Magickal seduction doesn't work for me

There’s loads of emotional and mental technique which is entirety in you’re domain. Your relationship with it is critical and all it takes is pretending you already got it and then letting it go as if it’s your breathing when you stop breathing manually

If it comes back up do it again until manifestation

The state is gratitude or a feeling that the result is inevitable. Convince yourself of this and you rarely actually need magick


I know about Neville’s law of assumption teachings and I am trying to practice them. I am sure this technique with some magick brings inevitable results. This is the way our reality is functioning!


Great approach. Gotta use it to get good at it.

Consider throwing something with Vine or Vapula for it and study deeply. This book is a masterpiece and I’ve read it dozens of times and still learn new things every time


Yup! :metal: That mental trick does wonders. If you want a crazy deep dive read Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi. It’s another masterwork and a LHP perspective is an amazing lens filter for it

It’ll twist your brain but god damn it’s powerful

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Another interesting demon that I am planning to start working with is Lord Kiltan from the Book of Azazel, but I am not familiar with the rituals yet, I have to read Koetting’s book.

I can’t say that he’d 100% run for the hills after feeling such intense love, and he already feels something strong anyway. But with him feelings are not the way: His mind is the one to be tackled (already worked on that and keep on it). So is not exactly a fear of feeling from his side (even if it could get uncomfortable as he has never been on that situation) but the fact that feeling that would be against what his mind tells him is best for him. Again, I’ve worked on that and was having AMAZING results, now they are shaky but I can continue with it.

I will confess that a big part of my doubt about casting this has to do with knowing this will affect me strongly too but it doesn’t guarantee an outcome decision-wise. I think I’ll keep with my approach at tackling the situation from many different angles, and most of them are not really related to love. I work for small results but when I finish what I get is something amazing.

Good idea throwing other workings not related to “forget” and help lust for results. For some reason I kind of forget the details of what I do, if I wouldn’t write them I’m sure I’d truly forget, I don’t have a bad memory but for Magick after I do a ritual I feel good about, I take myself so out of the way that is scary. And it brings the results home of course.

I love that. And I guess I’ve been doing it unconsciously; or more with Law of Assumption than with rituals I would say. Imagining (or casting) for something that is not really your objective, but that I would imply that you have what you wanted. Helps to avoid lust for result. Beautiful, thanks, I’ll try it with rituals too. It already gave me a couple of ideas.

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I think ritual 2 of Magickal Seduction either didn’t work at all, or completely backfired.

I still have to repeat it for three more days (I finally decided to go all the way with it).

I can’t stop thinking about the guy, and he barely texts a little every day. I’m not even initiating anymore.

I checked the social media of mutual acquaintances and it turns out at some point recently he met with an ex of his.

I checked some of her posts, and I immediately realized some of the things he said he wanted to try with me (in bed) were things he must have done with this particular ex before, because she mentioned them as her kinks. I also found messages from back when they were dating and being “cute” to each other. He doesn’t do that with me.

Maybe the spell opened my eyes to the fact that this guy isn’t for me?

Suddenly I picture him in bed with his ex and I immediately lose ALL desire for him. I started to see him like a dirty, used toy. I’m considering ghosting the guy because the idea of sleeping with him again, even though sex was really good so far, repels me.

Furthermore, I see absolutely no results when it comes to his emotions. The physical attraction was already there, but it’s not turning into anything remotely like love.

Why are you declaring it a failure when you haven’t even completed all the rituals yet. :man_shrugging:


Do not give up. To manipulate people’s minds is a very hard and long process. I do not have visible results yet, but I will never stop trying until succeed. The next step after I try Ritual 1 for lust is to begin working with Lord Kiltan and Ladilok. It is a big quest and the lack of visible results doesn’t have to stop the practitioner.


You’ve felt an immense change and yet you think to write it off so soon? The energies have obviously shifted. Let them work


But it’s an immensely negative change =/

I’ll keep doing it anyway, it’s not like I’ll lose anything, so…

Many story arcs with it are similar. It gets terrible before it gets amazing


What if I’m actually reigniting his connection to his ex, instead of turning his attraction towards me into love for me, as intended??

We did have a lengthy conversation today, which is good… but idk.

I also added a little extra to this ritual (ritual 2) since day 1, I carved his name and DOB on a pink candle, along with commands such as “love me,” “desire me,” etc. And every day when I repeat the ritual I light the candle and let it burn while I do the chanting and meditation. I plan on letting it burn completely on day 11.

