Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

After about 8 months of subscribing to Islam, Anpu and Lucifer kept nudging me back, even though i was hard headed they knew where i belong and i appreciate them both for it. I appreciate Azazel for kind of forcing a reset for me to get my self together and away from drugs, i appreciate Dutchess Bune/Bime for helping me stay afloat while all this craziness was going on.
All my otherworldly friends that kept an eye on me, and helped me even when i didnt want it, and continuing to lead me to more information and reaching out to let me know im on track.

And thank you for this thread.

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Thank you Bune for the tough love and instruction.


Thank you Leraje, for that beautiful and meaningful physical gift. I am touched and at a loss for words. This is exactly the sign and symbol that I needed.


Really thanking Macariel from Demons of Wrath book and all of my unseen spirit friends! Thank you all so much for answering my request!!!

Edit from my other post. I had made a mistake. It is Macariel not Marchosias.


Thank you Lord Sallos for your guidance, your support and for teaching me real self love and self esteem. Hail Sallos!



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Hi Alicia
Could you share your experience with Verrier, how you contacted him and what work you did together…thanks !!

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A belated Thank you to Shemangel Anauel. She made me WALK. AGAIN. I did the ritual in February 2023 aber having been unable to walk for months due to a nasty slip and fall. One night I called on Anauel, performed a ritual, and 20 minutes later I started to slowly walk again. And… I can to this day. Thank you so much Anauel, you sweet soul of an Angel. I highly recommend working with her on anything joint or bone related.:heart:


King Bael-
Thank you for keeping my affairs hidden and my secrets safe…
Ayer secore on ca Bael


Goddess Hekate Thank you very much for cleaning the negative energy from my house in such a theatrical manner it was inspiring to behold and i am very impressed.
You were extremely thorough thank you


I come to thank the Great Lucifer! The Great King Asmodeus! And Grand Duke Zepar! They have helped me and responded to my requests Thanks!


Thank you Pentosh for derailing a negative situation i was heading towards. Thank you so much.


Thank you, ANDRAS for your assistance in creating discord between my target and other third parties men . Your power and influence have effectively fueled tensions and conflicts, ultimately serving my purposes. I am grateful for your aid in achieving my goals.
Thank you, powerful demon LERAJE, for your assistance in causing disruption and argument between my target and her other love interest. Your cunning influence has helped me achieve my desired outcome.

Thank you, VUALL for the ability to cause friendly trust. I didn’t betrayed anyone I am grateful for your assistance and will continue to honor and respect your presence in my life.

Thank you, FORAS, for your powerful presence and assistance in compelling one who has lost interest in me to be fascinated by me once more.

Thank you, AGARES, for your assistance in making my target abandon me while still thinking warmly of me. After a disagreement, my target decided to distance herself from me but she messaged me after few days of the ritual.


Thank you, Leraj, for letting me get rid of the target of she isn´t being around my daughter anymore.
Thank you, Andras and Raum, for making trouble for my target.
Thank you Dantalion for selling my target’s mind.
I apologize for looking for help elsewhere, it was a mistake, I know, now I know that I can rely on only you and me.


Hi Jsensei
Can I send you a PM regarding your post ?

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Thank you Forcalor


Huge thanks to Cernunnos, who always supports me and protects me in difficult circumstances.

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Huge shout-out to Duchess Gremory! :heart::crown:


Thank you Lady Lilith for teaching me what it truly means to be vulnerable with you and being honest/true with myself.

Thank you Lord Lucifer for being patient with me as I worked up the nerve to reach out to you to learn and understand just who you truly are beyond what the church/media says.

Thank you Master Jesus for explaining that I’m not denied your love and support as I seek to integrate the both forces of light and dark to achieve balance and understanding.

Thank you St. Germaine for teaching the art of the Violet Ray and for letting me know that I can call upon you for assistance.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for seeing the latent potential in me and helping foster growth in myself and others.


Thanks Ganpati bappa, Hanuman Ji, Goddess Bune, Elubatel, Ancestors, Loving Spirits AOW, AOO, Saturn And Venus For Blessing Me

I am so grateful for your blessings!