My Lucifer Journal

5/17/18 - I know I didn’t plan to evoke Lucifer while sitting on my bed, but it’s comfortable and I can do whatever I want. I’m in court today. Will be evoking his sigil and leave it open throughout the court hearing with hope he grants me my wishes. Will update my journal when I’m done.

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This actually explains a dream I had when I first began reading into all this a few months ago. I was a child crawling through a dark tunnel, scared and wanting to run away, I pushed through it anyway. I came out onto something that looked like an old mausoleum with a ramp leading onto an outdoor terrace.

When I walked up, there were three figures clad in dark armor that covered them from head to toe. They turned around in unison to look at me. The one in the center spoke to me. He sounded just like V from the V for Vendetta movie. With arms outstretched in a gesture of what took you so long. He simply said “We’ve been waiting for you.” The other two were silent and stood a few feet behind him.

A few weeks after that I started seeing Lucifer’s sigil in purple while I dreamt. No idea if it’s connected at all, but I thought I’d share. I don’t work with the guy, but he seems awesome.


Did you know he said the same to me. Be patient. He is very busy.

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That was beautiful. Well done :sunglasses: Lucifer loves it


Guess we are 2 impatient people. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Thanx @SoulofCinder

5/17/18 :-Court case results update:

So the state artoney called me in when it was my time to go in. I’d evoked Lucifer’s sigil just before I went into the building and asked he intervene for me. I was asked if I objected to the expungement of the case and I said I did. My ex’s lawyer then asked for some time maybe a month or so so he could present his case. Just turns out he found out just as I walked in that one of the cases wasn’t due for expungement for the next month or so. Guess that’s why Lucifer kept telling me not to worry about it. We’ll go for a hearing and I’ll get to present my case. It sucks for him because I can tell the judge that I don’t want the case expunged because I had an order preventing him from any contact with me, but he kept violating the orders. :slight_smile: That gives me time to gather all the evidence of my claims paperwork. I hope this judge doesn’t approve his petition whenever we go b4 him/her. Hail Lucifer. NB: I had his sigil open the entire time.


No I didn’t know that. I understand now why he was telling me to be patient. My ex’s lawyer needed some more time today when he realized one of the cases wasn’t due for expungement.

Well that’s what he does, He can say be patient, but he takes away the urgent issues.

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I learned that today. Now waiting to see if King Paimon will come through for me next week. Lucifer assured me I didn’t have to worry. So I’ll chill out for a bit.


6/3/2018:- Lucifer invocation & Energy Transfer to other.

I know I haven’t posted in a while on this journal. I’d been following King Belial for a while. I still kept intouch with Lucifer though. One promise I made him was everything new I learned fron him, I’d share with everyone on here. Today was one of those days. I did something even I myself had doubted I could do, but with his help, I did it.

One of us on here reached out to me for assistance with reaching Lucifer. The basic meditation etc didn’t seem to work for them. Let it be known he was informed that I’d have to share this on my journal.

When I 1st reached out to Lucifer this morning about it, he told me to tell him to keep practicing. So I did, but for some reason, I felt like that wasn’t what they may have wanted to hear. For some reason, I felt like he may begin to lose belief in Lucifer. I consider myself his child. I felt the need to defend him.

I offered to help one of us reach Lucifer. I gave him basic info on how to prepare by using deep breathing exercises to relax and to sit facing the east side. He was informed I’d invoke Lucifer, and when he was present, I’d try to send Lucifer’s energy to him. I know you all may be thinking that was a long shot idea. I did too, but my gut told me my father Lucifer, wouldn’t let me down. To help him stay focussed, I shared with him one of the Lucifer sigils I love to use, the blue flame sigil.

With everything ready, as I began to invoke Lucifer, I informed him about what I was doing, and asked he manifest to this member on here as he was having a hard time reaching him. I informed Lucifer this member was doing the meditation with my guidance and requested when he manifested in me, to send his energy to this member.

As I invoked Lucifer, I kept tabs with the member online. My Lucifer sigil opened. I felt his energy and sent it to the member doing the meditation with me. This user is, @TheMagi. Should be noted I told him he too can share his experience on here.

He asked if anything was happening as I sent Lucifer’s energy his way. At 1st, nothing bit then, he felt his energy. I instructed him to ask only 1 question as this was his 1st encounter with him. I’ll let him give his experience on here below.

