Make Your Voice Heard On E.A.'s Complete Works

That’s what I was sayin’, it’s already out might as well let him get paid, or at least have the possibility of getting paid.

I’m one of those people that totally missed the boat. I only discovered EA 2~3 weeks ago and at first I was really bummed I couldn’t get the book but after exploring a bit and after I bought a copy of BOA I realize that I would rather spend my money on the video lessons and consultations. I think the only thing I would miss from not having is the extra material and possibly the sigils. Right now I’m assuming sigils will be offered in the Mastering Evocation program so I wouldn’t need all the books for that would I?
Either way I vote yes because I don’t want to miss out on any information that might help me on my ascent.

$400 is the same money as university text books or even one text book… and several are needed… so the money isn’t a valid point in my opinion.

As a hook II vote owners of the physical receive a free or at least heavily discounted ebook.

The fact the Physical Tomes won’t be reprinted is enough.
Welcome to the world of rare and valuable texts.

I say let theee guys make more coin on what will be piratedand ‘out yourselves’ :slight_smile:
Go for it I say

Well whatever is decided, I will always support this movement. I was initially really against this. But I can sit back and take in what others are saying, and I can’t argue when people are saying the info is already out there and that EA should benefit from his own works. I know this contradicts my older post, but I have to acknowledge EA when he states he IS asking us what we think.

When I read that ‘EA’s publishing days’ were over, I assumed this meant his books were never going to be released in any format ever again after the release of the CW. As I had not had the opportunity yet to buy any of his books at an affordable price and was working with pirated copies, I managed to raise the money and order a copy. If you appreciate an author and would like him to be able to make more of ‘the good stuff’, this is the only logical decision.

Now, I’m totally happy with my copy of CW, but finding out that EA’s books may be released digitally at a lower price, does kind of leave a bitter aftertaste. Nevertheless I appreciate the question being asked whether we are okay with this release and the gesture to provide a free digital copy to the people who bought a hard copy of the CW. To me offering a free digital copy shows an appreciation of EA towards the people that put their energy into acquiring the CW and supporting him in the first place. And I’m simply not enough of an elitist to say his materials should not be released again. If you have one of only 200 copies WITH spirits bound to it, that’s ‘special’ enough I’d say.

I too found EA through a scanned copy of Evoking Eternity, then I read it and bought almost all of his books through eBay (all but Kingdom of the Flames) and Book of Azazel from the publisher, then went on to get the complete works as well. If people can’t spend that kind of money (it took a while to get all the books), then I say by all means, put out the ebook versions. I got the complete works and the solo copies, but would love to have them all on my IPad as well for “on the go” since I refuse to download them now; and for those who didn’t get the complete works, it would give them a chance at the knowledge EA has to offer through his written works. I thought I had done a lot with magick before, but his books show how to take the average adept to the extreme!

I misunderstood vote I would have voted for ebooks

I registered only to post on this thread.

I have started exploring magick and discovered EA only few weeks ago.
Way too late to get the Complete Works.
I only managed to buy Evoking Eternity from Amazon.

The only way of getting EA’s books or the Complete Works is either through PDF copies or by buying the books from ebay.
In both cases EA does not earn a dime.

Look at this listing, the Complete Works just sold for 2’500$ in ebay: [url=][/url]

with 2’500$, one could buy both the divination and evocation courses, many other books and accessories, and have money to spare.

I’d really prefer if EA releases the Complete Works in PDF so I could buy them legally and he could earn some money, instead of a greedy ebay seller that doesn’t care about magick.

Other alternatives would be releasing the Complete Works in paperback, in 2 or 3 tomes, unlimited print (like Scarlett Imprint does)

Or reissuing the books separately in paperback or hardcover.

While I understand that the limited consecrated hardcover version of Complete Works will not be issued again, I don’t see why the content should not be released for all to enjoy and learn from.

Or you could sell it through Lulu for those who want a printed copy.
Or you could make it available for Kindle.

But please release it. When you wrote all your books, you probably did not mean for all of this knowledge to be for only 200 people.
You also did not mean to have it distributed for free in average quality PDF scans, or for 5x the price on ebay.

I would suggest that the ebooks can be put in sale individually also, not only in one big volume, that could facilitate the adquisition for those who owns some books of EA or for those who wants to work on a specific book without having to buy them all.

We’ve decided that we are, in fact, going to release the books individually in eBook format around the New Year.

I’m extremely confident that this will only increase the rarity and value of the strictly limited edition physical version over the long term.

People who shop for expensive, high-end tomes will still want the physical edition, no matter how easy it is to acquire a digital version.

To them it’s about the fine art of book collecting - a market that is growing steadily right now - and nothing else.

Quite honestly, I hope you consider yourself fortunate to have had the opportunity to own the heartfelt, magickal-energy-infused, spirit-bound talismanic version. We put our souls into the creation of that master book.

I know, I for one, will cherish it until the day I die.

Of course, anyone who possesses the physical edition will receive the eBooks gratuitously, free of charge, as our personal gift and token of thanks. Perhaps it will serve as a reparation for the few who feel a little discomforted by how we’ve decided to move forward.

that’s really really really great news! :slight_smile:

I hope it will not only be released in PDF but also in Kindle format.

and I also hope the PDF will be printable.

Will you also release the additional content from the Complete Works that was never released separately?

And will you take this opportunity to fix some of the errors present in some books?

I hope that the Complete Works comes out on pdf because I first started reading his books in April and by that time they were all gone. It sucks for someone new coming to Koettings books because unless he releases pdfs most people wont be able to get the book as it goes for thousands of dollars on amazon.

Will you also release the OAA papers, letters, etc… as well?

Hopefully not.

don’t be selfish

I will be what I want to be. This thread is called “Make your voice heard…” I am simply doing just that. You perceive it as selfish, I perceive owning the OAA material as fate.

“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

Thank you brother. I have no problem what so ever with a difference in opinion and I very much respect your stance. I like everyone’s differences of opinion, it helps me to grow as a person and a magician. I just don’t like being called an arsehole or selfish or a suck up or whatever by some people just for having a difference of opinion.

I didn’t mean to be disrespectful or insulting (really, I am sorry it came out that way), I just think it’s selfish to not want EA to share all his material with those that want to learn but were not lucky enough to be there when he released The Complete Works. Not releasing it would just make the fortune of greedy ebay sellers/resellers that don’t care one bit about magick.
while being selfish is a bit on the negative side, I do not see it or mean it as an insult.
(and I happen to consider myself selfish in other things)

Your being an asshole is also a difference of opinion. Just saying.

PDF scans of EA’s books are already available. Boo hoo. If the world were going to end over EA releasing ebooks of them, it would have gone Boom! already. At the time the ‘pirate editions’ turned up, all the Ixaxaar books were sold out anyway. The complete works was a limited run after the fact and sold out completely. Nobody lost any money from these ‘pirate editions’, except maybe Lyla or whatever they were called, who stole from EA anyway. I thank the gods for them. Several years ago I wouldn’t ever have been able to get my hands on EA’s material without those ‘illegal copies’. Like I was going to fork over 300 bucks for a book by an author I had never read just to stay ‘legal’ and put cash in the pocket of some profiteering ‘collector’. Bah! When I was first working with Martal, he told me to bind my own copy of KOF. So I did it. Better than the original. If EA doesn’t release the OOA material electronically, you can be sure that a scanned copy will turn up some day in the near future. I’d rather EA got the buck he deserves for it. You call on ‘fate’. Well if EA releases it, accept that as fate too.