Making hot women want to fuck you

Here I am, an old man in a dry month, Being read to by a boy… I apologise. And did you know that T.S. Eliot is an anagram of ‘toilets’? I’ve also seen and experienced a lot of stuff and can now more easily detect patterns, exploit fault lines and milk weaknesses while having a good time. As for karezza, many people read about it. Have you read Demons of the Flesh?

“It was a negative statement as it has the fake premise that all women are gold diggers and all rich men don’t get played…they get played the most.” I didn’t state that “all women are gold diggers”, did I? And I know that many “rich men…get played”. But let’s be honest. More guys like blonde women because light coloured hair subconsciously means youth. Not all men, just most. Don’t protest how stupid that is - exploit it! Reese Witherspoon built her career on perpetual youth. The Compleat Witch, now The Satanic Witch by Anton LaVey should be made mandatory reading. As a bloke I got heaps out of it, but it’s deliciously written for women.

Our path, the left hand path mandates the female, both Goddess and woman. The other path is masculine and solar. Ours is the feminine and lunar.

Naamah is hot! I learnt Her evocation and delivered it at night by candlelight facing north/west. I could see Her Seal, consecrated via the chewed end of a matchstick and another bodily fluid. Evoke with passion. If you perspire, all the better. I asked for what I wanted and made a promise to Her that I’ve kept. The money was found the very next morning at a supermarket. The next time, something with a number of different facets occurred involving a neighbour. I just called upon Her and requested assistance, which was quickly given and the interlocked problems ceased. From memory, Gremory also works well for sexual attraction; that said, I’d stick with Naamah. She’s the most material spiritual entity with whom I’ve worked.



But what pussy did Naamah bring to you?

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I wasn’t asking for pussy as I remember it (I’m drinking brandy). That was Gremory, earlier on. Naamah has a sexual presence, vibe - almost, almost smell! And Naamah just isn’t all about sex. She brings material results quickly. Anyway, I’ve outlined what I did. And remember, it won’t work if you don’t do it. If you keep a Magickal Diary you’re bound to learn something - one way or another. That’s how I learnt. On my own. By myself. Often brutally.

As for what you quoted of mine, let me put it another way. If you’re a women wishing to project an aura of youth or a paedophile seeking to attract children, I recommend shavings of bubblegum scented soap in an old sock/stocking somewhere warm on you, maybe a pocket. For the projection of youth let the smell be almost subliminal. In the other case the scent will need to be a lot stronger. And I learnt that stuff from studying LaVey, inter alia.


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[quote=“Uncle-Al, post:44, topic:10686, full:true”]
I wasn’t asking for pussy as I remember it (I’m drinking brandy). [/quote]

Oh, well this is the "Making hot women wanna fuck you "thread

You don’t recall the Gremory results?



lol @Zenifon you are kicking ass in this thread. So as a newbie, im also quite interested in working with a spirit to get me a particular girl and I really shouldn’t have to do much of anything mundane to get her. i mean, if ive gotta get rich, learn PUA and be extremely confident before magic can work, then what in Gods name is the point of doing an evocation for it? Besides, anyone who has done any due diligence has done a search on these forums to read peoples experiences, and from what ive read…more often than not, the evocator did practically nothing to earn/deserve what they got. They simply called a spirit and the spirit got them what they asked for. The day i need to learn PUA or get rich in order for a spirit to be able to work its magic is the day i quit magic entirely.

Now so far, ive only tried evoking sitri in order to draw a specific girl to me, but it hasn’t worked. Im still a beginner though. if i may have done something wrong, im more interested in advice that may improve my evocation abilities, and not advice that revolves around wealth and status

P.S. i agree with zenifon @Uncle-Al …wtf man?


I just wanna say, that i do not understand why you are so damn upset by the comment Al made.
~Disgust is, -as far as i read, one of the things one has to throw off for ones way into the darkness.

Just for my understanding: Sacrificing a sheep, that you fed very well -which is to you like a bigger but fluffy pet, is ok. Genocide (because they suck) is ok, to explore the most extreme sides od sexuality -involving even piss and shit is ok, but you get mad about someone who is doing that kinda stuff? Ok. :anguished:

~As long as those teens are more like “seduced” instead of bloodily raped… i don’t really care if someone is doing that. -Maybe could(absolutely SHOULD) that person wash their brains afterwards idk.

This is an intersting point that has coming forth…
~devils who give a fuck about what others think.
YES I KNOW, its an necessary paradoxon of BALG.
But it still is one! ~Example: you give the tools for cheap massmurder and giant harems of sexslaves, make it public, and still tell the people to not use them.

Its like selling cigaretts, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIE every year, but if you put pictures of blackened lungs on the packaging, and write in big letters, that they will die AND harm others in a even worse way than themselfes while smoking -it is in some way acceptable?

Like i wrote above…a necessary paradoxon, because in someway has this information to be shared, and it has been put in danger, if that what people really think has been made public.

So people: Think more consequently ~see connections more clearly

And Al: Its “fine” i guess…but don’t speak it out loud.
~Mundane people just don’t know about the tools you may have.
So they would going to threaten the very existence of this forum.

Fucking kids is in some way like human sacrifice: KEEP IT HIDDEN.

Now back to the topic:

WITHOUT MAGICK, would it end up pretty “rapy” to get not-interested strangers to fuck you, but… with magick you can make them willing.