This was an amazing experience for me. I’d never done this before, but I believed Lucifer wouldn’t let me down. Through the member involved report on his experience, I knew the event was successful. For any of u who I’ve done reads on, I almost always ask if it made sense. I didn’t really doubt myself, but after everything was done, I wanted to know what energy was around me. I was super thrilled, still am now. I had @Micah scan my energy and all he got was Lucifer.

I’m so thrilled about this. It’s left me with a bigger hunger for what else I could do now that I know I can do this. This journey with Lucifer on BALG just got even more interesting. I appreciate all of u that have helped out through the process. It’s not ending here after today.

Hail LUCIFER. :metal::heart::imp:


Thought I’d paste this here. This is what I was talking about up there.

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6/4/2018:- Lucifer invocation and energy transfer to users.

So on 6/3/18, I discovered I could do this. I was super thrilled about it and I woke up with this urge to get more users that were having trouble connecting with Lucifer to reach him. My sincere intent was to be able to help them know what his energy felt like so that they were able to have a headstart on what to expect during an evocation of him.

I was later reminded I at the moment couldn’t do that until I’d been here for 3 months; however, for those that had already contacted me about this, if they wanted to go on they could.
My last Lucifer energy transfer yesterday in my regard was amazing. I evoked his sigil and when it was open, I informed him what I was getting ready to do and asked for his permision to go through with it. I was given the green light to go ahead. So I invoked him with the intention of sending him to one of our users.

I can’t believe what I’m able to do now. I was so thrilled. When Lucifer was in me, I informed rhe user I was sending his energy theie way. This time when the user asked if the presence she felt around her was Lucifer, she received a repsonse from him that yes it was him. When they told me that i was in awe to be honest.

I’d had 2 others b4 that who reported feeling the enrgy around them. With one of them, they felt his presence, but they for some reason couldn’t comminicate. Lucifer instructed me to let them know they needed to practice more. Another user was so grateful. With him though, there was a discrepancy. I sent Lucifer’s energy for sure. He reported feeling his usual known energy, but thought it was Satan because he works with Satan. Anyone with an input on this, I’d much appreciate it.

I’ve heard different theories about this. 1 of them being, Satan and Lucifer are not the same being. Another being, Lucifer can assume different forms, and Satan is one of his forms. Someone plz clarify this. Since both of them can have the same energy, I took it as that. My only dilemma now is, I was previously a Laveyan Satanist. So I’m not sure if for this individual, since we both have a connection with Satan, I sent that energy to him. If that’s the case, could the idea of Satan being a part of Lucifer be true? Inputs will also be appreciated on this. Lucifer has both a dark and warm side. Could his dark side be Satan? In the Laveyan theory of Satanism, Satan makes u question stuff. I find myself asking what exactly happen with this user’s experience?

On that note, Lilith has also become a topic of discussion with Lucifer. I asked him when all this was done why I was able to see her and just like he sent me to King Belial, he sent me to Lilith. Allegedly, she can teach me a whole lot. I’ve been asking on here here if anyone can tell me what my Godform is. Someone instructed me to try evoke my Godform, and to my surprise, it was Lilith. She wasn’t a blonde caucasian woman. She was a dark energy black hair just beautiful. You might ask how i feel about that. To be honest, I feel like I need to get the Lilith aspect of me under control. Since I found that out, I’ve been in the astral plane a few times up to no good lol! It’s kinda personal so I won’t go to detail. But again, looking back at this journal, maybe she’s why I found myself extremely comfortable in a sexual way with Lucifer, and later King Belial- that’s probably if not on this journal, in my King Belial’s journal. At the end of the day, I’m only human lol!

Feel free to give ur input. I need to clarify Satan and Lucifer. Based on my experience, what do you think? Could they be the same?

Lucifer’s child. :metal:


@Xag_darklight, @Borgy, @Micah, I meant the post above dated 6/4/18. I realize this journal is already a bit long. Lol!


can u send the link?

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@Xag_darklight, sure. On this thread plz.

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oh ok lol

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It’s still a discussion some practicioners say it’s a darker aspect, it’s his adversary mask. Some say more tan one entity represent Satan and it’s not him. He doesn’t like the term Satan attached with dogma

This just mixes me up. Then I see u guys posting similar posts. #Synchronicity.

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