Maulbeere's Ramblings and Shiny Things

Remembering how we met…

I have said that Azazel contacted me through synchronicities, but I couldn’t remember how I got the name or the actual hints. I think they’re still coming.

Just googled “Azazel direction” (just for reasons), and I’m so amused - Azazel - Fallen Angel - Christianity, Islam & Judaism | (the site isn’t so useful but it’s comment section has some giggle worthy stuff) has some nice images in a siding banner at the top of the page - apart from the mountain, both those avatars are on my phone and/or various internet accounts as wallpapers, liked images. I believe the ‘fallen angel’ is a Luis Royo painting, one of my fave artists. (Hmn, he has a tarot deck though I don’t think I have it.) The other, I don’t know the artist but I think it’s probably from DeviantArt.
I would not have made a connection from those images to Azazel though it’s just funny to see the cooincidence after the connection.


Meeting with Kiltan.
This isn’t about the meeting actually, in asking Kiltan for help on something, got into a bit of conversation about the whys and wherefores of things. I explained how I feel trapped on Earth, but Azazel told E.A. how it and others say it’s the other way around, that they’d like to be here and we should stop trying to escape and focus on bringing “heaven to earth”.

The idea had struck me because I’ve heard it before - The Group channeled by Steve Rother’s Paths 2 Empowerment in the Light Masters course (aka a pathworking) said the same thing. I’m also recognising some of the energies in Azazel’s group and “The Group”. So that’s a thing. I didn’t work with those guys extensively though, I got bored - they’re very gentle in a RHP-like way.

So I asked why an entity such as themselves would want to incarnate as a human on Earth. The imagery in other explanations don’t make sense to me - I don’t believe in any kind of “heaven” so I don’t know what that means.

What I think I heard, in the nerdy terms I would get, was that I could think of humanity as the advance pioneers that volunteered to go to a planet, and Terraform it to make it suitable for habitation. Except that the “planet” is actually an entire density, a whole level of reality.
I said, “but why?”
Discarnate entities create what they need on the fly. They said: Here everything is created consciously, and must be maintained consciously to use it. Some don’t bother and seem to float in a void, some build castles some caves inspired by the creation on Earth, some like to build others don’t, but nothing that appears physical to you in this room is permanent. You know when you completely forget you own something, and maybe a year later chance upon it, maybe at the back of a drawer, and get a pleasant surprise - imagine not being able to do that. Out of sight and out of memory means that thing ceases to exist - not so for humans, who both have a physical store so the memory can’t be lost [a brain?], but also persistence in the nature of physical matter itself. It keeps itself intact, without having to be maintained constantly, and humans can take it for granted that things they create don’t move, or warp or dissolve - they can even make them and exchange them with others [actually it can be a problem, but hey]. We [discarnate entities] can’t do this, because we couldn’t maintain it to keep it or give it, not like that, all is energy, all is perception and intent alone.
So then, we, [as in, the lot of us before dense matter was created], started building a level of reality where persistence could exist. A place that could be as mutable if we desired, but could for the most part be trusted to stay put indefinitely [I didn’t think to interject about rot, rust or perishables].
And it’s not quite there yet, it’s too dense and the vessels are too dense, and there’s been politics and naysayers [ahem, hi] and the odd nutjob but it’s getting there.

This resolves some questions for me, but doesn’t answer others (I forgot to ask):

  • Why is physicality even a thing? - For the same reason nomads settled and built houses and cities. Permanence.
  • Why is being human a thing? - Humans are the form of the vessels designed to allow energy beings to operate in the physical. They come with the build-in ability to navigate all realms, because we expressly didn’t want to limit movement to be physical only - were are in fact, very deliberately not trapped at all [that tells me!].
  • Why do entities help humans? - partly because we’re on the same team and they’re waiting for the “terraforming” to complete and would like it to be done asap, or, we asked for something they’d enjoy doing,

Things I want to go back and ask:

  • Ok, why did we do it with this extreme duality effect with polar opposites
  • Why did we have to make it so ridiculously complicated? Couldn’t we just have incarnated, memories intact and build matter from there?
  • What has sovereignty got to do with this? ^

I probably explained that really badly. I know it’s going to sound insane to some but that’s ok. Maybe I just heard something I wanted to hear to make myself feel better about not wanting to be here… I’m not sure a cosmological version of the “Dirty Jobs” TV series was quite what I would have hoped for though.


