Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

Thank you Bune for the instruction and the massive save.
Thank you Gremory for walking with me and the constant help.
Thank you Leraje and Andromalius.
Thank you Forneus.
Thank you Naberius.


Thank you to the powers I called to remove a person in my life’s will to blackmail me completely.

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I want to express my gratitude to Forneus.

He has over-delivered with powerful and otherworldly results twice now.

Bless you, Forneus. Thank You.


Thanks to Valefar who comes when asked, especially thanks to Forcalor who seems to be working well for me.

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i am very thank full to:
Lucifer, Azazel, Samael, Baphomet, Babalon, lilith, God Pan, God Dionisio, God Jupiter/Jove,
King Belial, Paimon, Asmodeus, Belzeebub, Astaroth, Goddess Isis, Goddess Temis, Pazuzu
Belphegore, Sitri, Zepar, Andromalius, Ladilok, Sa´ahtlar, and Salas´ash.


I want to thank the following spirits from the Demons of Wrath book.
Buriel, Icosiel, Menadiel, Macariel, Bydiel, Pyrichiel, and Bydiel for their help throughout 2022-2024. I deeply appreciate it.
I also just erected a Santa Muerte altar and she is already helping me in my life and I want to say many thanks to her as well!!
Also thanks to Haagenti, Raum, Seer and Aim!


Thank you Leraje, for never letting me go blind. I definitely see what you did there with certain dates laying so closely together, but with such differences. Also yesterday morning was beautiful.
Thank you Buer, for taking care of someones flu so quickly.


Thank you Naberius.
Thank you Halphas.
Thank you Andromalius.

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thank you to my servitor Peter for bringing me love, for creating mind control among targets of mine.thank you to Brutus for protecting me along with loganX


Thank you Ganesha, in just 17 days you have helped me so much! And I still have many days left to go!

I’m so excited to see how much things open up and change for me!


Thank you to Prince Ipos for the instantaneous results.

I’ve been trying to resolve monotone speech tendencies for quite a while, and I noticed drastic improvements in my vocal inflection patterns immediately after performing the ritual (through Hargrove’s “Goetia Pathworking” book)

Bless you, Prince Ipos. Thank you.


Thanks you Lucifer Morningstar for accepting my petition so quickly. Thank you. HAIL Lucifer

I will also like to thank Duke Bune, for my protection and mentorship. Looking forward to the rest our contract. Hail Duke Bune.


My heartfelt thanks.

For working successfully together in the most chaotic, most experimental and most crossover-ish agricultural long term project with me. I’ve seen the recent data and this is so damn encouraging.

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I like to leave monthly thanks for these spirits for all their help they give continuously to me whoever I ask. Had another situation they helped with recently. Thanks for giving me the signs I asked for.

Heart-felt thanks and praise to:

Holy Santisima Muerte - you always listen and help when things seem bleak.

St Expedite for his swift help!

St Jude - for giving me help and faith to keep going.

Olympic spirit Ophiel for superfasthelp in getting someone to contact me.

Menadel and Stolus - for fast help with communication. Thanks for always listening.

Atuesuel, Uiazel and Tulatu - the Angels of Omnipotence for their help with a particular situation.

The Forty Servants: The Saint, The Messenger, The Witch, The Sun, The Planet, The Lovers.

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Thanks to Azazel, Ezuli, Papa Legba, Ereshkigal, Damballah and Baron Samedi for their work to awaken me to my purpose.

And to Raziel for being there.


Special thanks to Dantalion, Bathin and Prince Seere for helping me tremendously with some legal matters. I asked for their help after waiting for several months without receiving any response, and approximately one month after performing 3 separate rituals I received the desired response!


Thank you to azazel. He shown me so much during my time of speaking with him. But he also helped me greatly to empower a servitor.


i want to say thank you to azazel who is amazing for chakras and psychic abilites, dream communication and passive income - lottery win, and helped me also over my porn addiction
hail azazel


Thank you Buer, for stalling that pesky new wisdom tooth until the next appointment in a few weeks. I don’t have time for a surgery this month :joy: You’re the best doctor.


Hi everyone. I wanted to make sure I publicly thanked King Paimon and shared my experience with you all.

Recently, tension in my home has been high. I have a roommate, and we haven’t been getting along. He was trying to be controlling, and the energy im the home was very dense. I asked King Paimon if he could control his mind/influence him so the household can be less tense and to have my roommate be more chill/relaxed so i can live in a better environment.

1 day after i made the request, I started getting signs that King Paimon accepted to help me. Within 3 days, my roommate texted me and offered to make tacos for me and my girlfriend. This is the first time he has offered anything like this in months. Not only that, he has been extremely friendly and social. It’s like a new person lol The energy in the household has made a complete 180 and its insane how fast King Paimon works.

I highly recommend anyone who has to desire to connect with King to give him a call. He is an amazing being who can help out on so many different ways, and I can not begin to thank him enough for everything he has done for me.

Lynan Tasa Jedan King Paimon

Ave King Paimon :dromedary_camel::dromedary_camel::dromedary_camel: