My Evocation of Lucifer Last Night

@FractalMimi I didn’t use any triangle or circle. Do you use them? I will keep you posted. Thank you for your interest. :roll_eyes:

I will mention you to Him also, @Lord_Raven. He says that you can talk to Him also, without fear. :roll_eyes:

Yes, but I have tried doing evocations but they didn’t work out well so i think.

Congrats @tonypigott. You seemed eager and ready, so I guess the time was right for you. I have not tried speaking with Lucifer yet myself, but I hear nothing but great things about him.

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I adore Lucifer and I agree with you that it seems like he accepted your offer. I am sure that he will bless you and you will realize great abilities which would be denied you by the church and Abrahamic faiths. Which is funny because those higher up use those powers and abilities just as all the patriarchs in the scriptures… Go figure. Hypocrites… I am glad that you were led out just as we have been saved from our bondage. We are free now to be what we were created to be. Welcome to the family. hehehehe! Praise Lucifer!!


I am enjoying my spiritual journey thanks. There have been many changes lately.
It is only in the last couple of months that I have been learning about left hand path magickal practises, and evocation. I am enjoying the unfoldment very much. It has added a whole new dimension to my spiritual practise.

I am planning to do my first full evocation tomorrow night, of Astaroth. I have only connected with him through his sigil before now, and asked for lessons on the astral plane. I feel like I’m ready now.

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Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. Remember those who we call “demons”, were the Original Gods, whom the Church and other “demonized”.

Some believe that Jehovah, of the Old Testament, is not a true god, but an imperfect being, who created an imperfect world. Jesus once said to the Jews: “you are sons of your father, the Devil!” The father or god of the Jews is of course Jehovah. The some Gnostics believe he is the Demiurge.

You have nothing to fear from Lucifer. Just be sincere with Him.


Oh I know. I am not fearful of him or any other spirit for that matter, but that does not mean that I do not respect them. Being respectful and sincere is something I am with all of the spirits that I have worked with. It’s really cool when after a while, you forge a relationship with them. It’s a great feeling and hopefully your journey with Lucifer keeps progressing. I will certainly look into Lucifer, he sounds wonderful. Maybe he already knows who I am?


The things of the divine are simple, but not easy. When you try to evoke again, look and listen for Lucifer within. In that place where you visualise, dream and talk to yourself; but remain open to the possibility, that you could also see, hear and feel them with your physical senses.

It’s kinda ironic that I find myself, quoting Jesus here. He said: “nothing shall be impossible to those who believe”. :wink:


Alright thanks. I believe it will be simpler for me when you tell him about me.

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Thank you for your faith in me. I will chat with Him about you. I’m sure all will come good for you. :slight_smile:

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And please endeavor to give me feedback on his reply :slight_smile:

I was just with Lucifer. I mentioned you to Him, and I asked Him to honour you effort to evoking Him, by allowing you to see, hear and feel Him. He said He would honour you efforts by doing that, but said that it would initially, primarily be, on what we call the Astral plane.

I am not any good at astral projecting, so…

Do as i did, at the beginning of this thread. Then, just allow Him to stream into your imagination, to begin with. Then go with the flow. Don’t be afraid to interact with Him. It works both ways.



Does the candle (red pillar) have to be red?

The colour depends on the entity you are working with. In the case of Lucifer and the Original Gods, a black and/or red candles are used. Having said that, if I didn’t have the preferred colour candle, I would use my omnipotence as a living god, and either manifest the required candle or command a candle I have, to be the required colour; then believe, that which I had commanded is manifest.

I hope that helps. :roll_eyes:

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I have been asking Lucifer for help astral projecting for the past few nights and sleeping with his sigil under my pillow. Today I delivered a letter with his sigil on the back of it to him by burning it, once again asking for his aid in astral projection.

Could you please mention me to Lucifer? My first name is Ramona.

What did he/she look like to you? if i mean ask