Might leave BALG and occultism RHP magick ✝

These are the two sigils I used when making first contact with him…



Azazel’s mad at your attitude, not you working with Angelic. Just don’t talk to Michael like that lol.

But seriously if you’re sure then do it, don’t back out, don’t jump for another flavor, do it. Get this experience and not just the shallow end. It’s your life ya know?


Well @LucifugeAzazel If you feel its the right osthyveln walk it.
Use the time it takes to learn abouth the Catholic churche to look deep on your own motives to join and on your own character and personality If its the true calling for you.
I have good friends that are christians and they are some of the nicest and sweetest ppl for most part. Should they learn of my involvment in the dark arts im not sure they would view me the same(;
Me personaly would never join the Catholic churche for the simple reason that i cant obey all their rules abouth marriage and sex, proper raising If kids, view on homosexuality and stuff, there is so much crap that i dont see eye to eye with and thats Why it would never work for me.
So take a look at yourself and see If that would work for you.
Dont Change yourself to fit in, If you must change your views and values then i would say ots not the right path.
Best of luck whatever you choose to do.


i’ve jumped around a lot was even Buddhist and Hindu shaman for awhile however those spiritual paths along with atheistic satanism didn’t fill me up the way this is… I feel strong light and energy from it like I said I feel Michael and his energy but something else more divine and ancient pushing me towards this path I get a vibe that its Metatron the archangel divine spirit it feels like a lesser YHWH but angelic as well…I guess I could apologize for the attitude but I really feel that darkness is not suited for me along with the demonic and LHP they should get that by now…


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ha well I am still a sexless single person with no baggage in that department…however don’t know how I feel about marriage…I have nothing against the LGBT but again I think most of those ppl are just confused and lonely…I pretty much am a conservative goody goody anyways…which is why I don’t think I was suited for the LHP and the demonic…my only problem is with the door knocking soul winning churches like the Mormon Church and Baptists…

Hey you do you. Just remember these Spirits are both inside and outside of us so they do have individual thoughts and emotions just like you do.

I’m not saying be Archangel Michael’s bitch but remember he can get pissed by a bad attitude the same as you or I.


Light can be just as evil as darkness, something being light doesn’t guarantee it’s good and catholic energy aint great. I’d suggest doing some banishings and shit to make sure it’s not an outside influence


I know he is fierce and a fighter so I’ll keep an eye on that right now I feel a welcoming warm light from him and Metatron…


well yes light and dark are just energies i don’t think either are really good or evil just different sides of the same coin…


If you make sure it’s not parasites then go with your heart and experience both sides of the spectrum, but remember that Catholics have a limited belief system that they are far too stuck in. I would say wait awhile before you commit to a seminary. But you know more than me, good luck


its at least imo better than other Christian western faiths…they at least have ritual and do the same occult magick with their saints and angels…and no it’s not parasites it really is an angelic force I vibe both Saint Michael and Metatron the divine angel getting involved with this path…


In the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel Metatron is not identified as Enoch. Instead he is identified as the archangel Michael…

this is what I vibe Michael aka Metatron both as the same or similar angelic divine force…

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Well dont say the word magic out loud thou that might not be ”appropriate”
Saying prayer to saints or angels and working magic is different things in the eyes of most christians and one is ok the other one is not.
If you still feel that you want magic to be a big part of your life then i would allmost suggest Looking for some Rhp group that have its hierarchy and working systems like a Golden Dawn thing as an example.
it all comes down to what you want.
For the impression from one of the posts that you are fairly young and well its not allways easy to know where you wanna go in life.
So follow your heart and mind not only one of them.
Emotions without thought or vice verse is crazy(:


Follow your inner guidance.

If you read EA’s work, you will see that he did the same thing. He moved from darkness to light, burned his occult materials, and joined the Mormon church. He found Power there, just as you most likely will. It is all around if you know where to look. Most people don’t, but since you have already been involved in the occult, you’re ahead of the game.


Lol I am not young I am 31 already half of my life is over…

That being said I don’t think it really matters if you pick light or darkness LHP or RHP in all honesty we probably just rot and there is no after life or anything spiritual however I do enjoy this light energy and see no harm in joining the faith…


Yeah I know about that he mentions it in his vieeos… He’s from Utah so not surprising about being Mormon…

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It’s really strange that you posted this as I too have had a pull to become a “man of the cloth” even a ecercist. But I just can’t get behind what they say amd do after reading so much into black magick. But if it’s what you want go for it man I hope it works out. :slight_smile:
Also as a side note, in the deeper parts of the starwars myth the force was actually neutral or gray. When the first force users were chosen they went to a planet with a red and white moon for light and dark. If they went to much to any one side they go to that moon and meditate on the opposite one. So the reason both the jedi and sith paths failed and were killed by Anakin Skywalker was because they both went to far and lost balance. I would look up the videos on this its fucking amazing. :slight_smile:


The truth most refuse to except.


Even Kurtis Joseph is talking about how we need to accept both the light and dark. Fuck nostradamus star wars is the real answer to the future of humanity.


They hit on this in the Republic MMO. There’s a few Sith characters who realized this but the corruption silenced them.
The idea of having emotions but not being all about selfishness or all about abstinence but the healthy balance of the two as one, making your personal identity.

Lol this is why I don’t knock fiction right off the bat :wink: