i’ve been struggling with exactly that which you have mentioned here, how do you advise getting to that point as quick/best as possible ?
well, one route is to work on other things of equal or greater importance. If you’ve got several things and evocation results pending…it all gets lost in a sort of jumble…and individually, they become easier to forget about. I also think doing things you enjoy alot helps you forget too. Gaming is one of my things. Nothing like a good long 16 hour game of civilization v to make you forget about all your responsibilities
How is Gremory evoked then?
I’ve found magick to be occasionally powerful, often inconsistent. That used to bother me until i heard Peter Carroll explain that it’s like that for everybody.
Most mages trumpet their success and whisper their failures, so there’s a bit of hubris and exaggeration to the game you need to reckon.
When it comes to my own ritual results, i’d say i’m at the point where 1 out of every 5 things i do magick for manifests. Not bad but also not great.
I also find you can’t predict when the work will manifest. Some things take longer than you’re prepared to wait - sometimes years. I did a ritual 2 years ago that i expected to last 3 weeks. 10 months later it finally came about. You never know when your magick will be a one-punch deal, or go the full 12 rounds.
When you do magick, like anything else, the work changes you. You have to transform so the magick can transform your life. In doing the work, sometimes your limiting beliefs require paradigm shifts to get the work back on track. You may need to get out of your own way to let the work manifest. I say that to say that sometimes magick doesn’t work because you refuse to budge. You have to move so the magick can move. If you don’t, it can’t do its thing. That’s not the magick’s fault - it’s yours.
There are many mitigating factors in magick that dull its effectiveness, and troubleshooting it can be tough. You must be creative when things don’t go the way you planned, which is often.
azazel told me
you make your magick powerful or weak the choice is yours.
I was intrigued by your response to the OP in this thread. I know this is an old post but I figured I’d send you a comment anyways.
Are there any books that you recommend reading the that have truly given you the results you searched for after putting them to practice? Also are there any other entities you would recommend to work with.
@knowledgeseeker the person you replied to is no longer a member of this forum so you will not get a response.
Thx for heads up
I’d love to learn more about this experience you had
He went into it in more detail in the link below
Gremory is a bad ass!
When I was a child I would physically see demons. My parents said as a baby something was choking me but they physically couldn’t get to me for a moment. (Not sure why a demon would have tried to kill me but haha) At 5 years old I died and time of death was called yet I started breathing again and was revived. Spirits/ demons have helped me my entire life I physically have seen demons and spirits … I suppose I would be considered a medium. I have to be careful as when I get to upset terrible things happen to people, car accidents, deaths, etc. The upside is amazing things also happen, love, promotions etc. I believe alot of what people do on this forum is law of attraction but the spirit supernatural is very much real.
As far as sanity I work for the government. To be in my career I had to under go extensive psychological evaluations. I know its difficult to understand or even possible to want to except when so many ppl may not physically see something.
** looks like this is an old post but for some reason it popped up on the top of my feed so I thought it was new.
Yes, a lot of what you’re talking about is law of attraction, which are concepts taken from the Kybalion and other ancient books/literature. One person who had an account similar to you (he says he would think bad things, those things would happen) learned real quick to use his abilities to win lotto ;). And so he has. That’s how he primarily makes his money. He has a YT channel and everything explaining it, but it’s not super well-known. He makes money using his gift and is quite content. So, how powerful would YOU say magic is?
Do you happen to know his name or youtube I would like to connect with him as I haven’t been able to find anyone that understands how I am.
Hopefully i can help answer your question a little bit with some of my own experince’s I’ve had. Now, I grew up in a family that have a very deep connection with walking a medicine mans path. My grandfather was one and his before him as well as one of my uncle’s. So since I was young i’ve witnessed and been apart of some very powerful occurences that were extremely profound and powerful in their own right.
I’ve spoken with spirits to help guide me on healing people or removing curses that were placed on them by a jealous lover or someone that felt wronged by them for whatever reason it may have been. For a good part of my younger years i was apart of that path and the older i got the more i needed out of what i was doing so i choose a very different path then those before me and did an about face and started exploring different methods and avenues with my gifts or magic. I’ve chosen a darker path that suits me and my end goals to a better conclusion then before at the cost of certain relationships and so forth but in all the same it is worth it. Now, to answer your question i’ve summoned demons within the last year and a half to two years with great success and not it being an object of ones own imagination but right before my eyes and have spoken to them as i would speak to you.
I’ve also placed curses that i’ve had remarkable success with that i can’t elaborate on in more depth just because of the nature of the things that took place with said persons. I’ve needed and done money rituals that were extremely successful as well, and not $20 here and $50 there but a thousand on one occasion and $850 on another. They were very specific amounts i needed and received with in a week on one and three weeks on the other time. These are just a few examples that i can testify to as well as my wife for which she witnesssed first hand as well since she helps me in alot of my rituals and so forth when it comes to magic. There are no secrets within our relationship so she has been privy to almost all i have done within my path that i walk. Yes, studying and not lusting for results plays a huge part within this thing called magic we all are trying to master amd never truly will because there are so many paths to go down. Take your time and stick with whichever path suits you best and when you feel you may have a good grasp on it then explore other ones that you may feel a calling to. This is a very real thing that we do and can give you all you seek or take it all away my friend good luck in all your endeavours you may decide
Mark Haughton! Check him out.
Let’s just say that if it wasn’t for Magick, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I managed to break through, against very unlikely odds. What was interesting, is I remember people saying “I think she made a deal with the Devil.” I just snickered…
It’s real, I have no doubt.
what ritual did you do for the 4000?