Making hot women want to fuck you

@Zenifon Yea, structuring is where you basically take a remembered object and attempt to create a matrix of that object in the space in front of you. The purpose is to train yourself to receive impressions from spirits which you then have translated to your physical sight. In an evocation, we are the ones creating the bodies they appear as…which by and large is not their true form. So the structuring exercises help with that. Some of the meditations I’ve been doing can be found on EAs YouTube channel. One is called something like “Blue Ray meditation to open your third eye” The other was titled something along the lines of “meditation to inject your life with magic”. I’ve also been trying out a void meditation written on the forum by AdamThoth.


The Ode to the Vampire mother is actually a prayer to the vampire goddess Selene. It’s a very interesting story, concerning her myth. Many of those who want to be a vampire apparently say this prayer in earnest with interesting results. I have had interesting results myself with it :smiling_imp:

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Isn’t that rape? The occult equivalent to drugging someone at the club.

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I guess that all depends on if she presses charges against you the next morning eh? :laughing:
The morality of it is something then each individual magician has to make themselves.

Anyway the question is irrelevant as the title of the thread is making hot women want to fuck you, not should you.

I just don’t see how are you suddenly above the law just because you’re not using a physical tool to perform a certain action.

So if a skinny guy gets no interest from women and then e.g. he goes to the gym, lifts weights etc for a while and finds that in time he can get interest from women, I guess that he just “made hot women want to fuck him” so basically yknow call the cops on that guy for improving his self and esteem there.

Get a dictionary and search for the term “semantics”.

Who’s law? Man’s? I use magick to outright murder other people, why am i not in prison for it? Because there is no court in my country that would charge me for it (not for the time being anyway).

If you mean divine law, i don’t recognize any above me or anyone else.

Again the morality question is pointless for the purpose of this thread.


Exactlyt that’s why the Salem witch hunts were so fuckiin ludicrous. We hereby condemn ye for sticking pins in a doll and indulging in hostile thoughts haha

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Nothing against self-improvement through magic. It’s alright as long as there is no mind manipulation or control of others.

uh huh…And who decided that?


I can’t believe i’m having this conversation on this forum. Imagine if i went to the police and e.g said some guy is cursing me, do something about it…Well, I would be giving them the longest and hardest laugh of their careers.

Back to your point about “mind control”; Fuck 'em, he who doth not use sorcery shall be thine slave. We’re taking the world here. If a Coca Cola advert makes me reach out for one of their bottles when i’m in the supermarket then hell yeah, they zapped me! I accept… if I was into coca cola drinks that is.


Can’t say I care much about the spiritual parasite known as Yahweh. And I think that associating empathy and respect for others with Christianity is giving it far more credit than it deserves.


I like the idea of Selene being an aspect of Lilith.
~For Lilith is has been reborn as her own descendant.
And concerning the huluppu tree storie, is she in actuality not just an intruder,
but IS the tree, but also the southern wind which ripped that very tree out of the ground in the first place.
Lilith is to me…
~Like i wrote elsewhere: like a dark Diana on steroids XD


Now, What demon do i use if i want to play around with men and women :wink:
(pls no bulli)

I’d have to agree with this lol

The new sexual revolution happening globally (at a slow pace) is called MGTOW. Worth a google.

Eros. He is a greek god. I did some very basic candle magic with him once, but the result was potent. Spontaneously enough, the woman that I targeted for the spell just could not seem to stop touching me. It was a VerY clear and noticeable indication of the spell working. In fact, she just spontaneously said “how are you doing that”? I knew what she meant, she was turned on and unnaturally drawn…you know, spelled.

BTW, Eros is bi so he has less restrictions in the mate selection department.


Men Going Their Own Way?

I can’t imagine that movement lasting very long…:laughing:

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True it’s one thing to say I’m not getting married because the laws suck and will fuck me over but this is taking it way too far.
Especially since they are >90% alt right anti immigration and the demographic changes yet don’t want to make white babies like wtf you are the problem you complain about.


But who was she? An ex? Someone you’d already copped off with? Someone you were already close to?