Narcissists being protected?

You could also use King Paimon. This demon will fix him, that’s if you want to call on the aid of a demon.

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You can curse the shit out of a narcissist but it isn’t going to change their nature. They won’t stop being a narcissist because something bad happens to them. They also won’t be scared off a victim of their bullshit by it in particular if they don’t know that the threat comes from them. You can hope they lose interest which generally happens when they find someone or something else to distract them or you can stop reacting to their bullshit which is super hard I know but they literally thrive on attention. Positive and negative so if you give them neither eventually they lose interest. Also give them as little access to you and your life as possible. Third option I generally don’t condone unless absolutely necessary. Fuck trying to curse them and punch them square in the jaw.


I think that there are more covert narcissist than overt narcissists. They just play the victim more convincingly, especially the women.

What do you mean by “fix him”? Obliterate him or help him? Some people don’t deserve to be saved.


He can manipulate the mind of a narcissist, which is exactly what a narcissist does. I have a spell for a narcissist, it’s under effect cursing a narcissist on the forum. One could call on king Pain in for this along with another demon.


It’s under effectively cursing a narcissist on the forum. *


And he wouldn’t be saved.

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Biggest way to defeat a narcissist, protected or otherwise, is to not feed it anymore power.
In fact, anything that goes against the self of the strong willed will flip them out.

Whatever the aim of control, if control is taken away or is ignored, you don’t be part of it, you cannot be controlled and so POOF the narcisism cannot affect you and is destroyed. They will go for easier prey. You will be blacklisted and damned by them - this is what you want.

Don’t care and walk away, they’ll eventually turn in on themselves and all the hate, demands, will fall on noone else but themselves as those who ignore have walked away.

Archangel Michael can unplug those huge Cords that drain your energy and feed theirs. Every emotion currently is being fed by your energy, any reach out to you reattaches the cords. You’ll need a few days to recover.

Correct. They wont know what they do is wrong, as they are right… always right… so despite the same outcome or worse byt doing the same thing they will continue on the same path until they destroy themselves. Some say narcisism is a curse in itself. That and a form of austism.


Cluster B’s in general are pretty incapable of being covert; that takes empathy, i.e. an understanding of what they have to fake. That’s why even in a highly individualistic sociocultural environ like the USA where cluster B’s can do very well for themselves they nonetheless comprise a pretty low proportion of the population.

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Where did you read that?

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It was part of the findings of the whole current of research in the 90s into why psychiatric treatment of criminal sociopaths lead to higher and not lower recidivism rates; the conclusion being that therapy better equips them and in fact teaches them to more effectively deceive normal empathetic human beings and hence encourages recidivism. No published articles in particular come to mind at the moment but that whole current of research was a big thing.


It’s a problem when they choose an innocent victim, someone who is kind hearted and an easy mark. They enjoy what they do, and think it’s funny when they get over on people. After they’ve destroyed their victims life completely, they move on to another victim.i would like to stop them dead in their manipulative lying tracks.


You.curse them to the degree where the false identity they project is obvious to everyone, it’s their phony identity that they protect. Take it away, and they are left bare and exposed to all.


I do know that psychiatrists and psychologists have a very low success rate with narcissists, because they would rather be treated for bi polar disorder, or schizophrenia, than admit they are a narcissist, in order to keep that false persona alive. Being exposed and unable to find a victim is the worst thing that can happen to them. Inside they lack a true identity, so they make up one due to insecurity. They feel entitled, like the world owes them something. If they can’t get this special treatment, they will lie and manipulate until they do.

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Narcissists are kind of protected but generally you can count on them to self destruct. Sam Vaknin has some educational videos on Narcissism.

If you can’t destroy the castle, dispose of its allies and resources. More then one way to skin a cat.

Sun tzu, I love the whole best offense is the best defense.

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When are narcissists NOT being protected? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::expressionless::unamused:

resources being the operative word here, as aform of control.
They often have no friends, as friends are not required for them to think they can succeed.