Magical schools

So basically,I am a RHP practitioner. I have worked with angels,YHWH and catholic saints. I love ceremonial magick.

So I am interested in joining a magical school. I once considered amorc,but they practice mysticism and not magick(I stand to be corrected).

I want to evoke,converse with deities, spirits etc. I am not interested with working within(higher self in me,divine in me, consciousness etc). I am not interested in learning about the universe,of studying nature and the rest,but actually want to do magick and make things happen with interactions with spirits and deities OUTSIDE of me.

I want to become a student of a magical school that does practices similar to order of the golden dawn.

Your recommendations will be highly appreciated

Start with the angels of the Shemhamphorasch. Later on, if you feel confident, you can start the Goetia using Dr. Rudd method. Of course it’s not necessary to use Goetia, but they do help in some things more earthen. There’s also the Enochian Angels and the Omnipotence Angels

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I am allowed to mention that there are complete video courses available at the main site as E.A. Koetting’s courses are compatible with Golden Dawn philosophy although less Kabbalistic and less Solomonic they are evolutions of those philosophies

This forums’s own homegrown tutorials provide information free:

Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the first contact guides we have on here.

As mentioned above we could have spoken to currents but you seem aware of what type of magick you’re interested in.

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