Do you believe in Jesus mythicism? Even if there was a historical Jesus, would he still be just a myth in terms of the way modern christians and scholars thought of him?
In the work of historian Freddy Silva, who specializes in studying the documented history of the mystery schools, he finds the story of “Jesus” is retold multiple times with many different parts coming from at least 24 (or 27 I forget) historical figures, and he expect there are more lost to destruction of the records.
So the modern myth to me is a “no smoke without fire” situation - what we have in common mind is a dumbed down and garbled version… a lot less interesting than understanding the history and evolution through the documentation. But yes there was a mystery school and it taught people how to develop Siddhis and ascend.
It’s a lot like the story of Ragnar Lothbrook told in the TV series Vikings - that guy was also an aural-telling amalgamation of many Norse kings and heroes, and with the usual aural embellishment and contraction you get in aural traditions… and so is “Jesus”. Or like the story of Cinderella, also aurally passed down so that there are 100s of different versions across as many cultures. Except unlike those stories there was a vested interest in competing cultures and religions to erase the knowledge for the fear-based purposes of power and control.
Whatever we think we know is incomplete and mostly wrong. And by Incomplete I mean, not swiss cheese incomplete, woefully and deliberately destroyed, mistranslated and butchered incomplete. Even the concept of "sin’ is corrupted and turned into a weaponised, manipulative guilt trip into conforming though and deed, turning a torturous state-killing into a “sacrifice” that makes no sense and it was really nothing of the sort, but a very vicious, sadistic and evil corruption of the teachings designed to deceive. Sadly very successful to this day - and very much part of the “physic castration” referred to above…
Ooh, decent-sized solar flare happened and the edge of it clips Earth so it will get here Monday ish. Probably cause a heatwave where it lands, and minor radio blackouts. Nothing crazy, but it’s fun to watch the fireworks.
It’s always funny to me how in Astrology the moon has a strong factor, but because they didn’t know how this worked it’s not a feature and no astrologer ever had the UPG that it should. This will affect people’s brains and nervous systems in medically significant ways. You can’t intuit what you have no experience of, I know, but it’s another reason why I don’t take Astrology really seriously. It is missing too much.
Very good analysis and spiritually-oriented explanation of why JCI doesn’t work: because these are rooted in conflict and denying people goodness without them.
I’m only about 2/3 in but so far I agree, I’m just not this articulate about it. Love the point about how they teach kids they’re sinners first but never acknowledge how kids don’t have to be taught love. They’re capture in Stockholm syndrome capture bonding and every JCI adherer spends their lives coping with this early abuse…
My subconscious ramblings came up with something that aktewellie sounds legit. Maybe it’s not a complete goof.
Oh, found a very interesting application for energy working, to improve lacking areas of life by copying the high energy from successful areas into the low-energy ones.
This makes sense to me so I’ll try this… let’s see maybe a week, two times a day, and we’ll see how it goes.
The kind of shit I think in meditation. I’m still musing on the “I’m a spirit incarnate into/posessing an animal with its own spirit” concept…
The dissociation with weed, let’s you be more aware of the animal, you become un-numb. The more you are merged the more numb you are, submerged in the animal but not feeling it.
So we are separate consciousnesses as well as separate minds.
The difference between consciousness and mind? The mind is the spirit consciousness experiencing the astral. The body is the consciousness experiencing the physical. “Dimensions” or “planes” are different aspects of cosmic physics… the physics of the various frequencies of EM radiation and particles able to resonate and interact.
What is the heart? Speak from the heart? Authenticity. Not numb.
Ah! Not numb! The heart is The Connect between me the incarnated spirit, and me the animal. It tells us the animals thoughts. It’s desires are hence our desires. It’s mind is our much maligned ego.
The ego isn’t bad, it’s the mind of the animal we are possessing. How ignorant, wasteful and ungrateful to try to kill the mind of the being we are using to have a human experience.
We are one. Unzertrennlich. Inseparable. 200% of being. I am never alone because I am with me.
How am I this and you, that? Are you the animal, immortal too? What is meaning of developing a cosmic embryo/lightbody if we are immortal … so we can stay together? Together we are This One, this personality. unique and as granular as the universe can currently hold. The more we join with the others and lose ourselves into meaningless “bliss”, the more simple and devolved we are, going backwards. The universe is tending to ever greater organization and complexity, this is its “will”. Greater separation leads to a larger set of experience opportunities, more variations and probabilities.
This is what it means to be alive.
So that doesn’t seem too useless the morning after. I got conformation today: turns out some of my ideas aren’t new, Jung called them the Anima and Animus and they exist in the deeper teachings of taoism. I need to pay attention to this material better and really work on the Kan and Li techniques.
Interesting. I think this explains my issues with “archons” from a Buddhist perspective.
Archon = “hostile forces” = wetiko = wendigo = vampire = parasite.
Well I knew the bible was mistranslated from the Greek, but not all this that’s in it that was sanitized out of it.
P3dos and druggos left right and center. Why am I not that surprised?
Love that movie. The old/ original ones like this(in the 70’s I believe)are Always much better than modern remake’s I like seeing a very young Jeff Goldblum & Leonard Nimoy in here,& was kinda Cra Cra
This 1977 Monroe Institute session in level 12 consciousness is blowing my mind.
(I’m currently studying the Monroe Institute Gateway tapes every day to get through them and learn what they’re trying to teach.)
The dude is in contact with a very warm “ET” which also sounds exactly like a higher being/demon/angel as we think of them in our various currents.
It’s explaining to the receiver that we are not limited in consciousness because what we are doing is we as energy consciousnesses that exist outside of spacetime, have created a thoughtform of being alive and limited, that that is our higher self. “We’re really playing the role [pretty well].” It’s a mental attitude so deep we have to play it out.
These beings do not experience time. They receive focused intention reaching out tp them and pay attention to it. I think this is exactly what beings like Azazel, Lucifer, most of the Goetia, Belial and others are coming from - energy beings out of time not playing the game of being a physical being with a thoughtform to house the out-of-time consciousness, which translate imo to my view of layers of “incarnations”.
I’m going to have to meditate on this and re-listen a few times to get it, and I will attempt to reach this being and have my own conversation.
A lot of this matched how I think of things - the entity gives him his energy signature as I call it, as his “name”. There’s no name. To contact we expand to BE him and he will be there.
This is awesome and I think I’m on a very interesting tack here.
Just found a brilliant explanation of fear, what it really is and how to find courage.
“It’s the only thing stopping us from enlightenment.”
In a nutshell, it’s about recognizing that what you are afraid of is the sensations of emotion, and feeling unsafe. The key is to be afraid, relax to send the message to your body that you are ok and safe, and do it anyway through the fear. This helps you build tolerance to the uncomfy sensation, and this is where you become unstoppable.