~Come on! Those are realitys cheatcodes, and i really enjoy learning more about them :smiling_imp:


There’s magically transcending disgust and there’s giving leeway to twisted Abrahamically poisonous impulses such as paedophilia. Now you may think you’re being an exponent of extreme hippy liberalism, well fuck that. You mean I actually have to explain this to you about distastefulness and socially appropriate norms I…e common human fucking decency?


You think I am being unmagical? You seem to outta touch with reality. Might I add that EA (y’know the reason we are talking here) himself has things to say on this matter 8m40s in as follows

Well no for fuck’s sake. You’re trying to throw it back at me by insinuating that “Making hot women want to fuck you” implies bending their will and raping them? I think you’ll find that rape involves magically- ignorant physical acts of repressed desperation and my OP question doesn’t read HOW TO INDUCE AN OUTBURST OF MAGICALLY- IGNORANT REPRESSED FRUSTRATION WITHIN ONESELF SO AS TO PHYSICALLY FORCE ONESELF ON A WOMAN AGAINST HER WILL.

No, another way of reading the OP would be e.g. “Magically enhancing one’s appeal and working with a Demon so as to magically instigate the right circumstances to bring one a potential partner”.

If you do evoke e.g. Gremory you will find that this Demon nudges one to get real and enhance one’s appeal to the opposite sex,i have found that and someone else said the same earlier in the thread.


Yeah i’d be interested in hearing about the details of how you went about the summoning of Sitri. Did the sigil flicker? Did you have Sitri write it’s name when you felt the presence? Did you see Sitri externally or in your mind’s eye? So on. What was the conversation about? How did Sitri appear to you?


Well given my skill level, I’m not able to see or hear spirits (yet). The most I can get is a feeling or sensation that a spirit is there. For me, when I open a sigil, the lines tend to disappear then reappear…And things start going slightly out of focus. I asked sitri to help bring this particular girl to me. We are a pretty good match for each other, but she’s been hesitant in the past to take things beyond a friendship level due to a bad past relationship. So I simply asked sitri to help seal the deal for me. When I do an evocation, I always proceed with stating my commands even if I can’t see or hear the spirit, as EA has warned that leaving a spirit hanging because you think the ritual didn’t work can have an adverse affect on your life. So far though, no luck in the love department

P.S. @Drachir look at it this way. If you believe pedophilia is perfectly fine, would you be okay with an old man using magic or whatever to have sex with your 10 year old daughter? Personally, I’d be enraged…So I’m not gonna sit here and say it’s perfectly fine, when I know full well that if someone did that to my kid, I’d be furious. I’d rather not be hypocritical like that.


I will not write anything addtional, to clear up missunderstandings.
~At least in this thread.

There are guys with more experience than I who could improve your magic.,

Here for example ;

Did Sitri write it’s name for you? That is quite important to verify imo , to establish that it actually is the Demon you called, also once established then you really know the task is underway, like you should be O Shit, it really is here in front of me.

I’m getting the impression that you’re not building up any intimacy with the Demon, like you summon, you ask and then you get outta there. Is that accurate?

Did you ask Sitri if He really is the Demon for this particular goal? He might not want to work with you on this. Don’t assume that Demons are clay to be molded by you and bossed around. Phew! No , don’t do that.

However If you get a positive thumbs up about a working relationship then the intimacy increases further imo. Ok so you have a powerful Demon with you and it’s identity and role is established… Then ask Sitri, what you need to know about this specific situation/goal, feel the answer, watch the answers in your mind’s eye. Imo, see a successful outcome to the problem at this stage, At this point I am having a full on conversation with the Demon.

When you’ve finally exhausted all avenues of this negotiation and situation that you are both focussing on then it’s time to command the Demon to go and do thy will but the Demon is not your bitch, you have to do this with respectfulness. Even at this stage it might disagree to work on your allocated task.

I think those who know would agree that your attitude throughout this summoning should involve the same feelings and approach that you would experience if you were working with 2 experienced electricians who said ok be careful with this contraption here as there’s 1000 volts running through it. Imagine how you would feel? Even the most seasoned practitioner would be applying himself and hard so that there’s no unwanted blast!

Is any of this, what I just wrote, new to you?

Why the obsession with actually seeing spirits? I’ve only ever seen one and that took a lot of work. Some practitioners can and some can’t - but it doesn’t matter. Results do.

As for paedophilia and smelling like bubblegum, Magick is the science and art…and just like all sciences, Magick is amoral. It’s the fundamentals that count. You can use electricity to toast bread or power an electric chair. By the way, I feel sorry for paedophiles but they use Magick too.

Gremory worked really well, but I never pursued it. It was however great that the operation worked. By relegating Naamah simply to sex you’re missing out on material manifestations. Study the 10 of Pentangles.


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tfw nogf
opens thread hoping for methods to get gf
find massive clusterfuck
still nogf

Gonna go lift.
As a side note can we get greentext with the new forum format?


What’s with the nipple massage?

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Because life’s more fulfilling with nipple massages


Whilst weight lifting. I can imagine.

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@Zenifon, @Laith_wavey … what? You guys don’t build your concentration and willpower like that? Amateurs. :wink: lol


How you gonna develop your astral senses?

@Zenifon Well one of the methods is via structuring, which EA explains in his course. This helps to develop the magical imagination as he calls it. Alongside structuring into open air, I’m also regularly practicing scrying using the sigil of Sastan…Again trying to develop my astral vision. Lastly, I’ve been trying a couple meditation techniques outlined by EA and given to me by other users which will help get me into the relaxed states necessary to make all this happen


What is structuring exactly? Fixing a visualized object in one’s mind?

What other meditation exercises?