A ramble I cut out of Theogenesis: Hunter of Man

I’m currently investigating the assertion reported by Thomas Sheridan, that a Shaman of African tradition told him psychopaths are a specific type of un-empathetic entity incapable of compassion incarnating as human (“demons” he said, which isn’t helpful - I’m an incarnate “demon” and I’m no psycho). Needs more thought and less dogma, but in cases where that’s true I’d quite like to see those prevented from repeatedly incarnating as well as just gone. I don’t see how they can ascend with the incomplete toolset they have - they can’t understand enough - so they just get in the way by distracting humans with pain and by draining them of all their energy, hindering their path and ascent.

Norath seems perfect.


Bindings discussion with Mehmi’on

Backstory: I did not initiate this, not knowing I had any to need of his help, he manifested behind me during an invocation of Samael, and Samael was silent. I have never worked with Mehmi’on before and didn’t recognise him, he felt very focused on me, very large, dark, moved when I tried to look in his direction, and I wasn’t sure what was happening and couldn’t hear him, so I closed the invocation to think about it. After some reading and meditation I figured out who it was. Mehmi’on is one of Azazel’s Nethers, he understands all kinds of bindings, and he wanted to talk to me about removing the binding’s on me. Azazel removed a big one a few weeks ago, so it wasn’t a surprise to realise there were more. He wanted to help me with creating bindings onto the person that bound me to stop them making more.

I performed this in my grove, a space I use in the astral to do journey workings I like to use when I need peace and quiet. It has a fire pit inside a stone circle in a clearing of mature ash trees. The fire burns purple lately and doesn’t go out any more, no idea why but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?

Mehmi’on manifested in my grove some feet behind me, I was in the South facing North towards the fire.
(I wish I could relate it word for word but it’s gone. He said I needed to have the bindings on me removed and proceeded do do it himself, allowing me to see him as he came to my side to work on and through my being.

[cut out of an already long discussion here]


Azazel is one of my spiritual progenitors, along with Leviathan and another I haven’t clearly identified. However this is ‘Leviathan’ as the name I got for an aspect of the Source of the multiverse, and as I am a creature of this multiverse - I wasn’t created before it and moved in like the big names did - I feel that might be kind of a given for that kind of being

My relationship with Azazel is… inconsistent. I’m aligned with the same current he’s aligned with, but he and I are our own beings, have our own communication issues and are not all that in sync. I’m not a kind of disciple or have a special role, it’s just that any sovereign spirit gets created somehow, and this was where I came from. It’s probably why I thought for a while (never mentioned it, it’s weird even for balg and was never relevant in discussion) I was/am a member of Azazel’s legions, might have been why I was started. For the same reason I create egregores now: there was a job to do.


Had an interesting interaction as a result of the ‘war’ issue that came up recently.

On turning up at my ‘waystation’ (top of Yggdrasil/well/entrance to Upper World type place) while keeping in mind the idea of this local upset happening, I found it to be in the process of… well, lifting higher. Which made stepping out he door awkward - looking down to see the ground racing away was interesting. I put it back. It started up again. I let it be and went where i wanted to go.

After I came back, since I had to check the cat, I had to go find it high up in the clouds, and re-positioned it again, and looked around for who was messing with it. There in the middle steps out a human black mage of all things. Don’t see too many of them in my parts of he astral. Fancy schmancy black robe with nice gold brocade edging and all. A man with taste.

What was interesting, was that he recognised me, and said in a shocked voice:
“What are YOU doing incarnate!?”

And then he ran! Ok, Hi! … Bye!
I did try to follow him and get more info. I got as far as a location somewhere vaguely around the West of the Carolina’s US, and had him, and was asking him who he was and how he knew me, and Azazel turned up and said ‘Enough…’ and you know the rest from that thread.

How frustrating! There’s someone out there today who knows my daemon form and they’re not talking. What a git! :joy:


Your ramblings are 10/10


From was yesterday… the thread is linked under the ‘here’ word in blue.

So, “The Carolinas” means North Carolina or South Carolina. Kind of far West of them, and to the North, maybe even in Virginia, but not far enough West to be in Kentucky or Tennessee - hard to say, I had an image of the East Coast US as I hurtled down to it from orbit practically, and a 1/2 a second to try to register the location based on geography, so I’m not super certain. The main reason I could recognise it was inland and up a bit from the same area the hurricane was headed through with that huge path prediction, but, hundreds of miles Northwest of Charlotte.

