Multiple Realities Tailored To Each Individual

Something got me thinking this evening and I was wondering what other’s opinions might be. You know how some believe that different astral planes may exist right here on top of the same plane we know to be earth? Like I saw a few documentaries that said when we astral travel it’s possible to travel within our own world and to other worlds too which I already knew, but the producers of the documentaries said, what if some of those alternate worlds exist right here on this very earth but we cannot see them unless we have been tuned into those worlds? Sort of like how many believe there are thousands of ghosts walking thru us all day long but we do not see them (well most don’t see them).

This also got me thinking of the book and documentary “The Secret” which talks about shaping your own reality not thru karma, but by controlling the chaos of fate around you, and doing so by picturing our lives exactly as we want them to be and that if we believe enough that our thoughts can change our fate and reshape our futures, it will. This was one of the sources that also mentions like attracting like, that negative people seem to have the worst lives and complaining only seems to make things for worse for them, even if they try to make physical changes to their lives, because their negative attitude is constantly drawing more negativity to them so no amount of thought based magick that people like that perform will ever help them because as soon their life starts turning for the better, they bitch and gripe and expect the worst and suddenly they find their “streak of luck” vanishes again and their life is pure hell once more.

Well, mesh the two ideas for a second. We all have different magickal, spiritual, and religious beliefs that shape the way we view the world around us, not just actions and behaviors. I know for example, let’s say person A is being tormented by person B. If person A is a magician or witch they would resort to magickal means or asking a God/Goddess for help. If person A is relgious they would kneel down and ask christ, jehovah, allah, etc. to help them. If person A is a black magician they might say screw it, the only way for this person to leave me alone is for them to die and a black magician may not feel wrong for cursing person B to death, whereas if the same person was a wiccan or was religious, they would not see death as a proper punishment for anyone. okay, that’s not what I mean when I refer to different beliefs shaping our actions and our futures.

Sometimes, we hear an idea that we do not agree with and we think what the hell is wrong with that person? The same thing within our mind that causes us to view the other person’s idea as crazy or stupid, is ultimately the same thing that causes our differences in beliefs. To us, christians, catholics, muslims, jews, atheists, their views of the world seem delusional and crazy to us because most of us magicians do not believe in a monotheistic god form and most of us do hold some type of belief unlike atheists. Step in their shoes for a few minutes. From their perspective, we are the crazy delusional ones that could not possibly be right.

I know many people just try to remain peaceful and neutral, mainly agnostics that feel hey whatever floats your boat because they don’t really know what to believe so they take a neutral stand point most of the time and try not to get involved with religious arguments because they don’t really know what side to argue for. Well, many agnostics will say we don’t really know what the truth is and we will never know until we die and find out. What if, just speculating here, but what if an agnostic point of view is not so far from the truth afterall? We magicians have our experiences that have led us to believe without a doubt that magick and demons are real so we cannot phathom how others could still believe in christ knowing good and well he never answers prayers, never reveals himself to us, so to us it’s reasonable to believe the christians and others like them are the true delusional ones.

But what if there are in fact multiple realities that exist right here, millions of them overlapped, and we can only see the reality we are tuned into which is based on our beliefs. What if the world is experienced differently for everyone based on what they believe and all of these religious wars are unnecessary? To further explain, what if the world was seen differently by all based on their beliefs, not just based on their moral values or opinions or what they were taught growing up, but based on what they know to be true. Like some would argue that they know what’s right, what religion is the one true religion but you notice that people who try to sway others to believe their religion, hardly ever succeed.

What if that’s because relgions and beliefs only exist because we believe they do and there is no right or wrong view point of the world, no one true religion or belief that is right but we think it is right because that is what we believe. For example, maybe everything really is true, maybe all gods and religions do hold truth but we can only see, interact with, and share experiences with others who share the same beliefs. What’s to say that the world around us does not morph to form the reality you desire, not just for magicians but for everyone else. Like maybe jehovah really is a real god, but since we do not believe in him, we can never see or feel him so when something miraculous happens to us, the only reasonable source would be magick or spiritual aid. To a christian however, the only reasonable solution would be that christ has heard their prayers.

