. I just forgot about it, I haven’t encountered it in a long time, I don’t allow it.
If you want other users to guess what the entity is and his name, it’s probably better to contact a clairvoyant.
Have you tried just banishing and cleansing - what does that do? It’s free and if you have entities around will get rid of them, then if nothing changes it’s not parasites or negative entities.
Set up proper wards afterwards so they don’t just come right back.
I pulled a card and got nothing except general camaraderie shown on this forum, I don’t think it’s entities at this point other than a whole like attracts like thing.
Are there clairvoyances that can help me for free?
Yes, do the exercises in the first book mentioned in this thread.
But Ahmose already linked you this. Did you not look at it?
Ok great, go do that then, and let us know how it goes. You want to clean up house, as it were, and get to a clear baseline, then see what’s still left and what was dross clogging you up.
Clean up your diet at the same time - a growling stomach is probably bad food.
There are many good people who give something for free on the forum.
Really good content that surpasses what you can find even on Balg books.
Maybe someone will help you if they are interested, but people also have their own jobs and activities after work.
Usually those who do it professionally charge a lot, or very little for their services. It depends.
I don’t want to be a mediator, that would be like advertising.
Even on YT Hindu occultists advertise. That is like a scam and is unbearable.
You have a lot of free content, use the small amount of financial resources to improve yourself in this topic. You can get all this for free if you try.
Read the forum, books, improve yourself in this topic and you will gain something that cannot be bought - knowledge and experience. This is priceless.
Never look at it, that it may seem to you that you are weak or lack knowledge.
When last have you had a really good cleaning? I feel you need cleaning, but it’s also more of your mindset/mentality as well. Your mind will tell you nothing is working. You need to clean and balance your head out. Drink Milk Thistle, and Skullcap- hot teas. Look into Evening Primrose Oil as well.
Those should help for the mental and physical balance.
As for cleanings I can’t share those openly, they come from certain lineages.
I’ve been meditating a lot.
Some one has worked magick against you causing these sufferings and misfortunes. Simple cleansing and banishing alone will not be a solution, though it will help you in future.
So do rituals and spells to destroy that magick against you and protect yourself or you may be completely be lost in it.
To OP is no longer on this forum, I believe they said that Anon means anonymized account. I was confused to whom you addressed your comment, in that situation I either use the quote button or address them by @(name).
I post the following not to reveal this information to OP but to make it accessible for other members that might come across it in their search.
(El Gibbor) – “Mighty God.”
(Elohim) – “God” or “Mighty Ones,” emphasizing power and authority.
Chant one of two to the divine names of God, depending if you are white or blacked, you can choose to recite it as it is or concentrate on the left side of the name.
Turn on some ambient music as the background, the channel ‘panic music’ has good ones.
Recite El Gibbor for 8 minutes or until you feel the energy of the name.
Then you address the servants of the name by saying
“Servants of the name of El Gibbor by the power of (left side) of El Gibbor raise the sacred space, break the curse, destroy the link with the curse, fortify my aura, attune and energetically link me with the name of El Gibbor and its current and bestow onto me and the room massive amount of energy of the El Gibbor."
Then you recite El Gibbor for 2-3minutes, then you address the servants again, and you continue this cycle.
Duration can be 15min, 30min, or 1H+
*Chanting divine names raises ambient energy, making the other rituals more powerful. I always chant for 15min before I commence any type of work.