It’s kind of odd, I never approach the astral as if it’s ‘above’ the Earth. I always use shamanic tree or well or spiral stone staircase imagery to get there. I was just following the mysterious dude.


Oh good grief. even Thomas Sheridan has been banned from FB because his comments had mass flag attacks. FB really needs to fix flagging abuse. That’s not even censorship it’s just bad program design.
This latest video is funny af. The sheep! Creepy but cute.


I was literally just about to search the forum for stuff on aliens/crop circles and you posted this video. Thanks for the synchronicity!


Can a vampire convert to a non-vamp?
Are vamps born vampires?

In my opinion, as someone who has come info magick as an energy worker, no, there’s no such thing as being ‘turned’ to or from. To know why you have to realise what a vampire actually is.

A vampire, if you read Michelle Belanger, and I agree with her and my qigong teachers, is someone with a damaged energy system. Most humans effortlessly convert food and ambient energy to qi, keeping themselves healthy.

A vampire has a system that is broken in this regard - they could be born like this or have a childhood trauma that induces it. They don’t make enough qi to sustain a healthy body and find it hard to convert qi from external sources like food, the sun, ambient emotions and so on. This causes them to lose more and more over time, they become sick, many die as children, the ones that survive learn how to take human energy - “Ren QI” from others. Human qi is already converted to the ideal format for a human to absorb, like mothers milk is the most easily digestible food for babies. They can’t handle much more.

This should be possible to heal, but it’s a big deal and I haven’t heard of anyone that figured out how.

Ever been down and had your friends come round and cheer you up? They gave you energy. You in turn give others energy when you comfort them, lend them your shoulder to cry on or gift them a birthday present. This is completely normal. Even a vampire who has fed enough can do this. It’s automatic. Extroverts tend to need more energy and introverts tend to give more, imo, but by and large it’s all part of an ebb and flow that happens naturally in social circles.

For the most part vampires always need more and have to be careful to preserve what they have, so they’re not going to give and they will take all the time. People who are vampires and don’t know it are those that always make drama and complain and never fix thier issues. They’re the ones you start avoiding because they will play the victim for hours leaving you feeling drained. It’s not cool or good for them or anyone they’re around. On the plus side, it forces them to get really good at energy working if they want anything like a successful life, and those that do become strong and powerful mages - not because they’re better, but because they practiced: they had to.

The thing is, every human can do energy work. Every human (except vampires) can take energy from anywhere including other humans. We actually do it naturally as part of being social animals. I strongly advise learning how to control and cultivate your own qi, and when you can do that, if you want to use vampiric techniques as a tool you have that option.

So, in my view, using “vampirism” as a baneful technique isn’t actually vampirism when done by a human that isn’t a real vampire - it’s a form of energy working - and it’s under thier complete and conscious control. In contrast, a self-described “vampire” that can easily cultivate qi from non-human sources isn’t a vampire. They just think it scores them cool points.

Personally, I dislike human qi as an energy source. To me, it’s like standing next to a crystal clear waterfall (cosmic qi), and going “nah, I’ll just drink out of this dirty puddle; it’s ok, I can filter it”. :face_vomiting:

Some people like the “taste” and get used to the very real risks of picking up other peoples traumas and diseases. I can’t relate, but then, I learned a different way decades ago, so sometimes it’s just a case of better the demon you know.


i didnt know that, damn

Thank you for this perfect explanation. I didn’t know that vamps just have a broken energy system. I also didn’t know that there is no “turning”.

Is there a genetic link? (daughter/son having higher chance of being born a vamp)? If not, it would be really bad b/c they have no one to teach them or even know what’s going on/what’s wrong.

I’m sorry if the information is already somewhere on this forum.

I’m not aware of genetic links, and we live in a society where energy work is “woo” and held in suspicion, so they don’t get a lot of help. The Internet helps some, but has a lot of misinformation, and people can get really confused between romantic fiction, which is inspired by the folklore which is more about discarnate entities feeding on the living, and the actuality.

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Shadownomicon Notes

Rather than do a new journal for my Shadownomicon workings, I know I’ll find it hard to post diligently so I’ll just pop them in here.

I wasn’t really going to say anything, but they want me to. Legion wants me to. Being known is a thing they want, and for reasons… I’m not a writer but I’ll see what I can do.