So I was just theorizing that all of these beliefs had to come from somewhere, even the ones that seem to be made up of lies, but what if they only seem like lies to us because we are not tuned into that portion of this universe that allows us to see such circumstances as accredited to jehovah or allah or to the stars themselves, or to some matrix like computer program. And for those who may ask, well what if you were raised a christian and you really did beleive in god at one time in your life but he still never answered your prayers, you never felt his presence. Maybe that’s because some of us are just pre-destined to hold one set of beliefs or revert to another set later in life as we become adults. It might have something to do with past lives.

Maybe if you were a magician in most of your past lives, no matter how many times you are reborn into a religious family, you will never be able to interact with christ because it’s programmed in your destiny to be a magician in each life, and no matter what family you are born into, you will always find your way back to it because you never really believed in the religion you were rasied to believe in, you just thought you were because you were told so, as most of us do give into our parents expectations of us as children.

Like an atheist for example, you can try and try to show them that magick is real but most of the time they fail to see it. Maybe it’s because since they are so dead set on believing that magick is not real, they have actually removed magick from the version if the universe they live in, so when something unexplained happens they are incapable of finally admitting that maybe magick or the supernatural is real because their lack of belief in it, has actually made it vanish from their individual universe. So any odd event to them would always have a rational explanation and they cannot be swayed otherwise.

It would be interesting to do an experiment using volunteers from various religious backgrounds and set it up in a way so that some type of verifiable result happens (something manufactured by a scientist), and see if each person gets the same result but see what they attribute the result to whether it be god, a pagan deity, or magick. This could serve as a form of proof that even if a scientist were to manipulate a fake result thru an experiment, that even if people were told afterward the results were manipulated, most would still say no that was god or that was magick. We may not see any results when we pray to christ and therefor, the lady down the street that says god saved her sick relative from dying seems weird to us, but since she believes in gods what’s not to say that a real jehovah like figure did not manifest before her in her life and actually do the healing for her because she firmly believes that jehovah is real? Because to her, she would swear up and down she felt jehovah’s presence in the room with her and that he spoke to her.

I mean as magician, even we all have greatly varied beliefs and experiences but we believe in what we saw, heard, or felt without a doubt. We all know that what may work for one person may not work for someone else and we’ve all had experiences that we were afraid to share even with other magicians because it is outside the norms of what most of us believe and we are afraid that others like us will see us as crazy. But if we’ve had experiences that others just like us do not agree with, then we should be the first group of people to admit that not everything is crazy.

So if this is plausible, maybe the second your beliefs shift focus for some reason, what once was visible, feelable, and present to you is no longer there and what was once considered stupid and non-existant to you is now there and able to be seen, heard, and felt. For me, people tried to program me as a christian for years on end including beating me pratically half to death to knock the sense of the lord into me and that still did not stop me from feeling at a very young age, that I did not care what others said, that I knew magick was real because I could feel it. I have heard people say that no matter how many times they tried to be saved just to appease their family it never worked, a few months later they were right back to doing spells.

So maybe other’s beliefs are not crazy, maybe what you believe will manifest into your life and become real, and what you believe is false will actually vanish from existence because you believe it does not exist? If you believe god is real, you can feel him in your heart (as christians tend to say). If you believe there is no one supreme god, then you can feel multiple presences around you and interact with them without perceiving them as evil. If you believe in nothing, then other theories to rationalize otherwise unrational occurances arise such as beliefs in scientology, the big bang theory, evolutionism, the matrix computer program theory. I hope you understand what I meant by all of this. I probably just made this way more confusing than it needed to be, but I had a hard getting this out into words.


I absolutely 100% believe this to be true, based on the experiences I had that first made me KNOW - not believe, because I experienced it - that it was possible to command literally godlike power, by manifesting objects, events and situations in the same way I could make Brad Pitt kiss me in a daydream or something.

When we daydream we can create any situation, any thing or person - this was similar. I’m really not confortable getting too detailed because I sound batfuck crazy even to myself, plus it’s just not wise.

It was at though, during those experiences, I touched on a way to be the only “real” being in the entire manifest reality, and therefore whatever I thought came true. Other people, from the most loved to those I despise, were seen clearly as shadows of my own personality, which is hard to describe, especially from the normal mental state I’m in right now.

I’ve taken that idea and it’s part of what led me to the LHP - I realised that what I believed seemed to manifest, not just in my life (think of a tall woman in pink shoes, and boom you start noticing them) but actually globally.

When that happens, you get the state described in this excellent post over on E.A.'s facebook by forum member Nick Bonelli:

Although that state didn’t last (I had a ton of baggage at the time, plus frankly it scared the crap outta me!) I have attained it since on rare occasions using more traditionally black-magickal methods, and the reason I felt more confident walking away from the direction I’d been going, RHP and into Union with Source etc., was that I saw starkly and clearly that any belief I had would shape my life, so why not choose something empowering, even fun?

Thus was born my determination - to command the powers of a goddess, within my lifetime!

But that came from experiencing what you say, because although at the apex of my RHP work, I was able to enter that state and manifest stuff, I also found that occasionally it was as though a slightly more powerful mind was “locking down” on the reality I wanted, so I figured that other people’s observation, knowingly or not, could sometimes affect the thing, especially (this is important) if I paid attention to and was mindful of the fact they observed it.

And I also saw it in other people, coming down the mountain (so to speak) but with the memory clearly upon me, I’d see how they were also their own sole creator and were creating their own universe, even as I also knew them to “only” be part of mine.

So yes, I definitely think we all manifest our own little universes, and they overlap and sometimes someone from outside our own god-bubble can impinge upon us, but usually not - at least, not without some level of “permission” - which is NOT to say that we should therefore ignore other people’s suffering etc on the basis “they brought it on themselves” - but hey, that’s another topic. :slight_smile:

The Kybalion answered a lot of my questions around that time and has helped me ever since to unravel this, since my goal requires me to maintain a state between human and that mountaintop state of being the only real being in existence. It’s why I joined this forum, because I found this site, then E.A. talked about something similar in one of the podcasts, or maybe it was a newsletter.

I don’t think any belief is ultimately more “true” than another, since, if people put all their power into this external god who punishes sinners, they will indeed create him, but still I find it personally deplorable (back to the human level now) and the inevitable things it brings with it.

That’s described as the Divine Paradox in The Kybalion: the infinite All witnesses the universe as a dream; the finite (us) witnesses the universe as real. To think as God is to be in a state of detached “mountain-top consciousness” which is incompatible with everyday life.

My goal and reason for being here (since this site and E.A.'s work consistantly delivers new insights - or rather, new fallings-away of accretions of incorrect thinking) is to marry the two. But I had the goal for a long time before that, and actually, I do have memories of something like it from when I was very young, but they’re too clouded by time to be certain.

Sorry if that wandered a bit off the topic you opened but I have had that experience and it seems to affirm what you’re saying.

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Yet another post that just came out of nowhere. I swear the spirits are “feeding” this stuff to me because these are theories I’ve never really thought much about but the ideas come to me and before you know it have an 8-14 paragraph post. And what’s really weird is that after reading your post I am now seeing the word “wormholes” everywhere.

But when I’m writing these posts, when the words start flowing they do not stop, like something is taking over me and typing for me. I don’t feel possessed or anything but I am close to a few spirits who I told to teach me as much as possible so it may be one of them or may even be one of my familiars. But you had some very interesting points Lady Eva, now you really got me in thinking mode.

This is an interesting topic, it’s something I have often thought about actually.

Currently, my belief is that there is an overarching, objective reality- ‘The Truth’ so to speak, but like you said, we all tune in and out of different realities ( or maybe more accurately- different aspects of the All That Is). I think this is maybe similar to what Lady Eva was saying (I’m just having my morning coffee now so still a bit slow lol).

So with the atheist example that you’ve mentioned above- magick is not a part of their ‘reality’, because they don’t believe in it, yet magick still exists in the objective reality.

