All of these are good ideas. As I have directly dealt with someone diagnosed with NPD who attempted to destroy my entire life. This is a good thread. I also agree with DarkestKnight. By and large the labeling of someone as a Narcissist is misused frequently to describe people of a selfish, arrogant and abusive nature. Believe me there is a real difference. The most important difference to you would be knowing how to approach your problem with magic. Two very different routes indeed if you wish your efforts to bear fruit. Just my humble opinion.
Narcissists crave attention, so instead of bombarding them with energy or sending them an army of demons to deal with it’s better to cut off all energy supplies. Basically turn into a rock and don’t react in any way to their bullshit. Just ignore them and set firm boundaries. That is the most important thing anyway, when you’re dealing with any kind of insanity: Know who you are, know your boundaries and keep them. If you need help with that, find a good guard who’ll help you to reinforce them. And then just forget about the narcissist, that’s really the cruelest thing you can do. Let them drown in their own insignificance.
It seems like after dealing with one for some time, that they will only reinvent themselves, including more tall tales, and move on to the next set of victims. Psychiatrists do not like treating narcissists, because no matter what, they just will never admit they are narcissists and try to manipulate the psychiatrist. Sad but true
They can also be control freaks. I have one in my family and it is horrible. Everyone around him becomes toxic and basically dies on the inside and out. The land is polluted and even the animals suffer. Odd though, the bees, hornets, and stuff do not. He claims Jesus Christ himself and god gifted the bees to him. I think he likes ants and other stuff and goes of his way to save them and feed them. He treats the cats, dogs, and people like crap though. I won’t get into his prophet of god spiel etc etc. He will destroy all of mankind in the name of GOD. Its annoying to say the least. of course everything we do is pathetic and stupid or lazy. I’m not missing him or my now toxic zombie mom. I do miss some of my elderly pets. I weep for the land as I’m not allowed to grow anything. They’re my parents though, I still pay to keep them from being homeless. One day, I will probably abandon them. My health is so bad because of their toxicity. I need to realize I cant’ help them even if I try so hard.
It’s subtle but you can still smell it on them. Many narcissists have that same stupid look in their eye, as if they’re hoping to not be found out. Really, it’s more like a physiological imprint of their mental state, a time capsule of the trauma that brought them there. It’s actually quite pitiful once you begin to disect them. The select few who are more subdued are the exception.
About “throwing it around” though; it can seem that way living in any culture that champions individualism. However, I find that narcissists aren’t detected or diagnosed enough because they often act in ways to diminish the severity of their toxic behavior. Of course the spectrum varies, but you can still be a narcissist without being inflicted with the actual personality disorder. It’s like when people falsely assume all psychopaths are violent. Go figure, right?
Violent narcissists with huge delusions of grandeur are bad. My sister has been affected so bad she’s disowned my parents and is in therapy. She wants to erase they ever existed as its affected her so bad.
Yeah I have chronic complex PTSD and Borderline personality disorder as a result from this abuse not fun.
@heartignited My twin has Borderline Personality Dis. If that is you mean. I am so very sorry, it’s the hardest thing I have encountered yet, if you ever wanna talk about tactics. I am always trying to learn more and provide incite on the condition!
Thank-you lovely! I’ve just finished a targeted therapy for BPD which is the only thing that’s helped so far. I’m getting there slowly but surely
This is why I practice solar & projection magick, I am trying to work getting her into stable cycles, but she is a drinker, and that is a problem for anyone in her way. I have been sober for years, cause you never know when a episode is going happen, one word could literally change the course of reality, you cant afford to not be ready. I have to be her Sun when she is lost in the night, and I have to be the love for her heart when she cant love herself. Its most painful thing to watch, and experience. Do you drink, or do you have input on the alcohol and other pointless poisonous distractions, cause its like a performance enhancer for BPD, true terror.
I avoid alcohol unless it’s for social reasons, but I’m rarely a drinker I don’t like to become addicted to substances to cope.
Honestly dialectical behavioural therapy is what helped me the most with this and King Paimon has helped immensely with my suicidalness and aggressive outbursts when I was at my lowest, even mostly cured my fibromyalgia; I so very rarely have a flare up with that now. I’m so grateful for him and I didn’t even ask for his assistance with it, it was a gift he just did for me
That is wonderful to hear, that you found genetic regeneration through your practice, I am laser-focused on my solar energies, I am in the process of making my attempts at creation, as well as a new type altogether. Solar Opacity Particle Magic, which will be my attempt to heal, and correct the mutations caused when our soul split, I think its ancestral trauma that she ended up having it was flip of a coin. My practice with this creation is to manipulate DNA on a chemical level with solar energy that I channel from the center of the sun is an understatement, my focus is on the greater central sun as is much larger to target and directly behind our sun. She is just in such a state, I want to ensure that she feels for a change, its a dark place for her, and if I can make this work, it’s going to change everything. This will open doors into Solar Shade, Intersteller, Black Hole opacity magic, and more creation and experimentation in the current planetary grid. Thank you for sharing, I hope we can have more conversation in the future if you need anything feels free to reach out, you’re a very encouraging practitioner.
