Once again ! Thank you Lucifer!
I went on a very expensive holiday relying on the fact that my airbnb will recover the money , but after coming back it was very quiet and I was panicking, ask Lucifer for help and got someone booked for 6 weeks
Lucifer is truly a blessing !
HAIL! Lucifer!
For shaping and teaching me to be a worthy bearer of your Light!
For overseeing the whole of my evolution!
HAIL! Abaddon!
For helping me destroying and killing the parts of me that will not serve my growth!
HAIL! Set!
For teaching me how to keep the Black Flame alive and burning like a furnace!
HAIL! Samael!
For “killing” me and helping me be reborn more in line with my true self. HAIL! The Wild Hunt!
HAIL! Sorath!
For your guidance, your power and force in shaping me as an anti-Christ!
Never will I be able to be the lamb!
HAIL! Thagirion! HAIL! Belphegor! HAIL! The Black Sun!
Thank you for the help getting some extra cash, Bune, I love yhe way you work. I know it is your way of handing out what is needed for my wish to you. Thank you in advance. I love you Bune and will always honor you by wearing my purple long sleeves every Friday as you have instructed me
St. Expedite and Salas’ash have come thru for me. I called on St. Expedite on Friday. Then I called on Salas’ash this afternoon. Money just came thru. I am so relieved!
I’m happy for your success, how do you communicate with St. Expedite???
Thank you! I used the prayer another member posted:
A prayer for St.Expedite to manifest money quickly💵
This prayer is to be said until your request granted:
Saint Expedite you lay in rest.I come to you that this wish be granted. (State your wish).
St.Expedite now what I ask of you,
St.Expedite now what I want of you,this very second,don’t waste another day,grant me what I ask have asked for.I know your power,I know you because of your work.I know you can help me.Do this for me,I will spread your name with love and honor so that will be invoked again and again.Expedite this wish with speed,love,honor and goddess ,
Glory to you St.Expedite!
As offering I suggest,red candle,a glass of water and cakes.
This was posted by Princessofdarkness.
(I was having a little trouble posting this as a link)
Anyway, I bought a novena candle, set a glass of water and a picture of St. Expedite. I said the prayer everyday. The money came just in time.
I actually forgot about the cakes but I will offer now that my request has been answered.
I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank President Marbas for helping me get relief from a physical aliment that is currently causing me problems. He has given me the tools to ease the pain and been a great help.
I am thankful for Beleth and all of her Field marshals alongside their legions for I done a full Life renovation in such a short time.
I got the money I need for university.
I got the crown position on my business and due the nature of my work (electrician) you cannot find masters and experienced electricians that are willing to work for you, but I did.
I became charming and a people magnet, people give me free things all the time but that’s just character for indeed became a blissful upbringing person who always seeks the good potential and brings to the surface. Somebody who serves others.
Maturity and stability, freedom from flactuations. I became consistent and everything I need to get to the next level in life.
And also became good in the thing that back then destroyed me: maths.
And much more…
I owe a litany towards king Beleth.
I would like to give a big thanks to King Paimon, Duke Vapula, and Marquis Andrealphus. Finals were coming up and I honestly felt so hopeless. I petitioned all 3 and I became so focused, retained information better, and got As on all of my finals. Thank you so much!
Even though it was never asked of me to do this, I want to give a big thank you to my muse Lord Apollo. Ever since I started working with him I feel as though I have improved quite a bit in my singing abilities, and he is always very positive and supportive of different song ideas and such and helps me out here and there while writing them.
I want to thank the intelligences of the Devil, La Caliente and Cortana for being such fast and efficient servitors. Hail!
Thank you King Vine, for always be there, guiding my rituals, thanks for enhancing me my magickal power, whatever kind it would be, also grateful for the psychic walls you helped me built, also all the moments we shared on this little offering ritual. ( king vine enjoyed the food, the rum was too strong for him, yet he liked it, he snored and dozed off lol). That lion figurine, I was called to get that for him as a symbol for him in my altar .
Also thank you Sitri, for giving me my desires, I always get women of my type checking me out, eye to eye . Also as promised, I will buy you maroon long sleeves to honor and symbolise your energy and your pendant that were gonna consecrate later. ( He just chilled on the side, watching King Vine chomp down on the feast)
Thank you for always coming through, Sitri and Vine.
King Vine after, instructed me to eat one of the barbecues I have prepared for him and Sitri like holy crap! It felt as his energy surged through me. It was different, like it was packed with energy that coursed thru my veins like electricity. To Sitri, I know youre wanting wine and your peach colored roses, lol, I’ll prepare
So much for my gratitude with them. . I feel pampered by them as I am keying this message in
Special thanks and all the power to the servitors Ronda, Celeste, Abralas, Andaluz, Avoh, Cereja, The Devil, La Caliente, Cortana, Faster, The Condutor and Harmonizadores!
Thanks to Samael for helping me beat my enemy and protecting me against other dangers.
My pact with Sekhmet is going amazingly. Im still learning alot, and funny enough, i usually look for vampyric knowledge as of now the most, but today shes teaching me more divination, which i rarely do on purpose. Shes motivating. I decided to take a couple days for a break for everything, and was gonna just not work today too. She wasnt having it lol. My first pact ive made, and im loving it. Shes awesome for sure
Thank you Bael. I’m grateful and humbled by your constant help.
Thank you KING BELIAL. Belial has ensured I was offered the opportunity to live in a beautiful, luxury apartment RENT FREE! Instead of paying the owner in cash I pay the owner through services. This allows me to invest my money and spend my money as I please. It also allows me to not worry about money and overall live an amazing and peaceful life. Also Belial has ensured that I continue living here successfully and rent free. I highly recommend working with Belial. Thank you BELIAL!
Thank you so much BELIAL for ensuring I was offered an apartment to live in rent-free. Instead of paying rent to the owner in cash, I pay the owner through services. This has been life-changing and has put me on the path to build true wealth. I am able to save and invest the majority of my money now. I live in a luxury apartment in one of the best and most expensive parts of my city. I worked with Belial using the book Demons of Magick by Gordon Winter field. I highly recommend working with BELIAL. He has brought me a rent-free, beautiful, luxury apartment. THANK YOU BELIAL.
Thanks Angel Kavashiel for helping me with lust for results and keeping me busy no matter what the situation .I recommend this angel if for desperation and want instant results. He helps it will take a while so trust him. Watch how you forget about the results no matter what type of magick u do.
Duke Sallos delivers. Within 2 weeks he got me a guy that fits almost if not all my specifications. I only remembered my petition on the second day we were talking. Truly “set it and forget it”. Thanks Duke Sallos, my belief in magick has been renewed.