Multiple Realities Tailored To Each Individual

The reason the multiverse exists is because what I call the core intelligence of reality gets bored and it likes to talk to itself essentially. The louder voices it uses are what people call gods. I suppose you could call it mental masturbation on a grand scale. From what I hear boredom is the worst hell imaginable, so maybe having infinite possibilities isn’t so bad afterall?

My occult teacher says no one he has ever shown the truth to was happy to find it. I suppose I sort of was, so I’m a partial exception, though some aspects of the truth I found to be pretty scary too.

Personally I think I’m more happy that there’s a multiverse then not. I mean yeah that means all the bad things you can think of are real somewhere. But what does it matter if you don’t observe them? As long as I am able to claim dominance over the reality I observe I’m happy with that. Also this is the basis for being able to do cool stuff like physically shapeshift. What Carlos Casteneda calls the assemblage point appears to be some sort of control mechnism that regulates how one interprets observable reality, at least thats how it seems to be to me. If you know how to work it you can take some info from a universe where your a tiger for example and change into one in the reality you observe.

I’m okay with it if i can be original me and not constantly dividing into other universes, i can somehow manage if the other universes already exist and have their versions of “me” but they are all led to live their life without constantly making more copies that would be the ultimate blapshemy for me.

And this creates me worries that “if i died there and transferred here” when i die i want to fucking die, and not copy the whole universe.

Although even if you saw the multiverse, this doesn’t obviously prove me that any single assumption of it was true - i mean it could have been the people’s mental planes etc and there was still only one universe in flesh and these were something totally else… can’t say before seeing.

personally i’m not a tiger in any universe, that wouldn’t be me.

If a tiger in some universe thinks that it is me, my sympathies should go towards him.

There is infinite possibilities in just 1 world too if you don’t believe in any exact destiny, at least from human perspective about this core intelligence i do not know.

I already think that all the bad things i can think of exist, in my mind … it doesn’t mean that it would need an actual universe to exist, and they exist in other people’s mind too which is why the “mental planes” i also have very hard time believing that anyone could change to tiger in this universe/plane except if there’s a catch “no one else can see it happen” in which case i’d say that you changed to tiger on your mental plane not physically… I’m often some sort of a vampire in my dreams i even think i have been one from some crappy tv show… whats it called vampire diaries … and some of my dreams seem very realistic, although usually absurd compared to the usual world - but i doubt that i could change into actual vampire here.

Although at some point i really wanted to be such, but from my current perspective i’m happy without too much supernatural happening :smiley: i mean i have already been worried about zoroastrians etc, so unlike before i actually have learned to appreciate the mundane people perspective of the world "Born,Eat and grow,work, teach grandkids, die "

[quote=“Black Flame, post:22, topic:5888”]I’m okay with it if i can be original me and not constantly dividing into other universes, i can somehow manage if the other universes already exist and have their versions of “me” but they are all led to live their life without constantly making more copies that would be the ultimate blapshemy for me.

And this creates me worries that “if i died there and transferred here” when i die i want to fucking die, and not copy the whole universe.

Although even if you saw the multiverse, this doesn’t obviously prove me that any single assumption of it was true - i mean it could have been the people’s mental planes etc and there was still only one universe in flesh and these were something totally else… can’t say before seeing.

personally i’m not a tiger in any universe, that wouldn’t be me.

If a tiger in some universe thinks that it is me, my sympathies should go towards him.

There is infinite possibilities in just 1 world too if you don’t believe in any exact destiny, at least from human perspective about this core intelligence i do not know.

I already think that all the bad things i can think of exist, in my mind … it doesn’t mean that it would need an actual universe to exist, and they exist in other people’s mind too which is why the “mental planes”[/quote]

Your thinking about the idea in the wrong terms. On some level everything is the same thing the table in the room next to you, on some level thats you. What gives the impression of seperation between objects is ones observation. Now I’m all for these barriers being in place as there are plenty things I don’t want to be, but that being said I also want them eroded when its convenient for me.

Whats interesting is from what I saw not all of the me’s out there are me spiritually , some of them are but a bunch of them are something else. On the physical level I also recognized versions of me that are completely different physically but are the same as I am spiritually for example there’s a version of me that is an artificial intelligence. Now of course this contradicts what I said before about everything being the same thing, but the key phrase here is “on some level”. I’m not entirely sure if it is correct, but I suppose you could think of everything in existence as being components in a machine, or parts in a body. Under ordinary cercumstances these parts all recognize themselves as being specific items. But under certain conditions they can swap properties or even change places altogether, the reason being because on some level they all are part of the same thing and they always were the things that they changed into from the very beginning even if they didn’t seem to be.

