Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

I would like to thank King Belial for helping my brother. He was falsely accused of rape by his girlfriend and put in jail. My brother’s lawyer destroyed her when she was questioned. All her lies fell through. My brother is back home safely.


That’s what the hell I’m fucking talking about!!! No more false charges! See if you can go ahead and get her for wrongful imprisonment. Or at the very least, for filing a false report.


Thank you President Camio, your presence is most delightful.


Thank you Bune your help saved us. Thank you Lucifage refocale thank you. We will feast this weekend in your honor


Thank you Leraje for possibly causing some fricition between my ex and his gf. Thank you Dantalion for sweeting him up to me. I am very hopeful of our reconciliation, I will continue working with these two spirits. I have also requested things from others, but have not seen any real signs of progression.


Hail Belial


I’m going to thank everyone i have evoked, just because i’ve reached some bumps in my life but i feel like every spirit i’ve evoked has done something in benefit towards me reaching my goals.
I want to thank all of whom i’ve evoked, Pomba Gira, Duke Sallos, Sitri, Rosier, Belial, Lilith and dantalion.
Although i have worked separately with mainly dantalion and sallos, i want to give thanks to each one of these entities for watching over me and bringing me the signs and help that i need in order to achieve my goals not only in my life but also with my own personal development.
I do believe it is hard when i have an episode with my depression to believe that you all are still watching over me, but i believe strongly you all are. Thank you, for not only saving my relationship but continuously showing me the more controlled path i should take and to focus my emotions in the right direction for my own personal growth.
I want to thank Dantalion for having my back, and always watching out for me and giving me the best results i could get. Working with you has shown me that broadening my mindset and thinking and feeling situations in others perspectives is a big game changer when it comes to making choices and aiding me to continue down a more successful path.
I want to thank Sallos, i’ve worked with you more recently, and every time i recite your enn i can feel a firey feeling in my gut and heart, i know you want me to believe and love myself more than anything. That is why i continue to push foreword even through the darkest of times.
Thank you everyone for helping me and working with me. Showing me that there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel, and that i need to take the first steps toward changing in order to see improvements from myself and the people around me. Thank you all.


Thanking archangel Michael for guiding me into this new path into the light…:innocent:


I would like to thank Duke Dantalion for making my smaller request come true within 24 hours. The bigger request is still in progress but I’m seeing signs that he is working on it. Thank you Duke Dantalion!


Bune wow you took 1995 of debt and removed it. Thank you


Thank you great duke dantalion and king Paimon!


Huge thanks to Duke Dantalion and King Belial.

I asked King Belial to remove any limitations that may prevent someone from contacting me.

I asked Duke Dantalion to put the thought into this person’s head to contact me. I’d actually asked for this person to contact me by the end of today, and it happened! After 2 months of no contact, it happened today.

Thank you so much!


Thank you to my ancestors.
Thank you to all my spirit guides.
Thank you to all the gods who are nameless and forgotten.
Thank you to all the spirits who are nameless and forgotten.


Shout out to Saint Expedite for executing a much needed check!!! Truly a miracle worker!!!


I would like to offer quite a few thanks here:

Lilith - Thank you for being an eternal friend and guide. Thank you for introducing me to a world beyond standard christian thinking I was raised in and opening my eyes to things I never new existed. And though I have thanked you many times before…Lilith I thank you for helping me get a house for my family at a time where it was virtually impossible. You guided me and helped me through it.

Hecate - Thank you as well for being a guide and friend, for caring for me and helping me evolve in my new path in life, working side by side with Lilith to help me be the best that I can be.

Belial - Thank you for being a type of father figure to me offering both help and guidance. Though we have only been working together for a short period of time, I look forward to the many lessons you provide and bettering myself further with your guidance.

King Paimon - You truly have been like a brother/best friend figure in my life. Offering guidance and advice all while letting me learn on my own. My decision making has been much better since you came into my life. I would also like to thank you for the business opportunities you put in my path.

Bune - you have been a savior to me on so many levels, constantly helping me out of tight situations and providing for me financial freedom even in the darkest of situations. I’ve never in my life had money come to me in the way it does since working with you. Above all that you are a true friend and a blessing in my life. I am thankful for your patience and kind heart that you show me day in and out.

Dantalion - You maybe be new in my life, but in a very short time you have done something I honestly didn’t think was possible in helping bring someone I’ve desired for a long time closer to me than ever before. I thank you and look forward to working with you more.


I want to say thanks to Duke Vapula for coming through at the very last minute.

I had my first math exam for college yesterday and I didn’t study until the day of. (Terrible, I know) I still only understood about half of what I needed to so about 20 minutes before my test, I drew up her sigil really quickly, gazed it until it was activated and after I knew she was there, I asked her to help me at least pass. I wasn’t expecting an 100% or anything close but at least a 50%.

I couldn’t feel her presence during the test but I did know she was there.

We ( me and Vapula) ended up getting an 80 on the test and I don’t know what I would’ve done without her.

Thank you so much Vapula and I look forward to working with you more closely in the near future.


…That was actually the most beautiful “thank you” I ever saw, in so many ways :flushed:


Aww :grin:


Thank you Lucifer for the money you granted me for the new balg book and also for opening my eyes to truth.


Dantalion, Belial, Lucifage thank you i was talking to you about the issue… i sat quitely thinking about it and you took the matter upon yourselves thank you for justice.