The easiest way to attract hot women is with the evocation of the open cheque book. That explains why ugly billionaires never lack female companionship. There’s a story on line about a fat, stupid guy who won lotto and two days later found the love of his life. In modern society (if you can call it that) a man has to be incredibly careful, because the system in place has reduced love to an early warning that as a man you’ll soon lose everything through the courts.
As the lhp is an individual one it wasn’t that hard for me to give up on society’s no way of winning games. As a young man there were women around who had something I really wanted. They all played the you can look but you can’t touch game. Decades later I discovered how to cure cancer quickly and cheaply. I like to let women with cancer know that I have a cure and when they become interested I now play the old you can look but you can’t touch game. So far I’ve watched two of them die. That said, I’m still in front of the mirror working on that little smile that young women used to give me. Haven’t quite nailed it yet.
It is a shame isn’t it? I used to fawn over every girl I was attracted to, as taught by my mother and disney growing up, never realizing how I was the one who always wound up in the friend’s zone, used emotionally, financially, etc,.
Then I had enough and started my own research and looked into supposed pick-up artists like ross jeffries and such. It seems the more you give them attention, the more your own status goes down and the less desirable you become.
No wonder all the women that I wasn’t attracted to, liked me(because I blew them off) And the ones that I did like, used me as a shoulder to cry on w/ their problems(usually over another guy) because I lowered my status by giving them attention, so they immediately put me into the non/lover file in their psyche.
I didn’t want to believe it, but EVERY woman reacted the same exact way when I applied this formula, even ones that said otherwise( because they are biologically programmed to be attracted this way for the spread of the most dominant male in the gene pool) Logic has nothing to do with it. Even ones in my family reacted better to me in a non-sexual way of course.
Using Magick to attract sexual partners is easier than being forced to use Magick to keep your partner(s). If you’re looking for something longer and deeper don’t chase women, because the suitable women don’t have to be chased. That said, I’ve seen so many men ruined by legal systems stacked against them. To be a heterosexual man is to open yourself to persecution. These days I get more enjoyment by being single and playing with women in my own way. Anti-male feminism is great until a woman gets to about 30 years of age, after that the inevitable consequences start to become more apparent, but by then it’s usually too late.
I’ve had women ask me about the cancer cure I use as I’ve established a small reputation, but it’s safer and easier for me to tell them that it doesn’t work and just leave. That way no further trouble, at least for me. My attitude is: You made your bed and now you can die in it with no skin off of my nose.
Women have driven evolution by wanting the best genes, this happens in most species, also for human female the size of the baby’s cranium has made childborth a life-or-death gamble for a very long time, so we’re kind of hard-wired to only risk our lives, or serious damage, on genes that wow us.
That’s the female dark side, the male dark side is the pump-and-dump mentality, both have eugenic positive qualities when understood and applied usefully, both are dysgenic and destructive of own & other’s happiness and chance at a stable family when left unchecked.
And these days both sxes are also hell-bent on making any man or woman pay for the “crimes” against them from former men or women, which is even more loikely to result in fucked up people, and neatly self-genociding one’s entire bloodline through dying either childless, or causing kids to be born into unstable situations where they;re less likely to have their own happy family further down the line.
Ah, the sexual revolution, meant to increase love and joy for men and women alike - what a fucking joke that was! And don’t get me started on “the pill” (which all you guys are taking, courtesy of the water supply) and feminism.
Our water is mostly without flouride,
but we have instead more chemtrails…which contain exactly that crap
I don’t drink any water from PET-bottles BUT… a few times in the week do i drink that soy drink stuff…and that cardboard constrcution contains plastic and aluminium
~At least came finally some testosteron into my life, as i stopped consuming animal products.
My tabwater gets into bottles which will stay in the moons light, or just next to a crystal.
~Or i put the water into glass pots which hold some talismans i bought for re-vitalizing water.
Anyway, back to the naughty topic :3
I’m really interested in, what Lilith will may “teach me” in seductive matters, and “techniques” and stuff.
I’m a pretty horny person, but also very frustrated due the lack of practise :’(
~I can’t wait to met that friend again… and i know exactly how we could celebrate our reunion
She abssss-solutly deservessss it
Agreed on wanting the best genes as that’s a given from an evolutionary standpoint.
I was specifically talking about the dominant type of male, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he has the best genes, just that he is the one who stimulates attraction for the female by the way he acts or carries himself and gets put into the lover type file in her brain(sexual), whereas the beta male, if he’s considered at all, is put into the provider type(sex is withheld, possibly indefinitely, until he provides somehow for the female)
In my experience the only time these things do not prove true, is when one or both parties are aware of the former programs somehow, either from some form of enlightenment, self awareness, heavy introspection, or some form of research to identify these impulses.
In a generous estimation, I’d say that’s only about 20% of the population on Earth as most are just automatons running the same programs from birth to death, never questioning and being good little sheep, as well as good worker bees for the hive.
~It contains as far as i read rites, and back ground stories to the meantioned “deities” (aspects of Lilith and similar goddesses like Hecate).
And, very intersting: the point of view from multible magicians, but to the same subject.
-So some terms repeat themself, but the way on looking things differ much.
Ode To The Vampire Mother
O dea tenebris
mater immortalibus
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
mea lux vestra absorbere
liceat mihi locus ad tenebras
sicut ex utero immortales
filios tuos in ulnis
quibus invocaverit te frater
O lunae lumen
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus
Oh goddess of the darkness
mother to the immortal
let me be reborn as your child
let your light absorb my own
Allow me passage to the darkness
as from your immortal womb
into the arms of your children
to whom I will call brother
Oh moonlight
let me be reborn as your child
guide the dark ones to me
so I shall be born again
What the ode means is obvious, but on of the authors states in different words,
that the goal of the lines above, is what will happen to you IF YOU FAIL.
