Mugwort tea uses

Does anyone know what mugwort tea is good for exactly? Can it be used to improve one’s astral senses?


Allegedly. Its never helped me in that respect but maybe I just need to make stronger tea. It does help me nap though.

Edit, I misread your post a little. Its supposed to be used for OBE and astral travel.


I know that mugwort can be used in traditional medicine. But need to be careful, as an overdose can cause poisoning.


Wait… you can OD on that??? Really? In all my research I never came across that

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Since the plant is poisonous, the dosage is usually prescribed by the doctor. In case of overdose, side effects may include convulsions and hallucinations.

In any case, such a description I found on russian sites about this herb. But I would treat herbs with the utmost care. Of course, they have many useful properties, but they can affect the body in completely unexpected ways.


That’s actually pretty interesting

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I’ve smoked it and never really noticed much tbh. Supposedly it increases lucid dreams, astral travel etc, but mybe since I already do those things…? Idk but I’ve smoked it, because I tried making tea and it tasted awful.

I think @Dralukmun uses it, or did. Could have been wormwood though… hmm.


I haven’t seen any cases reported, or even real sources for this claim, which gets repeated a lot online.

Mugwort isn’t dangerous and you can only OD on it in the same sense that you can OD on water or aspirin - in my experience, anyway. But maybe you should research it.


Yeah same. Ive smoked it and drunk it, sometimes alone sometimes mixed. I actually enjoy the taste of it. Especially in a tea mixed with blue lotus, the liquid becomes a golden color and while its hot tastes sweet. For some reason the more it cools the more bitter it becomes. It does put me to bed though lol.

I think I will, though my combing of erowid has never suggested its dangerous. And ive also never had a bar experience from it (though I dont take it often or in quantities over maybe a couple grams)


Eh it’s like any other thing, if you research can this hurt me, there’s warnings for reg tobacco you know. :woman_shrugging:

I just suggest being smart about anything you try- generally speaking

I’ve not tried blue lotus, but it’s on my list.


Any drug overdose can be dangerous or have unpleasant consequences (including aspirin). I consider mugwort primarily a medicine. Therefore, in any case, caution does not hurt.


Actually, my point wasn’t that aspirin or water are harmless. Water intoxication can kill, so can aspirin.

My point was that any innocuous-seeming thing can be harmful when taken to excess but, much like water or aspirin, its uncommon to overdose on mugwort because your body let’s you know when you’re getting into the danger zone by way of nausea and Pain. Mugwort doesn’t taste nice and generally makes people tired / queasy, I suppose that would prevent an OD in most people.

(Aspirin is maybe not the best example because for some sensitive people, even a normal dose is risky. But hopefully, you can see what I am getting at :wink:)


I do, but mainly when I am doing work with death deities. I use a blend of mugwort, vervain and yarrow.


Oh, I didn’t realize that or that you smoked a blend (drank? I swear I’ve seen smoked though-maybe? lol), I just recalled seeing it mentioned, sorry.

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Whoops, I need to clarify. I do not smoke it, I make a strong tea that I drink before the ritual. The last time I used it was while working with Mot under Beelzebub’s instructions.


Hmm. No that’s my bad, I wonder who I saw that smoked it then though… lol.

The question was about teas though.


Does it help with spirit communication or something?

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It does, but in my experience it puts one in a dead like trance, which is why i find it useful for journey to deities associated with death in particular. Of course, it is not the only way but it seems appropriate when i am going through an initation with that particular spirit.


I see, would drinking it help open one’s astral senses? @C.Wilson

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Not sure, but it’s also used as an incense similar to wormwood and sage - used to repel negative energies in traditional European witchcraft. It’s an ingredient in witches flying ointment.

It’s supposed to help with dreamwork and altering your state of consciousness. Practicing with your senses, with or without aid will improve them.