But yeah like you said this isn’t really something you can just explain to a person, to try to understand it better you’d want to experience it. Though, if you do you’d better be prepared, if you go to an inconvenient place like I did there great potential for danger. A safer way might be just to communicate with a spirit you deem trustworthy and see if it can explain the mechanics of reality in a better way then I can.

Actually an interesting idea would be to see if I could get a sigil for the core intelligence of reality. That is one possible thing that could be designated as “god”, but then again that could be wrong. There is some info I haven’t confirmed yet that suggests that at some point the infinity of the multiverse will be wiped from existence like a chalk board being erased only to spring back up again. Honrstly I don’t know what the function of doing it like this would be, I mean you would think that it would cycle in a more organic way. But if there is any truth to that bit of informtion maybe the ruling intelligence of what we call reality itself isn’t even on top, this is all just speculation on my part, I haven’t confirmed anything in this last paragraph even for me.

Tbh in my view it is not you if its artificial itelligence or tiger, i kind of understand how you mean that - but then again not. i understand the metaphysical stuff that everything vibrates etc “is the same” but for me it is not, this pc is not me - my cousin is not me although in some spiritual collect must be way closer to me than lets say someone from a different country or someone i don’t know - tbh at the moment i consider blood to be my religion and country to be an entity of high power, not always pleasant on of course.

And the last part like you said was just speculation so no comment on that, but at least you don’t think any of these angry gods reign the most supreme in this realm? what would be the most powerful god in this one? although i might get obsessed with that god’s name and do sin while thinking of it so maybe its better not to know…

The most powerful god I know of, well aside from the ones I’m not supposed to talk about, Kali is pretty hardcore. I haven’t really confirmed it but imo it could be her, she has the same abilities that I develped to evolve and adapt to things spiritually that alot of things can’t do, but she’s a great deal older then my godform and has had a lot more time to refine those abilities. She’s one of the few beings I think I would be afraid to fight, fortunately were on pretty freindly terms with one another.

I don’t understand how could a human fight a god? in my view its like if an ant would fight a human.

Isn’t this Kali Yuga anyways?

Why many people tell that LOA are the most powerful?

Spiritually humans can be a bunch of different things even if on the physical were just bipeds with thumbs. If Kali was so inclined she could incarnate in a human body. She could have one right now for all we know.

Also the Loa are strong, but not the most powerful. Their good at doing stuff because their so close to the physical plane. My occult teacher told me once Legba appeared to him looking indestinguishable from a regular physical man.

Hmm, yeah obviously she could that’s right…

Would be funny if someone who i knew was a supreme god.

So at least it wasn’t the Ahura Mazda which i have been so scared of lately, or Ahriman ?

In the 90’s I missed out on going to Lolapalooza to see the Beastie Boys, but all my friends still went. Even to this day, they still say to me “Remember at Lolapalooza when…”, when I was never there!

At first I thought it was just because I went to a lot of concerts, and people were just assuming I was there. But as time went on, more and more details would emerge about me attending that concert. Specific events and situations which multiple people remember happening which involved me. No matter how many times I tell them I wasn’t there, they still look at me confused every time. I explain the circumstances of why I couldn’t make it, and they remember that, but they still seem to remember me being there anyways.

I don’t know if it’s just having heard about it often enough, but I swear I can almost remember being there.

Penny: [dancing and singing along to the radio] “I’m goin’ out tonight / I’m feelin’ alright /Gonna let it all hang out / Wanna make some noise really raise my voice / Yeah, I wanna scream and shout. Ah. No-” Morning, Sheldon. Come dance with me.

Sheldon Cooper: No.

Penny: Why not?

Sheldon Cooper: [turns radio off] Penny, while I subscribe to the “Many Worlds” theory which posits the existence of an infinite number of Sheldons in an infinite number of universes, I assure you that in none of them am I dancing.

Penny: Are you fun in any of them?

Sheldon Cooper: The math would suggest that in a few I’m a clown made of candy. But I don’t dance.