~A shadow, hollow and one of Liliths many servants, instead of her brother/sons,
someone equal to her.
Now, to be fair, those lines could also be interpreted as a confirmation to what is told in the book.
There is only a very, very slim line between the fate of a servant and being a brother/child of Lilith.
I’ve never used magick to get sex, only to aid in love. That being said, when I fully embraced the left-hand path, I suddenly started having crazy, hedonistic dirty sex like never before. Working heavily with Lilith has also had the bi-product of unconsciously shaping me into the person who is attractive to all sexes (men, women and everything in between). As an example, my girlfriend and I had an amazing 3some with a webcam model last weekend (she was perfect, and into BDSM), and I didn’t even have to try for it, the girls set it up themselves. So ya, just being in the dark current makes you into the person people find sexually desirable.
Money. Humor. Confidence. A big wiener. If you have money and at least one of the others, no evocation would work better. If you don’t have at least two of these four, you’d be hard pressed to get the level of girl you want with any form of magick.
I think you’re coming from a place of self restriction and negativity with that statement.
I like to think that we are here on this forum with an attitude of black magic can solve anything. If you don’t have that attitude and you’re not putting the work in then it helps no one.
Magick works. I finally started to truly believe in it about aa yearago. Previous to that many posts were negative. I didn’t feel I was being negative in this one. Evocation just isn’t my thing. The loa works much better for me. But even so, I do think we have to be realistic. The crippled, wheel chair bound physicist Steven Hawking would be hard pressed to use magick to get an 18 year old model to fuck him.
He actually had an affair with a younger woman and it fucked his marriage up but a science-geek like him wouldn’t touch magic with a barge pole anyway.
Y’see until you work Goetic magic you don’t have the right to restrict others on what is and what isn’t going to be possible. It’s toxic. It’s trolling. This is BALG Become A Living God not BADNI Become A Doubting Negative Individual. We get enough of that from the outer Abrahamic trash out there. No, you make a request to the gods and you let them work it out for you. You have to be open to all possibilities.
If you read the OP you’ll see it was about advice on Goetic Demons not advice/ lamentations about “alpha males”, female psyche, grooming, “pickup artist rip offs”, dating advice and other mundane shenanigans.
You don’t work the Goetia? I suspected as much but this thread is about The Goetia.
I would only add, that jboy did say he works with the Loa and finds good results. Perhaps he would be able to recommend some techniques and Loa spirits for you and others in that current which will shape the battle for pussy as it were…
I’m not really so sure about that Lady_Eva. Sure, it does make sense that women are biologically programmed to choose the best genes, but my question is were they allowed to do so for the most part? For centuries, it was the father who, as the head of family arranged who would his daughters marry, without any concern for the evolution of the species. Thankfully, this practice is more or less extinct in the western world, but that’s not the case for many other places in the rest of the world.
But,if I am wrong and women did drive the evolution of the species, then I’ll have to say that judging from the current state of humans, you girls need to do a better job at choosing. Step it up ladies
Zenifon-i accept your reprimand. From time to time I need to be reminded about not sounding positive towards magick. I don’t want to be viewed as a troll. I guess my intention was to remind people that mundane means sometimes are a quicker way to obtain goals. Regarding Loa, I was referring to the law of attraction, not the Lwa of voudon. I love the idea about working with the Goetia. I’ve tried evocation but it seems like the law of attraction works better for me. But it’s probably my problem and not that of the system. Thanks again for the hand-slap. I’ll watch it.
Years ago, when I was a member of a RHP Magickal Order, I was known as Doubting Thomas because I’d always find excuses and reasons why it wasn’t the Magick, but something else that did it. To this day I’m still a sceptic, although not about Magick. Eventually the results overtime just pushed me up against a wall and doubt was destroyed – then things really take off.
Like any discipline, Magick takes time to learn and practice to apply. Sheeple couldn’t be bothered, because they already know that there’s no such thing as Magick – which makes them the perfect victims.
Being a little older than most people here, allow me to opine: Sex is the breakfast of champions! It’s great! But as you get older you realise just how hormonally based it is and how dangerous it can truly be – both on the pedestrian and spiritual level. If you want some understanding of this now, here’s a little LHP exercise I may have already posted:
Play with yourself, but don’t allow yourself to climax. Do this as often as you can. The more times you perform this exercise the quicker the results. To end the exercise, just climax. A couple of days of sexual arousal without release will be enough. Start Friday night and climax Sunday night. And a word of warning – twenty-four years ago this exercise really fucked me up. My strong advice is that you don’t go out and that you keep your social interactions to a minimum until you decide to end the exercise. I also advise that you keep notes.
Thanks for advising people on karezza and Tantra. I don’t see why you consistently talk about how old you are man. Its irrelevant. As Judas Priest stated, “You don’t have to be old to be wise” lol
Now, about those Goetic demons and attraction… You’ve offered up experience about evoking Naamah? Please share that with us if ye will. What about Sitri, Gremory, other procurers of the opposite sex? Any experience? Please share.
By the way your earlier comments about big money attracting women was also not constructive to the thread. It was a negative statement as it has the fake premise that all women are gold diggers and all rich men don’t get played…they get played the most.