So, taking a step back, I’ve been working with Samael for several months now. What started as a 90 day pathworking stalled at day 36. He gave me a pause and 4 books to read. With each book, it turned out I did’t have to read the whole thing - he stopped me when I reached the part he wanted me to see, or when I learned what he wanted me to learn. Quite unexpectedly, I’d be reading and he’d show up and go “there! that’s what I wanted you to see” and talk about that thing for a bit, and then I could move on from the book.
This was so much easier than trying to learn the same info my clairsentience. Reading the books provided swathes of language I would not have interpreted correctly without the book as framework.

It also meant I stopped counting the days. And it went quiet for a while while I practices some of these books ideas and techniques, and let it all sink in. Every so often I’d say, Samael, did I ditch and break the pact, do you want to continue? And he’s say, let’s continue - and what would happen is people would ask for help with the exact things I was learning, mostly about fighting parasites - so I got real time practice, which sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t, and I learned.

And then he brought me another book, D H Thorne’s Maelstrom, which seemed sort of basic, and was like, yeah ok that makes sense, but there’s nothing really new for me here. Well, that was just an awareness exercise for an author who’s energy I hadn’t worked with before. Then I suddenly felt drawn to the Lovecraftian current. I like the idea of the Simon Necronomicon that links the Sumerian deities with the Old Ones. I wanted to understand it… I didn’t link the two in my mind, not yet.

Samael then brought me to the Shadownomicon, also by Thorne. I’d seen this around before and thought the name cute but gimmicky and passed over it for that reason, not expecting something really serious. I still didn’t connect it with Lovecraft, for some reason - bit of a blind spot I guess. But now I’d liked the Maelstrom book and was more open to this one - clever Samael. He knows how to work around my foibles. :slight_smile:

And so as I’m reading it, we connect, and he suggests that I follow this work before launching into the Simon Necronomicon. Dense ol’ me assumes I should winkle out some more shadows before facing the “terrors of the deep”. Though I half - and still do - want to challenge my sanity at this point. I’ve typically played it safe, and never let my control slip, and I wonder how much this limits my experience.
Curiosity killed the cat: and that’s fine, I’m ready.

Then I actually bought the book. But before I start reading it, two days after I bought it our freind @anon39079500 posts his Shadownomicon pathworking, right here in Journals. It was his writing that clued me in on the connection between the Simon Necronomicon, and (the now-obviously, I realise, named) Shadownomicon. Fucking duh.

Funny how you’re encouraged through things sometimes. I might have easily forgotten it was in my Kindle otherwise, along with several others I didn’t make the time to finish yet. And Samael would have gone quiet, patiently waiting, and I’d have wondered why, while horrible things kept happening to the dates I tried to make, thier loved ones and thier friends literally dying so they cancel and instead of going out I find myself in ritual for lack of anything else to do and needing an outlet for the energy.

Word to the wise: if you commit to an entity like Samael to do ritual with him on a given night, go ahead and make sure you do it first, if you don’t like odd and unpleasant coincidences involving unexpected death, gently removed 2 degrees from you yet close enough to be disturbing.

Where was I…?
Oh right, so now I’ve read the Shadownomcon, I followed the white rabbit into social media connections to the larger group workings, and that’s where it started to get really interesting.

I’m not doing the Shadownomicon for me. I’ve done so much shadow work, I have been bored of me for years, so I’m happy about that. I’m doing it for them. I know these shadows, they are me and I’m them. But they want to be known by everyone.

Now, I’m not terribly altruistic. I’m on this planet for an altruistic promise I made to a freind and I’m quite cross with myself for it. I come up as the Hermit, or the Queen of Pentacles “will help if it’s not too much trouble”, neutral evil type. I know what I’m like, the terrible things I’ve done and wish I could do over, my mistakes, what I’m bad at and what I’m good at.

But a promise is a promise, and as it turns out, helping the shadows be know, working with them to open gates and help people work with them, directly helps me fulfill my promise: to give energy to humanity to help with ascension.

That is the point. There are many paths for a mage to know themselves, which is very important and needed to become adept. Know yourself, and you find, you know everything, for you might have already been or are being everything. This type of shadow working is very in-your-face and direct about showing you yourself.

It fits, as humanity is now out of time. Azazel told EA Koetting “get to the lifeboats”. This is one such lifeboat. A “lifeboat” is not a mystical gate, not a physical thing - it’s a metaphor, as things in magick usually are.
It’s a symbol of a last-ditch, brutal but potentially faster way to get enlightened, ascended, i.e. to know yourself as a fully realised entity incarnate as a human, capable of seeing how they are vast and everything at once, and a tiny, separate, blind and deaf being at the same time. Not a thoughtform aspecting another god, not a child of the gods, not an egregore incarnate or mere “human” trying to ascend - but as an entity that has accepted it’s sovereignty and will endure and remain form here on, separate and individual, while being connected to the rest of the occult universe.

Having said that, spiraling through more shadow work is never an effort wasted. Humans are easily complex enough to fuel a lifetime of this work. There’s much I can still do, and a thing Samael wants me to work on that will help his mentoring of me. Just writing this is part of my own work facing my desire to hide and not be seen. It’s all intertwined and everything means many things at once.

So I’ll pause here and screw up my courage to write more later. I guess I can hope noone reads it :)… and so it starts.


Thanks for the inspiration. :grinning: Do the spirits you work with actually talk to you with voices or do you just get a gut feeling for what they’re trying to communicate with you?

What are these dates? People you’re helping from parasites? People you are working with? Dates, like romantic dates?

After reading the whole thing, I suppose it doesn’t really matter. I get the point, which is to do your work first if you don’t want people dying, etc.

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Sorry for derailing the topic a bit, but… I don’t like the word occult. I like to just think of all this as spiritual knowledge that people are ignorant about. It’s not really “hidden”; people just refuse to accept it, i.e., are gullible to a fake reality.

@Mulberry That was fun and interesting. Please continue to update us :smiley:

There’s a mixture of ways I get information, it depends on the spirit, my state, and what it is.

  1. Clair-audience happens rarely for me. It’s unexpected, it’s uncontrollable, I can’t force or expect it to happen, and when it does it’s like an actual voice in my head. I can count only 3 times in my life I had true clairaudience in a fully awake state, and it seemed to coincide with messages that the entity had a lot of emotion about or considered very important. All other times have been in very deep trance or in that half-awake half-asleep state.
  2. Clair-sentience, or Kennings, where I just know. It’s as if I suddenly have known this thing my whole life, and don’t remember where I learned it. But I remember not knowing it a few moments before. It’s new ad old at the same time.
  3. Empathy, which is where I pick up emotions about what’s being said, and have to sit with it to understand the abstract concepts causing the emotions. This is the hardest to describe. In this case getting into deep trance allows it to comes with the next thing, flashes. The fae, including crystals and many ghosts communicate to me primarily through empathy.
    Note - empathy is not feeling “others emotions”, it’s feeling emotions as if they were your own, and having to sort out which ones were you and which were “not you”, it works by resonance in your emotional field, so there’s no difference until you can get you field back to baseline and draw conclusions from the change. E.g., suddenly being really sad, but having no reason for it, then going outside and feeling normal again - probably wasn’t me - from there I can keep it separated mentally and track it down.
  4. “Flashes” as I call them are often quick scenes but with a ton of information. You might get just an image without context but more often you also have a kenning with it so you just know what the image is about. This one takes forever to write down. Whole lives can come in one flash. They’re also the easiest to lose the details about quickly - it’s just too much for my human brain to keep together long enough to get it all down.
  5. Memory - this is the most common ritual experience, I ask a question, and it’s like I remember someone just telling me but don’t remember them saying it out loud. This can feel a lot like you’re imagining things. Being repetitive and getting as deep into trance as possible helps here.
  6. Automatic writing - also feels like imagination, except I’m crap at writing and world building, you stop thinking and let the writing flow. It’s like the memory one but you use the writing to help disengage judgement and over thinking it.

E.g. you’re walking along the hallway in your house, and feel like you’re being watched - you’re sensing a presence, but turn around and there’s nothing visible. But you have a feeling that it was an old man, he lives here, (or lived here), and you remember now, in this moment that you are seeing he has blue jeans and… you suddenly wonder why he’s wearing a hat indoors.You don’t remember seeing a hat you just know he’s got one, and it’s cream - you have no idea why you know his hat is cream, it’s just a fact like the sky is blue - and now you know that you can see it in your mind’s eye, and it’s a fedora - you’ll make out more details to longer you sit with it. You get a bit of old-person smell, and stale cigarette smoke off his clothes. You might get a sense that he’s annoyed - what are you doing in his house? …or needy - wait you can see him!? He wants you to listen to him - to get out or just talk. You might fancy you can see a column blurriness where the presence is, but maybe that’s because it’s foggy outside and maybe the fog, er, got in the house?
You just met a human ghost. He may or may not even know he’s dead. Don’t second guess your immediate kennings. Write them down, respect them and you will get more of them. Ignore them and they’ll likely fade and get easier to pass over with practice.