Magick. How powerful is it REALLY?

Ok. I suffer from clinical severe depression and severe anxiety ddisorders and take meds and stuff. Is it dangerous to gamble with this things with these desieses?


Yes. They have feed off of those negative emotions. Wandering spirits specifically will be attracted to you during magic work, in my opinion. They aren’t too much of a problem as long as you do banishings and protections.


I also suffer from major depressive disorder and take meds. Personally I haven’t run into any problems. In fact the sense of empowerment I’ve achieved from my successes has done wonders for my self esteem and my depressive tendencies have subsided quite a bit.


Good. I feel the same.


I used to have the same stuff but one day I found out my sacral chakra was closed after I opened it I have never felt depressed since


How did you open it my man? And why do we feel sexual arousal if the stimulate the mulhahadra? I thought the sex center/chackra was the second one under the navel. The yellow one.

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Nope it’s the root


Hm, okej :thinking:

And me opening mine I have a friend that’s good with energy work but if you want… I figured out a way to do it on my own

But you have to be a vampire

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Steal energy?

Yup steal it from others and use it to force the chakra open

What happens to the people you steal from? Do they notice? Does it hurt?

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Unless they’re advanced in occult they won’t notice and the worst that can happen is that the get sleepy

Well they will instinctively look at you but won’t think about it alot


Ok. To master this would mean the world to me. Ive had these mental issues for about 10 frickin years now and it can get so bad that I lie paralized in bed without eating or sleeping. If the solution is just to open the crown chackra I would do everything to open it. Is there some book to buy or something?


I don’t know about a book but I learned on my own I mastered the energy vampirism technique and shoved the energy into my chakras it’s actually pretty simple


And you got your chakras messed up my friend there are 7 main ones from top to bottom is crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root there are thousands more but those are the main ones


Well if this is the problem and I succed with this then you sir might aswell saved my life. Not even joking.

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Work on opening all at once when you do you legitimately couldn’t care less about anything


Sometimes. It depends on the person. If you are trying to do a working with a sexual component (i.e. semen as an offering, charging a sigil with masturbation, sex magick, etc) SSRIs can really impede you. Also, obsession can be fatal when combined with mental illness, so try to be as balanced as possible, especially when dealing with the occult. In my personal experience, magick works better when your mind is level, but that does not mean you can’t do it at all. There are many a magician or witch out there that takes psyche meds and most are functioning just fine. Just know yourself, really. In terms of depression I found it helped me to address the roots of my troubles with magick worked into the overall approach, and it ultimately freed me from it. It took years, though. So, I would say magick made my mental health issues better, not worse. Individual results may vary.


Hey bro. Ran across your story. Its really rad. Is there a way you could P.M. me what you used to accomplish this? And also I feel you on the meds part. I gotta do that too. Just got put on lexapro.