Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

:joy::joy:No, I just wanted to know your experience with Foras 'cause I’m in a similar situation, and I didn’t want ask you on this thread 'cause it’s to thanks entities…that’s all.

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Thank you again, Arom. Today I received the official letter about the whole situation being resolved and my status being completely cleared :pray:

Thank you Buer, for convincing the dentist today that I may keep my wisdom tooth after it aligned last minute-ish with the rest of my teeth (“The X-Ray suggested much worse, but now that I am actually seeing it…”). I won’t give up on a completely healthy and free additional tooth, you won’t get anything else for free these days :joy:


A new coworker has been flirting with me for a couple of months now, but I sensed he was holding something back. I asked Sallos to give the situation a nudge.

A few days later, another coworker pointedly asked him, in my earshot, what he and his girlfriend were doing that weekend. (He sneaked a guilty look at me.)

I am profoundly irritated that he thinks he can flirt with me at work and then go home to someone else, and I will be ignoring him going forward. But I appreciate Sallos discreetly informing me that this guy is off limits. So Hail Sallos nonetheless!


Thank you King Paimon. Sincerely you are the absolute BEST!!! :crown: :wine_glass:

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Thank you. I wouldn’t have bought the book and tried it if not for the success stories you and others are sharing here. It was a simple pathworking but man, they do deliver!!


Thank you Bune, Gremory and Buer for walking with me.


I want to thank HAAGENTI for helping me on letting go of my bad habit ! I don’t want to disclose that specific habit , but as I have done Ritual 1 from Gordon Winterfield’s “Demons of Magick” , I instantly felt that I was liberated from that bad habit and felt energy surged to my body, thoughts of that “bad habit” being hated by me and how I felt once I have liberated myself. Aside from this also, I also have noticed after working with him, my cravings for coke (the canned one, lmao) and other soda like drinks has instantly vanished and I was drinking water more often ! I only petitioned for that “bad habit” to disappear and let go on my life but I got more results than what I needed and I also became more fearless. THIS THREAD AND POST IS FOR YOU HAAGENTI ! I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU !

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Also special mention to SALEOS ! My patron demon . I also have been working with him for myself and he has told me lots of things and he has guided me well. I also have been seen as “glowing up” since I have been working with him . Thanks a lot also ! I’m also working with him on a great undertaking that I really desired ! THANKS TO YOU SALEOS

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Here’s my thanks to Lucifer, Asmodeus, Dantalion, Gremory, Zepar and Buer! Thanks


I wanna thank Seere and Hermes for having my very final university grade get posted within the timeframe that I needed it and manipulating my teacher to give me a higher grade than I really should have gotten.


I want to publicly praise Astaroth, for it gives the answers you seek.


Thank you, Pazuzu. I sent him after a disgusting enemy and the seeds of their destruction are already sprouting. I recommend him highly for this who can stomach true chaos, after all it is worth it. Hail Pazuzu!


Hail and praise to the Great Prince Seere, who accomplished something I wished before I even asked him!


Weird one, but thank you Leraje, for leading me straight to the Bahr al-Hayat. It might be exactly what I need.


Thank you Sekhmet for leading me to a ton more knowledge of the vampyre, and for being my guide. I deeply appreciate you

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Thank you Azazel for giving me guidance, and structure.


Thank you for the deep wisdom and for the answers to my questions that I have asked for you, King Byleth. If you want answers what lies behind love and anything connected with that, ask him and he will teach you. Just be yourself with him. :blush::heart:


I have to give a shout out, there are so many that assist me in my daily life. Lilith, Azazel, Gusion, Belial, Bylith, Abbodon, Mammon, Claunek, Hekate.

There others from different Pantheon’s that i dont even know personally but i know arevthere because i can feel them.

The Elders of Egypt
The Elders of the North
The Elders of Greece
The Elders of many of the unknown source, as well as my Ancestors of the past.

They guide me through my journey of this life
They keep me safe from harm
They assist me in my time of need
I dont ever ask for much in a need to now perspective but when i do they come through.

They Watch, Observe people in my life for Positive & Negative

They take care of the things even when i dont know whats happening behind my back.

They take care of others, they treat people the same way they treat me or even the way they act towards me or against me behind closed doors.

The Watchers & a few Elders take care of Karma towards the way people see me and feel me how they treat me.

Hail to the Elders of the Universe
The Dark & The Light


Thank you Bune for the financial wisdom you gave me, with some extra cash coming in to my account, also I thank younin advance for answering my wish! Work with Bune for $$$ related stuff !

Also to Cimeries! This Spirit has a potent, silent charm that will envelop you, making people more sympathetic to you and also he helped me perfect my grammar and eloquence. He will also make you fearless in your endeavours and career! HAIL CIMERIES!


Thank you Bael for always coming through.

Thank you Bune for these gifts and for opening up my eyes.

Thank you Gremory for your help on every level I can imagine.

Thank you Vuall for your strength and instruction.

Thank you Sitri for showing me the way.

Thank you Naberius for turning enemies to friends.

Thank you Buer for everything you’ve done.