My Struggle

But I have also performed very dark rites of self deification, seldom, because they are few and far between.

Can you name the bible verses?

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It’s just my own interpretations of the forbidden art forms in the bible. Any time it made mention of something like divination, you could find the use of lots for example to divine something “from the Lord”, Yahweh. Then you’d see where things like speaking a curse over someone was frowned upon if not totally forbidden, but those in the know were permitted to lay curses left and right, in both the old and new covenants.

The prophet, the priests, and the apostles were all said to have laid a curse from time to time.

If wanted specific Bible passages to affirm this then just let me know and I’ll do a quick Google search to find some examples of where in one instance, divinations illegal, and in another time period, it’s a common practice for leaders, and my point was that they just didn’t appear to approve of common people using dark magick.

Moses obviously is the perfect and shining example of a magician who was challenged and went against other experts in the craft. For example, he turns his staff into a serpent on retort to the Egyptians doing the same thing.

I’ve almost made a new topic on this subject but I’ve since then retracted it and removed it, because I’ve felt it to be an inappropriate kind of topic to create for just this simple statement.

Whoever has been invoked or invoking me, evocation of me or a godform of me… I’ve been noticing you’re doing that.

I’ve noticed it tonight in fact and was very much dissociative from my discomfort with being out of my body and having inner visions come to the surface of being called into a fire pit of some sort… That’s not nice to do to another professional without asking permission, but I that’s not really the point is it?

I don’t care whether it was for good reasons or not.

Please don’t do this anymore, whoever you are as I’m very sensitive to even the mildest of energy shifts and changes to my body, my auric field, etc. And especially whenever I’m directly involved in someone else’s practices.

I’ve left body tonight and been inside of a flame or several candles or something like that. It was awkward for me to know about this and to have to just sit there while it’s going on.

It’s hard to say what they were plotting, whether it was good or not, but either way what the enemies have meant for evil, my Creator turns for my good.

I do enjoy using the energy of a good old fashioned deification rite of that’s what it was, but still can’t tell right now. All I know was that things are going good for me as well.

A good curse too. That shit feeds my curses returned on the people I’ve needed the curse to befall.

The majority of Christians know by now that I’ve been teaching the use of worship and gospel music as a mantra to reverse hexes and transmutate negative vibrations into positive reinforcement of the sovereignty of your Creator

Anyway I’ve protecting myself from the harm that could happen if I didn’t do some preemptive or proactive reinforcement of my psychological defense mechanisms… Just in case

Did you know that in the folk Catholic faith of the AB, God worships you like the Father loves the Children.

I was having these thoughts whenever I held my servitor amulets in my hand and would sing praises to the ancestor who made them, since they’re ancient native American stone tools.

I love to make up extra lines to those worship jams and even country songs, and I romance the children of heaven who serve the father’s kingdom from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway I believe that it would strengthen the union to prepare everyone mentally and emotionally for an inevitable next world war.

Every other generation just about gets a world wide web of natural disasters caused by human beings.

Anyhow, I’ve recently taken any attempts on my life or my reputation with or without the use of magick as a threat to my family’s safety.

My family’s future will not improve if I’m not there for them.

Anything that’s an attack on my character hurts my whole entire legacy, my family’s name, and themselves as a whole are injured by this shit.

I’m not going to sit idly by while this takes place again.

I will use everything that’s available to me, no matter how bad it looks to a fool.

The way I see this best thing for all us to do is to right our own wrongs and quit repeating them and shield up for the psychological affronts of the future, and try reverse every work of the adversaries who worked against us in the past.

We could probably all make lovers of strangers and have sweet love making sessions as frequently as is humanly plausible.

I’ve always been very experimental.

I’ll try just about any tradition, talk to and venerate just about anyone.

If there’s a spell that’s used for a particular aim which has interest for me, I’ll try it once or twice if not 13 times. One, two times if not at least 12 or 13 times.

Goals for my rituals to achieve over a period of ten years or so.

Make moonshine liquor and brand it as a ceremonial beverage, make a rum or a whisky brand of my own.

Something of the sort would be an enormous legacy building project: as in those old timers who’ve left us brands like johnny walker are immortalized through their brand and their tastes. I’d be conducting research on their technique. Never sell your best ideas for dirt cheap. Sell them to a niche marketplace at the highest markups.

On second thought, I’ve made a mead before, honey wine. I haven’t perfected my techniques or the implements involved yet because it’s been years since I’ve even attempted it. I tried it one year for yule and it was too bitter, but I’m thinking of taste testing a new batch for next year.

Communion with blessed liquors dedicated to the gods you serve and worship, that’s intimate friendship starters.

Sorry if any of you have been trying to read my journals… I’m rather eccentric and that’s probably the reason why I’m so ecclectic with witchcraft and my general religious beliefs.

It’s my Christian upbringing… It’s really limiting me right now, because I’ve cursed someone today and for whatever reason I’ve been depressed all day long looking at their faces up close at work. I have to look away from them because I’ve had love in my heart for them and they forced me to hurt them with my gifts.

I had no other choices.

I hate doing this but I have to admit this.

I hated Lilith.

I haven’t been journaling since I’ve met someone who keeps my attention.

I just don’t know what our relationship should become.

Are we just friends? Meanwhile I’ve been promoted at work, gotten the increases in pay and in leadership roles that I’ve asked the gods to give me.

I’ve had successful rituals over and over lately, but there’s just this one thing that’s getting at me.

I can’t find acceptance.

I wanted that more than sexual gratification for sure.

I’ve had every kind of sexual thrills imaginable, and it doesn’t last very long because they’ll just find some excuse to try to tear me down once I’ve opened myself to their influence, to gaslighting. I’ll hopefully feel better afterwards, but this is my confession.