Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

I want to thank Yabamiah, Yanchiel, barchiel, Malchiel and Seer to help my very important document reach my family oversea. it was compeletly on-time, otherwise my family would have lots of trouble.

I used the Magick of Angels and Demons by Henry Archer, perfect grimoire. Thanks Henry Archer also.


Recently it hit me that all workings I have done since I started my magical journey have all come true. Some took about a year to come into fruition. I want to thank Lord Valac, Lord Salasash, Lord Kiltan, Lord Verrier, Heylel, Azazel, Lord Suhntalock, Aeshma, Elantiel, Mammon and the Seirim Masq’ad for always finding a way to fulfil my requests. And all I had to do was take out a pen, draw a sigil and ask. Magic is amazing.


Praise to the public, let everyone see :slight_smile:
the wise and empathetic marquis Marchosias.
He is a very good protector (accident, trouble, purifying the room).
Also, this she-wolf’s teeth are very sharp. If you want your enemies to get into trouble, this is the spirit you should summon.


I would like to share my very first success with spirits. Thank you to Marquis Phenix and Prince Seer for helping me get a decision from my bank in my favor.


Thank you Buer, for keeping me healthy and happy during my current business trips,
Thank you Leraje for keeping me strong and sane during navigating some oopsies :heart:


Thank you goddess bune,ganesha,hanuman,angels of omnipotence angels and all of my loving spirit guides and ancestors for supporting me in my life and helping me achieve all my desires.

Public gratitude :orange_heart:

Edit- Sorry to the person i tagged misclick or something

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Great thanks to NAAMAH for helping with the love spell.


Thank you Markel for bringing me 600$!


Where can someone learn about this spirit??


Servitors for all!/feedback - #43 by pluto1 !


Thank you Bune and also my Light Bringer for hearing me and helping me!
I got a second job, my mom paid off a bill for me that was costing me $700 a month, my dad remodeled my bathroom (fixing a major leak that kept my water bill high), and two erroneous bills were removed off my credit report!
And thank you Buer and Marbas for slowing the symptoms of my husbands schizophrenia and reducing the level of ammonia in his blood!
Ave Duchess Bune, Father Lucifer, Buer and President Marbas!


My very first post here goes to my servitor Xavier. Thank you for always completing your tasks. You never fail. You are the best!


Credit also goes to Xavier’s creator @pluto1 He came at the right time just when I was learning about creating servitors. I got to experience their powers firsthand. When @pluto1 said Xavier was potent, boy he was serious. He makes powerful servitors.


Prince Sitri, Thank you !


Thank you for pointing me into the right direction, Valac.


Thank you Bael for bending time and space.


Thank you BELIAL! I HIGHLY recommend working with Belial, especially for matters of money, business, and power. Thanks to Belial, I was given the opportunity to live in a beautiful apartment in the most expensive part of my city, rent-free. Also Belial has ensured that I continue living here rent-free. Belial has changed my life in a miraculous way. I am so grateful for my living situation and I consider it to be miracle. Thank you again Belial! I used the connective evocation ritual from the Gallery of Magick’s Demon’s of Magick book. Thank you again Belial. HAIL BELIAL!


I want to first thanks Hecate, Azazel, Samyaza, Dantalion and Raziel. Without they I wouldn’t have the experience and confidence to explore new pantheons and different kinds of magick. Within they maybe I wouldn’t even had joined in this new reality.

Today I’m grateful for Atena. She helped me in my trainings in Muay Thai and now Jiu-Jitsu. For my first sparring my mentor told me that I was very good. Atena also helped me to understand and catch more easily the techniques of martial arts. Thank you so much! :deciduous_tree::cocktail::herb::owl::shield::snake:


Thank you Naberius. Your intervention brought them to my side and did so immediately. Thank you for the help and the lessons on the way.


Thank you Lucifuge Rofocale for sending me to Asmodeus and Lilith so that I can expand my knowledge in sex magick