Not to sound arrogant, but I believe that as occultists, we are closer to understanding ‘The Truth’ than most ordinary people (either religious or atheist), because we understand these concepts- of different ‘realities’ and planes of existence. So where a Jew or Christian might believe that Yahweh is ‘God’, as in The Truth, we know that Yahweh is just another aspect of the All That Is. We understand that he may in fact exist, perhaps as an egregore, or possibly, a very angry,spiteful, ancient deity, but that he is not the explanation for the existence of the universe, as Christians or Jews believe, just another part of ‘everything’.

I hope that made some sort of sense lol.

Made perfect sense Akasha, and I think your explanation was a lot less confusing than mine.

[quote=“Akasha, post:4, topic:5888”]This is an interesting topic, it’s something I have often thought about actually.

Currently, my belief is that there is an overarching, objective reality- ‘The Truth’ so to speak, but like you said, we all tune in and out of different realities ( or maybe more accurately- different aspects of the All That Is). I think this is maybe similar to what Lady Eva was saying (I’m just having my morning coffee now so still a bit slow lol).

So with the atheist example that you’ve mentioned above- magick is not a part of their ‘reality’, because they don’t believe in it, yet magick still exists in the objective reality.

Not to sound arrogant, but I believe that as occultists, we are closer to understanding ‘The Truth’ than most ordinary people (either religious or atheist), because we understand these concepts- of different ‘realities’ and planes of existence. So where a Jew or Christian might believe that Yahweh is ‘God’, as in The Truth, we know that Yahweh is just another aspect of the All That Is. We understand that he may in fact exist, perhaps as an egregore, or possibly, a very angry,spiteful, ancient deity, but that he is not the explanation for the existence of the universe, as Christians or Jews believe, just another part of ‘everything’.

I hope that made some sort of sense lol.[/quote]

From what Ican tell no reality is more real or less real then any other. If there is an overarching objective reality I think it would be that everything is both equally real and equally false at the same time. It just depends on where you are the degree of truth or falsity of said reality you’ll experience. I try to stay in an area where things are going in my favor.

But yeah that does mean that somewhere the nonsense the bible thumpers try to preach for example is actually true, but I won’t have any of that coming into my universe.

So as you can see its a double edged sword, any good thing you can think of is real somewhere, if you put enough effort into it regardless of what that thing is, you can attain it at some point. But whats also true is every terrible possibility you can think of is equally true, and it takes some effort to avoid those as well.

[quote=“Akasha, post:4, topic:5888”]This is an interesting topic, it’s something I have often thought about actually.

Currently, my belief is that there is an overarching, objective reality- ‘The Truth’ so to speak, but like you said, we all tune in and out of different realities ( or maybe more accurately- different aspects of the All That Is). I think this is maybe similar to what Lady Eva was saying (I’m just having my morning coffee now so still a bit slow lol).[/quote]

Here’s another thing - I was told by an angel, Seraphiel I think though I don’t have my notes on this PC, that the angels are “singing reality into existence every moment” which is a beautiful image that also makes sense when you consider that everything in existence is just a form of vibration.

This fits with some earlier UPG I got back when I worked with Ahriman last spring (I posted all about that here) that "the force known as Ahura Mazda/Ohrmazd etc., ‘the light’ in the socially/morally-derived sense of that word, is like the clockwork laws that keep gravity working, that keeps things stable (like animals having young that are their own kind, plants growing towards the light etc.), i.e., it’s the ‘natural order’ of things, and therefore very essential, but not necessarily superior, and ultimately capable of stagnation.

On the other hand, the force of Ahriman is ‘the serpent’ - the enacting of conscious will-to-change upon those pre-existing clockwork things that tick nicely along, but which would ultimately grind down to nothingness, decay, the end of life as we know it."

So, taking the angels as servants (or expressions) of that force towards harmony, they and the laws they serve/enact appear to pre-exist and pre-date the individual human’s birth.

They also, in my experience and that of some other people here, don’t seem to resent or shun a human who works with demonic forces, which are less bound by any cosmic law.

So it seems like we’re born into a world with a lot of pre-existing safeties and checks and balances, just like on your PC, where some system files are hidden by default and can’t therefore be accidentally deleted by an unwitting user, and then, making larger changes to the system requires you to know that such things as the computer’s registry exists, and also how to access it, before you can begin to edit it.

That could be the same idea you’re expressing, Akasha, just seen from a different point of view?

That reminds me of something similar to Terrence Mckenna’s DMT experience of what he calls “machine elves” who sing (use sound vibrations) to mold our reality.

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Absolutely fascinating stuff Lady Eva! I’ve skimmed through the thread re your work with Ahriman, but will re-read in detail once I’ve finished yet another cup of coffee :wink:

I think, yes, it’s similar to what I was trying to say- or perhaps a different way of looking at the ‘objective/subjective reality’ issue.

The realm of the Demiurge/Ahura Mazda, ie. the natural, mechanical universe, is the objective ‘reality’ within which we all currently exist. Yet individual consciousness is of an Ahrimanic/Luciferian essence ie, the creative principle. So within the objective universe exists millions, or billions rather, subjective universes. (I think this is how Stephen Flowers explained it as well in Lords of the Left Hand Path). Clearly, the physical laws of this universe exist, objectively, and we as human beings are all subject to them to an extent while on this planet, but as individuals with free will and imagination, we carve out our own realities through a combination of physical action and via the law of attraction/ritual etc.

With regards to what Defectron was saying about there being no ‘overarching reality’- well yes, I concede this is entirely possible philosophically and with all this crazy shit quantum physicists are discovering re the nature of reality, it may indeed be the case, but my rational mind currently struggles to grasp this concept. So going back to the example you gave about Christians- when you say the shit they preach is REAL in some way- what exactly do you mean by that? The way I currently see things is that yes, it’s real in a way that their God might exist on the astral plane for example, as a thought form, and so in a way it is ‘real’, but it is obviously not correct that this Yahweh figure is the only god, the only truth, as Christians believe. In the same way that, it’s not objectively true that the earth was formed in less than 10 000 years, yet in a Christians mind this is ‘true’. Is this what you meant Defectron- or do you mean quite literally that in a way our human minds still can’t comprehend, the Christian version of creation, for example, is just as REAL/VALID, objectively, as say the scientific version of events?

Just started reading Lord of the Left Hand Path myself, I really didn’t think it would be as rewarding as it has been so far. I really, really like how he laid out the objective/subjective universe mechanisms/forces in a way that’s clear of a lot of pre-existing dogmas that we may already have unknown attachments to.

So far, it definitely jives with my own UPG, and the Kybalion is something well worth meditating on!

Okay, now I think I completely understand E.A’s intent behind the BALG program. Some people make it seem so complicated because based on what we’ve been taught, the idea of becoming a god for yourself seems impossible, especially to those who believe a supreme deity has been assigned to oversee everything. But by acknowledging that the world only exists in the way that we perceive it to exist, which also means we have the power to alter our own destinies, becoming a living god is not something that is far out of reach or hard to obtain.

It’s not something that takes years to master because truth is, in my opinion, we are already our own gods. Are not gods known as creators and destroyers? So if we have the power to create anything we want or destroy anything that is interfering with our version of what the ultimate happy existence would be, then are we not already gods amongst ourselves?

I have seen many say that demons and angels are creations of our subconsciousness, like that post that was discussed here the other day about the differences in working with demons that are said to have existed pre-human or working with those which you create, your own thoughtforms that you breathe life into. So the idea of mustering up your own demons, angels, and familiars to work with you (or serve you if going for a lesser spirit type of presence), is not far fetched. It is very possible.

That’s also why I don’t believe that Lady Eva is weird for her experiences with her demonic child. She said feel free to think I am crazy, but I don’t believe she is. I never doubted her story, but now the ideas that were just fed to me, wherever these ideas came from (again being fed from something, not sure what) allow me to better understand where she is coming from.

Now I am reminded of the show Thru the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. Odd by the way, the guy that played god in Bruce Almighty has such atavistic views on reality.

Oh, that’s probably what that was. I kept seeing the word wormholes, not just because of the subject matter of our conversation here, but I think something was trying to tell me, go watch that show again because it’s been a few years and Morgan elaborates on some very interesting theories in that show. Only problem is, it’s dvd only on Netflix. Errrr, I would have to upgrade to a dvd mailing plan and I checked, it’s on youtube but they want you to pay like $1.99 per episode.