There is, and it’s more bizarre than you can possibly imagine. It’s what Castaneda describes as “seeing”. The equivalent of the raw data of computer code before your computer assembles it into something coherent. The “reality” of the image you see on your screen now is that it’s source is nothing bu ones and zeroes, the image before you is an illusion.

In the same way we build our illusory view of the world from that raw data of seeing. The core of Castaneda’s sorcery is basing your actions on the truth of seeing rather than the illusions of what we normally consider to be real.

You can"see" for yourself. All that’s required is to halt your inner dialogue and keep it stopped. That inner narrative is the only thing which sustains the world as we normally see it, and once it stops, so too will the illusions. It can happen quickly, or it can take a long time depending on the person. Just know that every moment of inner silence you can pull off is cumulative, and eventually you will reach a tipping point.

There’s a lot of delusional people in the CC circles when it comes to seeing. It’s not seeing auras or anything else you can describe, it’s beyond catagorization. It’s a very specific kind of batshit crazy visuals.
When it happens, it will probably feel familiar, and you may even recognize how you “see” like that all the time without realizing it.

One particular thing about “seeing” is that spatial relations are absolutely fucked. There’s several examples of that type of weirdness in the books, but this is what I noticed my first time. My friends were all standing shoulder to shoulder, but when I saw their energy cocoons, which extended about arm’s length on either side, they didn’t overlap. They should have been overlapping because they were standing so close together, but they didn’t, and it disoriented me so badly I fell and sprained my ankle.

In the books, they often describe worlds upon worlds, layered like the skins of an onion, but the boundaries of those worlds are not set. They are arbitrary deliniations. Two people with completely different worldviews could be said to exist in different worlds. Yet I could share their view points, and my regular world could be see by the other two as half in one world, half in another. To me it’s only my regular world.

You can get lost mapping out all the different permutations and endless realities. Cursed are the list makers, for their work is never done. What’s important is you can choose. Better to study the mechanics of how those choices are made and what effects they have.

I find it so strange when someone goes in revives and old topic that I wrote that I had completely forgotten about and the topic just happens to relate to something that I need to remember or it reinforces information to me, almost like a spirit is saying hey, did you forget about this? Read this again because you need this information right now. Even weirder when I go thru and re-read the entire topic and see big fancy words and explanations that I wrote that I don’t even recall what they mean and have to look them up in the dictionary like a spirit with a more advanced vocabulary was typing for me or something.

Like in one of my previous posts I used the word atavistic. When I read that just now I was like, what the fuck is atavistic? Well I wrote it so I should know what it means but I don’t for some reason. That happens to me all too frequently, like something takes over me and speaks thru me. But I have been focusing a lot Lately on theories and excercises for my book about shaping your own reality so I found it odd that someone revived this old topic from back in August and this topic contains useful information that relates to the subjects I am currently studying. I forgot all about this topic.

Oh shit reading that made me super anxious, because illusions is what i’m scared of… and being in my specific reality of my flesh and blood forebears is the most important for me.

Although even if i do get panic when reading what cusp wrote, it doesn’t mean that its actually as he or i do think gladly - when i’m in my rational stage of mind i take a scientific view on this.

Its not illusion, its the world i am born in my feelings come from the chemicals from my brain - and there is mental state which everyone has and they together form these mental worlds, but the physical world is real and its not made of numbers - numbers are just symbols that humans have invented it is made of many different elements which our eyes of course interpret through the light that goes into them.

My cousin on the other hand wants to make a complaint to the company that has made the reality for it has been boring, and the other one said “i don’t care either i’m playing cs now” hmm, strong mindset on my bloodkin wonder why i am so fragile to get stressed about these.

Personally -> i want to stay in one reality, cousin wants to blow up planets but i don’t think he would care to do the rituals.

This is the realest thing i know, and i’ll be the destroyer of illusions. But i still won’t eagerly jump on whatever i read here, or at least my logical mind wont of course the other part of my mind is shocked… There is many of myselves yet they are always in my head, unless some of them is sleeping that’s why i can’t even know if the mental chatter ever stops for mental chatter is not only words.

Whow i actually grasped my 2 cousins interest with this, they think its neat while i still hate it - we also think we know a person who is always “in other worlds” maybe he actually is :smiley:

I don’t always remember stuff either and that’s why i get scared of these theories, or i remember that someone has said something totally else but then again i’m an alcoholic and someone has claimed that alcohol fucks memory.

