Thank you @A.Lucifer for your post. I feel his energy but i can’t communicate. But i’m practising every day now. Doing a dedication rite. And this evening was strong. He was already there and my Sigil opent like crazy. He gave me a lesson yesterday to get more focused. I even think i can hear him sometimes. Stil doubt.
Hehe yes. I was reading a book and totally confused
Makes me feel better it’s not just me. Unless someone proves me wrong, I’m inclined to think Satan is the dark aspect of Lucifer. If not, since they have the same energy, maybe the user took it to be Satan since he works with him, but it was Lucifer. Or maybe, since I’ve been exposed to both, and they allegedly can work together, I sent him Satan’s energy to meet who he works with. IDK. This is one of those things I think I’ll have to invoke Lucifer to find out.
@Borgy, are u able to send energy?
I feel like letting my evil side out! #Metallica!!!
What did he say, he is a sleep . I do think so. It shook me awake. And i heard a sound. Amsterdam Time Zone, so it was time to go to sleep. Good job and Good morning @A.Lucifer
This is enter the sandman. I love the riffs, love James Hetfield.
" say ur prayers little one don’t forget my son to include everyone. I tuck u in…" head banging now lol!
A lady that enjoys good music. Gotta love it.
I play an instrument. So any music that uses one and not auto-tune crap, I’m on it.
What for instrument? I play guitar.
I wish. Since I love rock and metal, I hoped I’d play one. My mom got me an acoustic guitar back in the day. I tried to play white stipes 7nation army. I got it, but couldn’t get it to sound good. I wasn’t able to press the strings tight enough. I play the piano.
Wow i wish i could do that, very nice. Love the piano.
It needs practise, practise and practise to press the strings. And Lucifers loves music you could ask him to help you with it.
I’d post vids of me playing on here, but shoot, my fam has heard most of the stuff I can play. I’d hate for anyone to see that. I’d be taken to church for some Emily Rose BS. Lol!
I’ll share this one. U might need an amazon account to open it. Lithium by evanescence couldn’t post a link here since it’s on my amazon drive.
6/6/18 2.24am - I think both Lucifer and Belial were in my room. I’d asked Lucifer, King Belial and King Paimon to help me get a job I wanted initially, I had one in mind that I wasn’t really sure I’d get.
When I found out I didn’t get it, voices kept telling me to apply for another job I’d seen. I disregarded that much as those same voices kept telling me to apply for that job. I kept hearing that. N they kinda uniformly said i didn’t get the other job because it wasn’t a good option for me. To go ahead and apply for the other job.
I did but didn’t complete my application, but kept asking Lucifer for wealth, good health, abundance etc. That’s what I’d asked for from the get go.
That job called me yesterday asking if I was still interested. I said yes. I have an interview with them today.
I didn’t go to sleep with youtube playing on my phone. I woke up at 2.24am because this voice was playing on my phone softly. It said wealth and abundance will be mine. I’d been dead asleep for almost 1/2 an hr. I’d called my BF at 1249am we spoke 4 3min or so, I slept around 1.40am. I take medication at night that knock me the F out, but I was up at 2.24 am because this soft voice was talking only to see my phone screen on and youtube was playing this.
I felt a warmth on my back kinda like how Lucifer’s energy feels. Half asleep I looked around my bedroom to see if there were any shadows etc, but there was none. I however thought i could feel something watching me. I listened to the voice for about 15 min and passed out again.
Woke up this morning to find it, but i didn’t see youtube on my internet history. I looked I pulled it up and what was on, wasnt what I’d listen to really, but it was in the same light. I checked my youtube app and there was the video that played at 2.24 am. The link is below.
777 ★POWERFUL★ Abundance Affirmations - Wealth Prosperity Cash Law of Attraction Make Money
So between King Belial, King Paimon and Lucifer, I wasn’t sure who turned my youtube app at 2.24am and played that particular video. It really sounded like all I’d asked for when I began working with Lucifer. To confirm/figure out who started the video, I invoked Lucifer this morning.
Around 8.30am, I evoked Lucifer using his sigil. Today’s communication was slightly different. I’m usually able to see 3 faces in the triangle at the top of the sigil when I evoke it. Today, I wanted a physical answer. I didn’t want the answers in my head cuz I thought I’d doubt myself. I asked if he was the one in my room early this morning and in my head, I heard yes. I still 2nd guessed myself. I wanted something I could confirm. So for the 1st time, I did something different.
As i saw the 3 faces in the triangle, figured I’d ask for a yes and no answer. I requested he nod his head for yes, and shake his head for no. I asked, were u the one in my room this morning? He noded his head vigorously, so that meant yes. Were u the one that started my youtube app this morning, another head nod. Was King Belial with u? He shook his head, so no. Was king Paimon with u? he shook his head again. Was it only u? A head nod. Will I get what I asked for? Head nod. My oh my gosh moment. So I thanked him. I asked him if I should go to the interview with King Belial’s sigil open, he shook his head for no.
This entire time, Lucifer always told me to be patient, it’s already taken care of. King Paimon too was about being patient. King Belial was about getting me to straighten my attitude towards my health. Now I figured why Lucifer told me to get hold of King Belial. I had to manage my health better before I could move foward with my goals. King Paimon was to work at securing what was in my best interest. I guess I can say all of them were just looking out for me. When I got my health issues together, then everything fell in place. I now ger why Lucifer told me ot was already taken care of I don’t have to worry. I’m happy to say after months of waiting and being told to be patient, I got what I wanted. I wasn’t let down. To be honest, I was dreading being let down after all this. That didn’t happen.
Yours truly, Lucifer’s child.
Congrats with the results
Thanks. I’m supper happy about that.
I haven’t updated this journal in a while, but here goes. So Lucifer told me to get ahold of Lilith, and I finally did 3 days ago. Here’s my update.
After some hesitation, I evoked her last night, I believe that was either 06/10 or 11th/2018 and did the arachnid pathworking after I saw her arachnid seal, and it looked exactly like something I saw last night in her sigil.
A few hrs post the pathworking, I’m feeling tired. I got nauseated at a point during the pathworking, but I made it to the end. I reminded myself the consequences of not completing the pathworking once u started it and I wasn’t going to let that happen. If I didn’t make it to the end, I’d become one of her victims who ended out so badly. That was incentive enough to complete the arachnid pathworking.
As I read on her, I noticed a few similarities between us. We both love cats, snakes and spiders. The crazy thing about this, my very 1st tat in high school, that I still have to date was a spider on a web. Arachnid Lilith is also a spider on a web.
I’ll be starting a Lilith journal to avoid making my Lucifer journal too long.