Oh yeah Lords of the Left Hand Path is a great book - very informative!

I haven’t read the Kybalion, but it’s on my ‘to read’ list, as I absolutely believe in the LoA etc.

Just to clarify as well, when I was talking about the ‘overarching, objective reality’- I meant in terms of the bigger philosophical questions in life; the hows and whys of existence. I was not referring to the ‘microcosm’, so to speak, because I certainly agree that personal beliefs and thoughts shape an individual’s experience of life.

It’s pleasantly short and concise - I bought a paperback version and it’s tiny, but there’s a post on a forum that acts like a cheatsheet of the core principles here: Project Avalon forum.

It’s badly formatted, but it compiles the basics into a single webpage so you can get an overview of the Laws it proposes - also has links to the free PDF & some further reading. :slight_smile:

RavensAscent, these two videos seem to me to sum up the areas where the stuff E.A. talks about most align with my own experiences as described above, so does some of what he talks about in Ipsissimus:

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I forget exactly what I was that I found when I first discovered this site in summer 2013 that made me think he was talking about the same stuff I’d experienced, but it really was cool - and I’m hoping Nick Bonelli gets back on the forum too at some point, I don’t have a Facebook account to send him a message but damn, I’d love to have a chat about the stuff he mentioned in that post. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Akasha, post:9, topic:5888”]Absolutely fascinating stuff Lady Eva! I’ve skimmed through the thread re your work with Ahriman, but will re-read in detail once I’ve finished yet another cup of coffee :wink:

I think, yes, it’s similar to what I was trying to say- or perhaps a different way of looking at the ‘objective/subjective reality’ issue.

The realm of the Demiurge/Ahura Mazda, ie. the natural, mechanical universe, is the objective ‘reality’ within which we all currently exist. Yet individual consciousness is of an Ahrimanic/Luciferian essence ie, the creative principle. So within the objective universe exists millions, or billions rather, subjective universes. (I think this is how Stephen Flowers explained it as well in Lords of the Left Hand Path). Clearly, the physical laws of this universe exist, objectively, and we as human beings are all subject to them to an extent while on this planet, but as individuals with free will and imagination, we carve out our own realities through a combination of physical action and via the law of attraction/ritual etc.

With regards to what Defectron was saying about there being no ‘overarching reality’- well yes, I concede this is entirely possible philosophically and with all this crazy shit quantum physicists are discovering re the nature of reality, it may indeed be the case, but my rational mind currently struggles to grasp this concept. So going back to the example you gave about Christians- when you say the shit they preach is REAL in some way- what exactly do you mean by that? The way I currently see things is that yes, it’s real in a way that their God might exist on the astral plane for example, as a thought form, and so in a way it is ‘real’, but it is obviously not correct that this Yahweh figure is the only god, the only truth, as Christians believe. In the same way that, it’s not objectively true that the earth was formed in less than 10 000 years, yet in a Christians mind this is ‘true’. Is this what you meant Defectron- or do you mean quite literally that in a way our human minds still can’t comprehend, the Christian version of creation, for example, is just as REAL/VALID, objectively, as say the scientific version of events?[/quote]

What I mean is that the rediculous concepts they go about actually are real somewhere and “absolute” somewhere, not here though. I know it makes no sense in our universe, but there is a universe where it does, where Yaweh would have absolute power and things came into being in some weird way like that. That would be an absolute truth in that reality, but in the grande scheme of things there is no absolute truth, that’s why that Yaweh can’t come into our reality and tell us what to do, he’d get his ass kicked because its outside his area of inlfuence. Our universe doesn’t operate under the same laws or principles so that type of god cannot exist here on either a spiritual or physical level. I know this all sounds crazy even by our standards and before I saw it even though I believed in the multiverse theory I kind of doubted that everything literally existed somewhere, I also thought that true gods were above multiverse reality, but even divinity is subject to mutible possibitilities as much as everything else it turns out. That’s what it means for inifinity to exist, every possibility must exist. If one is destroyed it will merely reemerge somewhere else. I only saw it once and believe me I’m in no hurry to go back to that realm as its extremely dangerous even for someone as adapatble as me. If something that isn’t supposed to exist in a reality comes into it in the wrong way its sort of treated like a virus and ejected from it.

Now this universe does have a yaweh but its not what people think it is, nor is it the absolute ruling power here, at the moment its influence on our reality is in a steady decline.

i highly encourage most of you read “the emerald tablets of Thoth the Atlantian” it has the answers to many of these questions and clarity to your opinions. as well as instruction for the true pathworking of ascent if you can make sense of it. (i’ve only gotten about 27% of the pathworking despite being at it for over a year now. its led to some strange happenings as well as awakenings of great magnitude.)

Yeah, I agree with this. If you believe something will be hard to do (whatever it is), it will be, and vice versa.

Cheers for the link Lady Eva! :slight_smile:

Defectron, thanks for clearing that up. I ‘get’ what you’re saying now- that based on the Multiverse Theory, ‘Everything you can imagine is real’, somewhere, in some parallel universe. Still not entirely sure what I personally make of this theory, but yeah it does make sense on some level.

This thread features like everything that i have been anxious lately, first i was anxious of matrix - then i was anxious of “maybe im dead” then i got anxious of multiverse theory where we would constantly divide and i didn’t know who the hell am i anymore. Although such theory cannot be proven to others, and before i thought that magic was mostly psychological/mental spiritual redirecting of your thoughts so that your subconscious mind will achieve the task that you are willing to achieve -> without jumping into some other realities.

Now i’m scared of Ahura Mazda’s hell and even seem to find mention of that god here.

Although i do think that iff there is gods, as in creator there are such gods/beings that do exist in timeless realm beyond multiverses.

And what i thought about existence of gods that are not before humans, they exist on mental/spiritual plane created by humans and so forth are strong psychological force. You could obviously travel on mental or spiritual planes through astral travelling, but they wouldn’t be so much paraller universes but just different planes not so much “copy of anything” but something that people’s believes or other things form on those planes.

Also putting magic in multiversum category just makes it “i probably did change this and this but it didn’t happen in this universum” so nothing would be actually prove able + it would have happened in that another universum anyways, you would just had changed the parts with your “other self” there and the one that was sucked into that one where you didn’t achieve the thing -> you writing about this here, should be pretty pissed and depressed although i’m already depressed on the whole multiversal thing. i wish life was just simple, with no magic or gods or ??? to worry about - now i see that i could have made it that way.

The point was i don’t see why anyone would want to create actual multiversums as no one wins there, only loses.

The multi-verse is a multi-layered reality of many peoples experiences. Conjure an Angel and it will lead you into an aspect of anMatrix within a Matrix within a Matrix. Basically right now you are walking on a global grid matrix of many sub matrix’s. You can substitute the word Matrix for System and there are many systems. A shared set of beliefs, spiritual ties with a group of people…m…on the cult level, societal level, family level, etc are all just sub-divisions of different system layers. Its only complicated because you dared to venture to explore them all.

The ouroboros of life can drive some people crazy (like you going around in circles)…when this happens the best thing to do is to go within and focus on only one thing and block all else out. Have a Physical as well as Spiritual plan that takes precedence above all else. The spiritual will allow you to do the spiritual things you like, but the mundane goal will give that noggin of yours as a break, which you should be doing anyway when going to sleep at night .

I deal with similar things, but what I do is simply ignore all else in favor of what I want to focus on…because afterall it is about All Me and not some other entity with an agenda =) ME always comes first.

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Probably not best to think at this state of mind, but i can grasp that concept if my systems you mean people’s mental planes and such.

So that its not actual matrix but a “spiritual/mental” system which i can understand. Not exactly the movie matrix.

And that is what i call “blood matrix, mental matrix, and spirit matrix” which is just a word for something that makes something whole. Of course there is this matrix of computers which im typing in right now.

… ORGANISM would be a good word, a living breathing organism that we form together in mental,spiritual, and physical stages. Of course all mental places are not the same like all physical places are not the same and all spiritual places are not the same - but physical is probably the only thing you need fleshly body to act with. Have not been much in non-physicality thought.