I’d love to talk more in private with you about well, anything really, you seem very friendly
This person is very versed in magic and protection (uses the guise as an occult magical teacher to lure the girls in) lovebomb, messes controls manipulates brakes , disguards, (in a way youll never forget). … next… (people ‘come and go in his life’… ha)
And if he sussed out already all what I know in magic, my vulnrabilities, loyalty, psychicly involved etc
He’s ‘clever’ so how is this meant to penatrate properly and work.
If he truely saw what he was what he did and does and has to live with it and see how he leaves others in shards, with a line of destruction in his wake, and live in guilt, at least this would leave me kinda content that some justice has been done. Thing is I never knew any of his exes except what I gathered abit from him and his treatment of them. Especially at the time he freshly moved from abroad. I wonder if they would feel used in exactly the same way. Lol. We could make a group effort to do that spell because we will need a group, because all my workings and drain of energy and mjndf*ck since he left me drained with energy, and almost fearful to curse him… either way Im sure he will pick up on it and expected me to do as much, so I have to figure out how to be smarter about it, and not get repurcussions. Like Ive had when back when it ended, so much attack from him I thought I was going to lose my sanity. Still to today I feel his “cloud” and energy around, but obviously not like the attack in the beggining. Any idea how to deal well with such a person/situation would be appreciated.
Hey. Two words: Self Empowerment. Build yourself up mentally and spiritually. You feel his cloud you say. Realize who you are and don’t view yourself as his victim, in fact you are superior to him. If you knew how inadequate and inferior he truly is and feels, you would automatically lose the victim mentality. Noone can do all things magically, and it is impossible to be completely protected from someone else’s attack. So hes not as adept as he may believe or tries to project to others, because everyone invulnerable in some way. Dissect his personality. Believe me, he has weaknesses. See yourself as being stronger, because you really are. Sometimes it’s wise to wait before you attempt to do any kind of ritual regarding him, and focus on you. Build yourself up and especially your protection. I would appeal to Santa muerte in her white aspect just for yourself. When you know you have gained enough confidence, and believe me I know that’s what they like to destroy in you so you remain under their control, then appeal to la Nina negra, the black aspect of Santa muerte. Get some white Santa muerte jar candles, with the right oil for that purpose, and pray to her daily, give her offerings, and keep her altar nice. Then purchase the black Santa muerte candles with the dark oil for her, do the same with your altar, and I would keep a white jar candle burning no matter what. The justice spell for her can be found online as can the other prayers to her. There’s no reason to fear this deity, in fact she is very kind, and will dish out justice to your enemy without mercy. She is awesome. The only other dark goddess I keep candles burning for besides Hekate because more than likely you will get the results you want. These items are usually available in Latin occult shops, and sometimes in others. You can also order online to save some money. I would also get a statue of her. When you do, remove the scythe and in its place, insert a piece of parchment with your enemy’s name written on it 9x rolled up. Let me know how this goes for you. Good luck. Divina
This topic is near and dear to me, not because I’m looking for baneful magic necessarily but because I’ve noticed something of an impediment in self development or at least a very ugly snag that I’ve had to deal with. The moment someone is off developing themselves out toward Alan Watts or Manly P Hall territory, ie. sorting out their inner demons, they quite often find themselves turning into magnets for bullies because by having inner peace or being more internally pragmatic, having a higher quality inner life, they appear to be losing their competitive edge and smell like prey.
The trick IMHO is figuring out how to navigate that without needing to destroy all kinds of inner work just because life is red in tooth and nail, sort of like a sexual and economic war of all against all. It’s abundantly clear that nature hates what it creates and could care less about the health or happiness of any given conscious being, it’s all about getting seed into the next generation or else. Especially if someone’s an atheist or reductive materialist they should take issue because ‘you only live once’ becomes so much more paramount and needing life to be about perpetually either sharpening one’s own sadism or sharpening one’s own weapons against the sadism of others - it’s a catastrophic failure to actually take the opportunity of life for what it is - ie. the capacity to perceive, to experience, to think, to create your own bliss if you’re wise enough in how you manage your own internal affairs.
To that extent there has to be a way of becoming the sort of person who does make the world a better place and at the same time not having that steal from the nonverbal self defense jar. While I think I might be getting better at this and might eventually, in the next five or ten years or so, find my own answer I really don’t like that it’s had to come at the price of as much trauma and regress as it has and I get even more sickened by the thought that such trauma and regress can likely be multiplied by as many human beings who will find themselves in similar circumstances.
The reason I think la Nina negra may be your best option at this point, is because her energy is such that most magicians aren’t prepared to deal with it, and unless he’s able to do some serious black magick with demons, once she is set in motion is damn near impossible to stop, and she’s not gonna be harmful to the caster, so what have you got to lose
They don’t have any special protection, my ex was a narcissist and she has been obliterated. One of the main players in this curse was our beloved King Paimon.
Baal helped me with a narcissist recently as a Birthday Gift. Baal had access to him already so on his end he didn’t even have to do much.
One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten.