Magic that can be done without privacy

Hi. That might sound like a strange question lol but do you know any effective methods involving magic that desn’t include using any equippment nor saying any words (like words of power etc)? Due to my situation I don’t have much privacy and I’d prefer not to tell people I live with that I do magic. So ideally something that I can do just in my head (like visualizing) without anybody noticing it. So for example: somebody is in a crowded place (like in an elevator) but wants to cast some spell/do some magick that will work for this person. Is that doable?


“All is mind.” - The Kybalion

You can just simply use visualization techniques. If you are familiar with mediation techniques (like Transcendental Mediation), you can think/recite a mantra inside your mind.

Use your hands (Make Gestures):

Use your phone. Put pictures and sigils on your phone:


Try book of Lucifer and Hidden Demons by Theodore Rose.
You can do all steps in your mind


Yes you could look into psychic command techniques.


pathworking.the best aproach for your situation.
lucifer and the hidden demons by Theodore Rose.
Goetia pathworking by corwin Hargrove and jareth tempest have also one book.


Thanks for all the responses!

I got especielly interested in psychic command techniques. I was able to find a pdf of Psychic Sexual Command (and despite the title, it’s not just about seducing, but generally influencing both yourself and others) and it’s an interesting read, but I’m wondering if that’s the resource you’d be recommending. And also, did you have any successes using psychic command techniques?

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Well yes, and there are two books available on kindle that I recently re-found, Psychic Seduction by Amargi Hillier, (although that book says it’s written by Psi Research Institute) and The Forbidden Parapsychology, by Jose M. Herrou Aragon.

Both for only about £3 each (UK) I think you may have found one in the series of books and articles from the author Hillier.

Yes I found those books and articles years ago and got totally absorbed in what they are saying. You are right, despite the title, sexual seduction is not all you can do with the techniques. Read the Parapsychology book as well, there’s all sorts of magick concepts explained in there too.

For anyone here, I think those books are a gold mine and surely, you must have noticed @anon97554939’s topics on mind manipulation techniques?


You should look into ‘psionics’ it’s magic that is done with only the mind and energy.


Look into ‘astral temple’


Thank you for other book recommendations! When it comes to the topic on this forum you mentioned, I’ve read it some time ago, but now I noticed there’s an updated technique in the OP, so I’m interested in giving this one a go. Do you think it’s okay to target just a random person (say, a friend on facebook) and see if this person texts me (otherwise she definitely wouldn’t text me, so I’ll be sure that technique worked)? Just for an experiment sake?

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Enchanted jewelry can come in handy; simply charge it by holding it in your hands while thinking or mumbling your statement.

Sigils also have practical uses when you think about it. You can create them, charge them, and then make doodles over them to cover them up, or you can choose to rip them, burn them if possible, or even throw them into a river.
Follow your intuitive feeling and do what you feel is necessary.


You can also tear them apart and throw them in the air letting them be carried by the wind, and there is also an option to bury them in the earth, now we have covered all 4 elements :smiley:

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Yes why not for practice but you might notice a difference in the way you go about it when you apply the technique on something or someone that is more important rather than a random.

Being focused is the thing and positioning your thoughts to be only in the positive for your goal, paying particular attention to the words any any imaginations you use. I find that with concentration, short little phrases come up, which I then use on repeat each time the goal comes to mind as I go through the day. This helps the recognition and cements the goal into a framework in the mind that is the work in progress.

The short little phrases and bits of recognitions link together to be part of the machine that makes things happen.
But it can take a lot of effort and time so I think you need to or should consider how accessible it is and how much you want that thing.
Yes you can get what you want and some things will absolutely amaze you at how and why it happened but how much effort, energy and time will you give to commit is the question for the goal.

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Hey @CovertCreator would a subliminal audio file also work or can it be used in addition? That way OP would be able to create a subliminal audio file that repeats and thus cements a certain hypnotic suggestion during the day. And because it’s subliminal it will not be noticeable by other people, which will help with staying under the radar.

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I would say use subliminals in addition, not instead of.
In other words, don’t be lazy and expect it to happen on it’s own. I could also say that a subliminal is no better than elevator music if you’re not prepared to actually function towards your goal.
With these techniques, you are actually tuning your subconscious to accept and create what you consciously decide using purely your own will rather than by just pushing the play button.

Sometimes, depending on the goal and how accessible you decide it is, sometimes it is so easy to get the results you want and you find yourself saying “yeah I knew that would happen”.


Exactly, I will contact the mods and ask if it’s okay to post a how-to-create-a-subliminal tutorial.

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It’s been posted about before with discussions on what software can be used, audio/visual, how to form the spoken sentences etc.

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Oki doki thanks

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Look it up and see if you can add something helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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I got 50+ hits on subliminal in the search.
Don’t know the specific thread you are referring to.

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50+ hits :rofl: yeah, that’s a fair bit of reading to do and I don’t remember which thread offhand either.

Happy reading :grin:

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