It’s just a little add-on of my own, I don’t think it interferes necessarily, but idk. I initially thought of adding some blood/urine to it to give it an extra domination boost, but then I desisted.

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Lighting or using the candle is not compulsory.
You can imagine it. That will work.


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During the past few months doing similar works, I have learnt 2 things that may be relevant in this situation:

  • Don’t assume: Someone behaving in X way doesn’t necessarily mean what you think; the fact that if you would feel X you would react in Y way, and your person is behaving in Z way, doesn’t mean that he’s not feeling X. You don’t know what is happening inside of his head or heart. Exes are sometimes the easy route and someone feeling strongly could make them go to an ex as they already know the bad parts of the relationship and could give them a sense of control that they feel falling in love is taking away from them. This is just an example and doesn’t mean he’s necessarily thinking about going back to his ex.

  • Don’t write off your rituals so soon: You’ve not even finished the ritual yet, as @Verdo said. Even after completing the ritual, you may not have what you asked for right away.
    In fact, the ritual may be affecting him already but he’s not acting on it. You don’t know so the best that you can do is to continue with it and to asume is working.

And this is SO true.

Believe me, I understand you. Mid August I wrote here a post, I was so confused. I had a great friendship with person A but I wanted to have more, like we did before. Why after the rituals even the friendship was getting worse? Why was him suddenly pushing me away? The relationship suddenly became as stranded as you could imagine and I was not only writing off the rituals: I was sure something was really wrong. Maybe he felt my magick? Maybe he was blocking it? About 2 weeks after almost loosing it, I got confirmations that maybe my magick was positively affecting him, after all. 2 weeks after that, I got a definitive confirmation that my magick was working in a way that I could have only expected from Hollywood. He was feeling things during my ritual, his mind and heart was being influenced: He was just not acting on it.

What did I do during that 4 weeks? Somehow, I managed to relax. It was not easy. I kind of let it go, I managed to make peace with the fact of not having him. That didn’t mean I assumed I wouldn’t have him because my rituals had failed. No. I accepted it may or may not go my way and I would be happy anyway. I was emotionally down in the beginning, but at some point I really felt like that and happy and content. He came to me almost instantly after that. Funny thing is I scared him after, just by doing the opposite of what I just told you and suddenly becoming pushy. But it was working until that moment :joy:


I think that a curse can also help in situations like this. To weaken someone’s defences and break the will.
When people feel weak they are way more accessible to manipulation.

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I get your point and that was my thought when I first started with Magick. But I’ve noticed that people don’t have to be particularly sensitive to realize when you have done some shit against them. I’m not saying they’ll point at you and scream: You witch! But if you curse them, it’s possible that something inside of them will feel rejection towards you. If your objective is to lure them back for love, I think cursing them is a risky move. Plus there’s the thing of if you want to get back someone that is feeling attacked, scared, pissed or unlucky.

You can weaken their defenses to your workings without having to curse them. King Viné is EXCELLENT for that. If you want to break their will… just think what that means and work towards it. Do they feel you’re not the man of their lives? Call on Dantalion to change their mind. Have they decided they don’t want to give you a second chance? Call on Orias to make them decide otherwise. There’s a lot of things you can do there, changing the situation bit by bit:)


I am working with Dantalion and Orias also. I will ask Vine for help too. Since I am in no contact I can not tell is there any result yet. I ignore the 3d reality and keep on working.

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Think at it this way: If you would be in contact, they could be doing and saying things that would throw you off, and ignoring the 3D could get more tricky. Without contact you’re free to asume that they’re being affected:) I think you have the right mentality and wish you the best in your workings!


Thank you so much for such a comprehensive response!

Tomorrow would be day 11, and the last day of this ritual, so I’ll keep going til the end because, at this point, why not?

I added a little extra to it yesterday. I’ve been lighting a pink candle with his name and my commands carved on it since the beginning, but yesterday I printed a photo of him, and when I finished the ritual I touched myself to fuel the energy, and then I put some of my fluids on his photo and the candle itself.

It’s not mentioned anywhere in the ritual description, but it was just my way to add something personal to it. I’ll let the candle melt completely tomorrow, but I’m undecided whether I should burn his photo or seal it with the candle wax and keep it.

I may never actually see the results from these rituals though, especially since this guy never talks or opens up about his feelings (to anyone, not just to me), and I’ll be moving elsewhere soon, and I highly doubt he’d follow (though I was secretly hoping to persuade him to do so with these rituals).

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