Methods to enter trance states and deep trance states

If anybody wouldn’t mind, could yall just drop the methods you know or use to enter theta.

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Using binaural beats while meditating to enter said states. However not to be rude but people have already told you their methods before fam


Yeah i know, i just want a collection of them all in one spot, so they aren’t spread out

Tell ya what, bro. I have something that’s right up your alley. Sit, stand, lie down or get into a Salamba Sirsasana yoga position (just because). Are you there yet?! Good. Now we are going to meditate. “Oh but DiscordianBliss I suck at meditating my mind goes a bazillion miles an hours and I can’t possible think about nothing!” Did I say anything about nothing? No. Did I even suggest calming the chaos of your twisted inner sanctum? Not a chance. “Um, DiscordianBliss, could you get to the point? All the blood is rushing to my head!”

Very well. What we are going to do is meditate on our inner dialogue. “What am I thinking about?” is the question you should shout into the depths of your grey matter… then listen for the reply. Lose yourself in the conversation/s with yourself(?) and care not where it leads. Congratulations! You’re now balls deep in the rabbit hole. Theta/gamma (or whatever the cool kids are calling it nowadays) achieved.


Damn that is too, i can use adhd to my advantage, gracious amigo

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De nada.

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Find a brick wall and run as fast as you can head first right into it, you should be in deep Delta until you wake up in hospital. Works every time. Just kidding, I like the binaural beats myself.


My problem with binural beats is I’m too cheap to go out and buy a decent set of head phones to experience it properly. Therefore I resort to talking to myself whilst standing on my head. The brick wall would be helpful to prop myself up against, though. It takes several tries to get myself balanced in an inverted posture and I tend to break things when I fall over.


Am I the only one who uses good old fashioned meditation and breathing techniques?

What you want to do is get in a comfortable position, this can be sitting or lying down depending on what you’re doing. Begin to focus on your breath, how it goes in, how it fills your body, and how it goes out, and how your body collapses. Focus on this rhythm, until you feel calm and relaxed. In my practice, I had to be able to focus on only my breath (and nothing else, no thoughts, no songs, nothing) for a half an hour.

But, you don’t need to do this for a half an hour just to get into a trance. Now that you are calm and relaxed I want you to visualize something that goes up and down. This can be a ladder, an escalator, stars, an elevator; the sky is literally the limit. I’m old fashioned, so I use a ladder.

Now, visualize yourself going down this thing you created, as you go down feel the change in your head, feel as the brain waves shift and as you go deeper and deeper into the trance. Congratulations, you are now in a trance.

If you’re really good you can open you eyes and move around and remain in the trance state, this is a high-level skill however. But, this is the trance state. It is impossible to go so deep that you yourself cannot bring yourself out of a trance state.

But, now that you’re in the trance state, do some magic. Use your living imagination to do some divination, have a vision, evoke a spirit, soul travel; if you can imagine it, you can do it.


The only time I ever got stuck in that state is when it was artificially induced IE a combination of medication and binaural beats. I had such a bad toothache that I had to knock myself out just to sleep and it had some interesting side effects so I decided to take advantage of the situation and do some altered state experiments. This was the time I possessed the body of that guy in China and a few other curious things.


How do I mark this😂

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As a 100% obviously. Everything is write is literary gold. :smiley:

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:joy: I meant to come back to later

There’s a bookmark icon at the bottom of every comment.

^ Wot he said - the three dots … then the bookmark icon. I’d be lost without it! :joy:


Draw a circle on the wall about the size of a hubcap or use a pedestal fan focuses on the center of the circle stand about 10 feet or so away and pull your vision back till the circle flashes then hold it the the room will completely fog you wont be able to see any thing in front of you.


Did you ever try it again?

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Yeah I did it several times.


I listen to theta brain waves and chant “heh-hah-ree” (word of power from GOM’s DOM second ritual). I didn’t expect it to be that powerful.

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Hello, for example, I’ve been trying to enter a trance for a long time, it’s nothing, what I achieve has been very difficult for me, also making contact, it’s something very complicated for me.

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