Movies/Tv series which present The occult in a positive way

That sounds realii cool, I will definitely check it out

Oh its worth a watch, interesting tbing is the ones that hold to stasis help to it so fervently in the “new” world soloman made they only exsist at thought.(Thought forms/egregors)

They draw power from pain, suffering, misery ect. To create dark magio to fuel their power :thinking: sound familar.

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@Ravenxoxo Merlin! You can watch it on streaming video on Netflix. The series Merlin has like, 5 seasons I think and its good.


If only one movie or tv-show could use these effects, I would watch it instantly:


Demons in energy form is, according to my experience, very similar to how it’s shown in Supernatural. That is before any connection, bond, merging, possession (temporary or permanent), evocation or invocation occurs.

Suicide Squad:

The hand-effect of the Enchantress in the movie Suicide Squad is basically a follow up from Supernatural’s effect of the demonic energy. Add the ability to sense and feel energies and spirits on a physical level, and this is spot on of how I feel my spirits.

Lost Girl:

I was hooked on Lost Girl on my first year with my spirit spouses, because you know, the main character being a succubus and all. The gif above is an actual ability that my succubus spouse did on me, but she didn’t only inhale my energy. She also exhaled her own energy into me, demonstrating that abilities double purpose.

There’s pretty much bits and pieces from movies and tv-shows that reflect real experiences, but somehow along the way have something else in it that pretty much ruin the bigger picture. Dogma is one of the reasons. Bad acting is another, just as bad research from the writers. Let’s hope that one day we will get the perfect movie or tv-show.


Oh dear…
Don’t look for perfection… you will never find it… :slight_smile:
I like supernatural though… sam+dean are cute…

May I ask what’s having a relationship with a sucubus is like? How is it different from a human relationship?
Just curiosity…

No offense to taste buuut… does Lucifer get better? So far, 3 episodes in, it’s just a cop show and Lucifer is a pretty lacking in abilities. His one little trick doesn’t even work half the time.


It does ! I promise !


If I ever run into that son of a bitch Neil Gaimen I’m going to punch him in the nose! Never saw the series. I never lived in Cairo Illinois it was Moline Illinois and I never worked as a mortician.


I watched that show religiously!

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[quote=“Zeela, post:65, topic:18940”]
May I ask what’s having a relationship with a sucubus is like? How is it different from a human relationship?
Just curiosity…[/quote]

The basis of a relationship is very similar with a succubus as it is with a human. Just multiply it with 10. The connection I have with my spirits is deeper though, and there’s a loyalty and dependancy with it.

My body is also their vessel and source to interact physically in this world, so I’m not only their human spouse, but their altar. If you think only humans worship gods and goddesses, imagine when they do the same for us.

The trials of life often put relationships at risk. You either get support, comfort and love to get strength to carry on, or you end up struggling alone. But spirits take this to a whole other level. They have patience and tolerance, because they love us to the essence and the core of our very soul. They don’t limit themselves by time and what’s ahead of them. At least not in the way humans often do.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: come on at least you have to admit it’s origjnal and different eh :wink:


Seven deadly sins is another good show. Does a good job of showing things are not always as them seem.


Seven Deadly Sins is a really great one! I’ve been re-watching it, actually.


Casper The Friendly Ghost. He’s a ghost, he’s friendly, whats not to like.


Oh I love Casper so muuuuuch :heart_eyes_cat:


I guess Scooby Doo could be another one. I mean, when the “scary” monster or ghost turns out to be bank vice president Mr. Lipshits who is embezzling money from the bank, then that could be considered a positive.


I really realliii like Scooby doo :smile:

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I used to be able to do Scooby Doo’s laugh. Have not tried in years, so I don’t know if I still can.

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That would be awesome to hear :v:

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If I get a drink or seven in me, then it could possibly come out.

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