Here I am, an old man in a dry month, Being read to by a boy… I apologise. And did you know that T.S. Eliot is an anagram of ‘toilets’? I’ve also seen and experienced a lot of stuff and can now more easily detect patterns, exploit fault lines and milk weaknesses while having a good time. As for karezza, many people read about it. Have you read Demons of the Flesh?
“It was a negative statement as it has the fake premise that all women are gold diggers and all rich men don’t get played…they get played the most.” I didn’t state that “all women are gold diggers”, did I? And I know that many “rich men…get played”. But let’s be honest. More guys like blonde women because light coloured hair subconsciously means youth. Not all men, just most. Don’t protest how stupid that is - exploit it! Reese Witherspoon built her career on perpetual youth. The Compleat Witch, now The Satanic Witch by Anton LaVey should be made mandatory reading. As a bloke I got heaps out of it, but it’s deliciously written for women.
Our path, the left hand path mandates the female, both Goddess and woman. The other path is masculine and solar. Ours is the feminine and lunar.
Naamah is hot! I learnt Her evocation and delivered it at night by candlelight facing north/west. I could see Her Seal, consecrated via the chewed end of a matchstick and another bodily fluid. Evoke with passion. If you perspire, all the better. I asked for what I wanted and made a promise to Her that I’ve kept. The money was found the very next morning at a supermarket. The next time, something with a number of different facets occurred involving a neighbour. I just called upon Her and requested assistance, which was quickly given and the interlocked problems ceased. From memory, Gremory also works well for sexual attraction; that said, I’d stick with Naamah. She’s the most material spiritual entity with whom I’ve worked.