Max’s Crackhouse Expeditions

The deepest desire of your heart is for growth into godhood. It’s more than that, though. So many assets and pieces of lore are held behind that deceptively simple wish. With power, one can do anything, and you realize this. Not only does the stimuli and rush of occult knowledge drive you, the knowledge that you can and will support your family and friends and take them places they could never go before warms your heart and sets your soul aflame.

I guess you could say I wear my heart on my sleeve. Not new knowledge to me, though it’s nice to get a definitive answer.

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just to add this.

the psychopomp work you’re doing isn’t a speciality of mine.

The Organ you got,
was supposed to help you with what you requested:
Better Clear Voyance.

From what you’ve been writing,
i consider it’s working,
and you’re successfully using it.

why i was telling you to get started,
instead of waiting for me to take you by the hand and walk you through the stuff.

You’re doing great.

Congratulations on that huge degree of success and progress there.

a familiar of mine,
has been with you,
and guides you,
so you’re not getting these “gifts” randomly.

They’re actually aligned with the progress you’re working through.



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I get better astral vision. But in body all bets are off. So far the void still teases me with lights from nowhere.

I get three dots so far. In this form.

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Ah yeah?

You have?

Look at this:

Think this ties exactly in,
with what i was writing about back then in this explenation on how to incarnate back into physical form,
form a spirit point of view.

So apart from the bit where i’ve worked on chester bennington,
the method used there,
might be advice that is connecting back with the work you’re doing here currently.



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I did the beginning part. The sparks.

However, I dunno about the rest. I don’t exactly need to descend. Why was I shown this?


I think you could use it for your future incarnations, it would come in handy then I would think.

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I don’t plan on dying.

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let me be more specific.

It’s for you to be ready and accessable,
when you feel someone deserves to incarnate back,
with intact personality. (remember the melting face.)

You can use it,
it’s another asset,
another skill.

Applying what i explained there,
allows you to incarnate someone without him going through all those phases of deconstruction and reconstruction.

You can do amazing stuff with that.

i knew when i wrote it,
that someone will come out,
and ask for it.

I didn’t know who it’ll be.

You aperently don’t see the value of it yet.

Try it out.

You’ll see.

Let me set up some reasonable circumstance,
so you have an opportunity of recognizing it’s scope.



I got done with my 50th soul retrieval. As per usual, I got some gifts. Notable ones are:

Gives you a little time (not permanent)
Invigorates your senses (not permanent)
and finally, an etheric dagger that draws blood for rituals. Basically a substitute for actual bloodletting, I just use energy and it supposedly does the same. This is good, cause I wanted to do draconic rituals but drawing blood just ain’t my thang.

I love that guy.

Psychopomp counter: 50

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I officially, in my less than a month of being here, have four days of read time.

Can I do divination yet?

I’m thinking about what I should do today.

I’ve finished all my quotas. I.e souls and the like. I could get more. Just not feeling like that right now.

Maybe I’ll call up Azazel and Yberioth? Maybe.

In other news, I have just verbally invoked the spirit of chill.
It’s a thing.

I did it on a whim and whoopty shit there’s a spirit attached to that name.

Hello, Azazel! :smiley:
How are you?

I’m doing fine. I’ve been waiting for you to call me up again. I wanted to remark on your progress. I’m going to give you the mandatory verbal pat on the back. 50 is a big number for someone as new as you. But I suppose you do have a knack for it. I also want to continue in reference to you seeking out the draconic ritual book. This is the next step for you?

I honestly am not sure. I think it’ll be one of the larger irons in my fire, yes, but the path ahead is shrouded in confusion. I don’t think I’ll start with anything like electrokinesis or something similar.

Why not?

Well, I guess it’s not that practical. And it’s difficult to achieve.

I suppose that makes sense, although I do believe it’s important for you to try and master an element.


Yes. Some sort of thumb over the physical world is important. I suggest you pick one and go with it.

Which do you recommend?

Fire. It is linked to many clairsenses and matches the fury of the dragon. I suggest you meet our good knight of hell and speak to him about learning pyromancy. It’s a good skill to pick up.

I agree. Thank you Azazel. Would you like to do any works with me?

I would. I would consider works such as… void work(?) and (a word used to describe meaning in death). Glamour.

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Gonna call up Furcas after I call up Gabrielle.

Thank you for coming. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier.

I get it. Thank for eventually dropping in.

Before we continue, I’d like to ask, Do you know my mother?

I do. She used to dip into norse magick as you do your own.

Does she know you?

She knows of me. She has called upon my name. She does not know me. I have been linked into your family for their lineage. I know the names of every one of you. I figured it was time to step in. You’d get the message eventually. I have been waiting for one of you to hear me as I hear you, and your family is straying away from their roots. Which is fine by me. But you, you were an opportunity. An opportunity to finally say something. Hello. My name is Odin. My call for you has been strong, but you could never hear. The day you finally heard is when I stopped calling. You got the message. I would see you again.

Do you wish to work with me?

I do. I wish to take you in, take you to Asgard, I wish to show you the ways of the warrior, to watch as you drink from the fountain of knowledge as did I.

Do you really? Is this all true?

It has never been more true. I mean what I say. You’ve been around me for a while, and I admit now that I’m surprised you have not seen me. I mean to call you here. I mean to bring you where I said. I mean to show you my way.

Okay. Okay. Sure. I’m in. What should I do first?

Come visit me in Asgard, come visit me in my home.

Okay. I’ll do that. Thank you.


You work with Odin. Does this sound right?

Odin is very picky on who he allows in Asgard so I don’t know with the entire “come to my home” and he does tend to pull people to their roots no matter how small it is if there’s scandinavian ancestry in their heritage because it will ultimately bring them into his pantheon. Odin isn’t quick to direct people away from his pantheon.

I do have scandinavian ancestry. Anyhow, let me give his reasoning for

“It’s because he’s been there before anyways. I’ve seen him in my home many years ago, though he does not remember.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m the Daughter of Lucifer™

Jokes aside, Hist backs him up and I have no reason to doubt him.

Why can’t I remember?

“You were young, you were asleep. You hardly understood what you were seeing and wrote it off as a nightly adventure. It’s no surprise that you rediscovered my name in a dream.”

Just to be clear. No heritage, right?

“None at all.”

Good, because I didn’t want to be THAT guy.

Gonna roll for intuition and just go for it.

Shoutout to Hist to being my best friend on the other side and protecting me from getting my shit wrecked AND tolerating all of my stupid questions on a DAILY BASIS.

I honestly love my snakey boi, he does so much for me and he’s always available to ask a question.