My other cousin had a theory based upon this:

What if all the movies that someone writes come to their mind because they have been in that reality before?

Hmm, i don’t completely approve this myself but i think there obviously might be some states at least egregore states where the movies or the characters exist. Maybe some do exist in other realms hard to say.

I was just caught by this thread recently disclosed by Black Flame after a year of rest.

My say about it; It is really a big question.Even us, as a community, have contrasting ideas/views and we, as magicians, can’t deny that many of what we practice and have believed in came from many different sources; like religions, philosopies,beliefs, individuals, groups, etc…; compiled, tested, furnished and developed to be of use to us to reach our common goal, GODHOOD.

So I thought, AS A UNITED COMMUNITY, maybe we could solve this case through cooperation and sharing our own self knowledge and opinions and hopefully those who have absolute findings concerning the reality will open up.

WITH A MAIN GOAL: TO AGREE UPON ONE IDEA that would answer the current issue and questions related to it. AND, this is not only solving the issue for we will GAIN MANY BENIFITS from this.

Here are some of the benefits I have thought of and that may interest you to participate accordingly:
:diamonds:answer the big question and some related questions
:diamonds:understand other believers view
>through this we could find the right approach on how to deal with other believers ESPECIALLY religious ones that disagree with our practice and can’t understand us
:diamonds:expand our view of reality
>we will acquire more knowledge about the contrasting view of realities and finally put it into a single reasonable perfect one
:diamonds:finally become a community of magicians that have a single and united thought/idea concerning the big question
>after successfully analyzing the subject, we will now be as one that have a common view and understanding our world
:diamonds:and maybe many more that you can think of

we could unlock some knowledge that we can use for our journey to godhood
>if ever we found out real things/ideas/knowledge or figure out secrets from others beliefs, ofcourse after serious study, we could always develop and use them to our advantage

PS… so it would go this way: I’ll post my initial view and findings soon on a separate thread then you will comment about it relating your proven findings/questions/disagreement/ support/ additional ideas or any that can help. This will go on and on until everything would be clear,reasonable and unquestionable to everyone.
I’m still hardly organizing the initial idea but I shall post it soon.

[quote=“Black Flame, post:32, topic:5888”]My other cousin had a theory based upon this:

What if all the movies that someone writes come to their mind because they have been in that reality before?[/quote]

My ex husband had that same theory. He also thought that movies that showed events that later happened in real life, he didn’t believe the movie producers were psychic or anything but he thought something else was feeding them that info, whether they were aware that they were making a movie about future predictions or not, that something inspired them to make a movie about those events as an eye opener to get us all thinking about it because that something knew that it would happen. Like he believed Minority Report was a prediction of how the future would be one day.

or behind the actual movie there is something needed to be communicated to some/ someone that is a part of a big process

If there are infinite universes as was indicated to me, then literally everything you can think of is actually real somewhere. So something being in a movie being real someplace wouldnt really be active channeling as much as it would be inevitability.

In my personal practice I have worked with spirits that are the energetic sources of Hellraiser, Godzilla, The Grudge and even some from my own comic book.

You have to reason that you do not always think and fixate on every possibility. It would be more reasonable to say that the things you can most strongly fixate upon are the most real andbmost definetely exist somewhere.

Because if it didnt exist so strongly…why else would you be thinking about it? I like to think of this idea in terms of the synchronicities that capture our attention. Now obviouslt movies arent a big synchronicity event, but the odd ones that give that feeling inside are the most probable.

Arann i really like your idea, i’m so exhausted of my philosophical friends who are like “you can’t know anything, you could be dead already etc” stuff, well i have learned that philosophical arguments suck if the conclusion is “you can’t know anything” it only creates anxiety and worthlesness i on the other hand like to believe that we can actually know something and influence our path and “destiny”

I’m working on it…

I don’t read depressing news stories about murdered kids when I’m feeling low, because I choose to not expose my mind to things that won’t help it and which do not NEED me to observe them in order for things to be achieved by anyone else.

Why are you still clicking on threads like this when you’re having a freakout which is heavily dominated by worrying about what’s real?

This doesn’t seem to be an empowering field of study for you right now, you might do better to go research archaeology or something concrete, solid, and not theoretical and freaky like this. Just a suggestion! :slight_smile: